For Faculty and Staff

Faculty and staff have important roles in the success of an undergraduate medical education (UGME) program.
The Accreditation Oversight Committee (AOC) is comprised of faculty and staff with leadership roles that connect to undergraduate medical education. This committee will be tasked with collating information to complete the Data Collection Instrument (DCI). They will work with the accreditation leadership to review the accreditation process in preparation for meetings with the site visit team.
The Accreditation Review Committee (ARC), will form in early 2021, and will be comprised of representatives from medical school leadership, faculty, staff, and students. This committee will review all the documentation and data as well as prepare the medical school self-study (MSS). New members welcome! If you would like to be part of ARC, please contact one of the local accreditation leaders.

All faculty are expected to be familiar with pertinent policies and procedures of the medical school. The site visit team will meet with a representative sample of our faculty.
Staff in roles that connect to undergraduate medical education (Dean’s office, HS Library, HSIMS, UGME, Learner Well-Being and Successs, admissions) will be asked to provide information to complete the data collection instrument. They will meet with the accreditation leadership to review the accreditation process and prepare for their meetings with the site visit team.