What is CBME?

Competency Based Medical Education (CBME) is an off-shoot of Outcomes based education, where the focus is reoriented to specific outcomes, in this case a set of competencies instead of a time-based approach. There are several interpretations and manifestations of CBME around the world. In Canada, CBME has manifested within two frameworks: Triple-C and Competence By Design. Triple-C is the College of Family Physicians Canada (CFPC) CBME curriculum. CBD is the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (Royal College) CBME framework.
The Royal College’s CBD curriculum and assessment tools revolve around the concept of Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs)
The CFPC’s Triple-C curriculum revolves around a combination of the CanMEDS-FM roles, Evaluation Objectives and Domains of Clinical Care. Further information regarding the local implementation of Memorial’s Triple-C curriculum can be found here
Both frameworks of CBME allow for the integration of knowledge, skills and attitudes as a method of collecting evidence to determine if a resident in training is ready for independent practice.

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