Meet some of N.L.'s primary care providers and patients

May 16th, 2024

Kelly Foss

Mental and physical. Rural and urban. Disabled and abled. Birth and end of life.

A photojournalism project that touches on just some of the countless individual circumstances family care physicians tend to is highlighting the positive impacts of primary care.

Inspired by Humans of New York, Drs. Alicia Roy and Kristen Peckford interviewed patients, physicians and administrative staff across Newfoundland and Labrador, all of whom shared their life-changing experiences with the discipline.

Titled The Faces of Family Medicine, the project was part of a research assignment the pair did during their family medicine residencies in the Faculty of Medicine.

A major research project is a requirement of the Doctor of Medicine Degree Program at Memorial University.

Reigniting passion

The women chose the topic as a way to broaden the conversation about primary care in the media that they had been following.

“Family physicians have remained committed to their patients despite unprecedented primary care shortages,” said Dr. Peckford. “They have put everything aside to put their patients first. We wanted to showcase the impacts of family medicine on the people of this province and remind ourselves, and others, why we love it.”

The participants represent each region of the province and their personal stories are accompanied by a submitted photo.

Each agreed to share their stories publicly.

“When we interviewed them, you could see doctors, who had been feeling the weight of the world, reflect back and realize why they loved their job,” said Dr. Roy. “It helped reignite our passion. I hope by sharing it, we will shine a light on the great work that is being done in the field and perhaps ignite the passion of others.”

Check out the project here