University Policy


Space Management and Assignment Policy

Approval Date: 2023-11-02

Effective Date: 2023-11-02

Review Date: 2027-11-02


Space Committee



The research and educational programs of the Faculty of Medicine (FoM) are continually growing, resulting in increased demands for space. The Space Committee is responsible for all matters related to space management and the establishment of priorities for space assignment within the FoM. The need for new or reallocated space has required the Space Committee to establish rules and regulations for space assignment to maximize efficiency and to facilitate the optimal utilization of space. Appropriate collective agreements (e.g. MUNFA) and the principles of space provision as specified in the Memorial University of Newfoundland (Memorial) Space Standards and Guidelines  and the Memorial Space Policy are followed in all recommendations and decisions regarding space assignment.


To establish principles and procedures for the management and assignment of FoM space.


All space under the management of the FoM.


Administrator — Vice-Dean(s), Associate or Assistant Dean(s), Directors, Managers of a Unit; Discipline Chairs.

Private Office — An enclosed work space assigned to one (1) person.

Space Committee — A committee established by the Dean of Medicine to be responsible for all matters related to space management and the establishment of priorities for space assignment  within the Faculty of Medicine (FoM).

Space Committee Coordinator — An administrative staff member assigned by the Chair, Space Committee

Unit — A centre, office, discipline or division within the FoM.


1.0 General Considerations for Space Assignment 

1.1 FoM space is the under the management of the FoM. 

1.2 Space is assigned or adjusted: 

1.2.1 under the authority of the Space Committee;

1.2.2 based on the needs of the units and the availability of space; and, 

1.2.3 for a defined period of time. 

1.3 Assignment of space within a unit can be reviewed or altered when the needs of  the unit, or the FOM, change. 

1.4 Space shall be shared by various users, when appropriate, in an effort to avoid  unnecessary costs and the duplication of space, equipment and staff resources.

1.5 The allocation of private offices within FoM space must be pre-approved by the Space Committee.

1.5.1 The Space Committee normally does not permit faculty members to have more than one (1) private office space.

1.6 Staff members and graduate learners will be allocated work space at the discretion of the  administrator.

1.6.1 The type of workspace allocated will be based on the job function and available space.

1.6.2 If available, graduate learners will be provided work space in their supervisor’s lab, where appropriate.

1.6.3 Typically, learners enrolled in an educational program in the FoM are not eligible for a private office. In certain circumstances, the administrator will facilitate an accommodation process in line with the Accessibility for Students with Disabilities Policy.

1.7 Retiring faculty, honorary research professors, and professors emeriti may be eligible to receive space however, their space assignment cannot adversely affect the quantity or quality of space provided for non-retired faculty members.

1.7.1 The Space Committee will review and approve the space assignment of retiring faculty, honorary research professors, and professors emeriti annually.

1.8 The administrator can reallocate assigned space within their respective unit

1.8.1 It is the responsibility of the administrator to report changes in space allocation within their unit to the Facilities Coordinator. All space changes within a unit shall be brought to the Space Committee for information purposes.

1.9 All space assignment information shall be stored and maintained in a central inventory that is administered by Memorial’s Facilities Management as per the Procedure for Maintaining the Space Inventory.

2.0 Vacating Space

2.1 Retired/departing faculty without an appointment with the FoM will be given a grace period of up to three (3) months to vacate their space, at the discretion of their administrator.

2.2 When an assigned space is being vacated, all FoM owned equipment and furniture within the space is to remain in the custody of the FoM.

2.3 Users vacating laboratory space shall refer to the Research Laboratory Space Allocation Policy.

3.0 Appeal

3.1  Requestors can appeal a decision of the Space Committee in accordance with the Appeal Procedure for Space Committee Decision.

3.1.1 The Space Committee is responsible for ensuring a fair, equitable, and transparent appeals process.

Related Documents

Accessibility for Students with Disabilities Policy

FoM Lab Decommissioning Procedure

Memorial Space Standards and Guidelines

Memorial Space Policy

Procedure for Assigning Space for Retiring Faculty, Honorary Research Professors, and Professors Emeriti

Procedure for Displaying Posters

Space Appeal Procedure

Procedure for Maintaining the Space Inventory.

Research Laboratory Space Allocation Policy

Space Request Procedure


For inquiries related to this policy:

For further information regarding this policy, please contact the Policy Analyst at or the Policy Coordinator at


Space Committee



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