Travel Awards


1.  Full and part-time students may apply for graduate student awards for travel to meetings to present their research.

2.  The amount of the award will be up to a maximum of $450. 


1.  Awards may be available once to MSc students and twice to PhD students during the course of their studies and prior to submission of their thesis for examination.

2.  The student must be presenting at the meeting.

3.  Funds will be dispersed at the discretion of the Vice Dean of Research and Graduate Studies.

How to Apply

1.  Applications are to be made on the form:  "Graduate Student Travel Request" available in the Office of Research and Graduate Studies.

2.  The application form must have approval from the supervisor before it is submitted to the RGS Office. 

3.   Students must include confirmation that the student will be presenting at the meeting (usually an acceptance email).

Applications must be made prior to travel (it is recommeded 2-3 months prior).

Additional Sources of Funds for Travel

1.  The School of Graduate Studies (SGS) may provide $200-$400 for travel once in a MSc graduate student's program or twice in a PhD graduate student's program.

2.  The Graduate Student Union may provide $250 for travel once in a graduate student's program.

3.  Faculty may allocate their travel money towards the costs for students.