Faculty A-Z

Michael Parsons
Chair, Associate Professor Assistant Program Director, CCFP(EM) BSc, MD Memorial, CCFP(EM), FCFPEmergency Medicine
Discipline of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Cross-appointed, Discipline of Family Medicine Memorial University of Newfoundland 300 Prince Philip Drive | St. Johnâ€TMs, NL | A1B 3V6 Health Sciences Centre | Room 1829
Dr Parsons completed his undergraduate medical education in 2004 at Memorial University. He went on to complete his Family Medicine residency in 2006 and Special Competence in Emergency Medicine in 2007. He is currently a full-time ER physician at both St. Clare's Mercy Hospital and the Health Sciences Centre in St. John's, NL.
Since completing his CCFP(EM) training in 2007 Dr. Parsons has remained involved with the EM residency program. Currently, as Assistant Program Director, he continues to work on different ways to engage CCFP(EM) residents and ER staff in the Academic component of the EM program.
Dr. Parsons has attained Master Instructor status in PoCUS and is heavily involved in teaching a multidisciplinary Point of Care Ultrasound Program, and the Lines Course, for residents attending Memorial University.
For the past two years Dr. Parsons has been the Faculty Liaison for the Emergency Medicine Interest Group (EMIG).
In his spare time, he (poorly) plays the fiddle, guitar, bouzouki, mandolin and banjo.
Interim Chair
Discipline of Emergency Medicine
Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University
Assistant Program Director
Discipline of Family Medicine, CCFP(EM) program
Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University
2018 Fellowship in the College of Family Physicians of Canada (FCFP)
2007 Emergency Medicine Fellowship CCFP (EM), Memorial University
2018 Fellowship in the College of Family Physicians of Canada (FCFP)
2016 Emerging Investigator Award, RCPSC Simulation Summit
2015 The Research and Development Corporation (RDC) Ignite Grant
2012 Medical Education Scholarship Center (MESC) Forum- research presentation award- first runner-up
CAEP EM Educators: https://caep.ca/em-community/academic-section/education-committee/cpd_em_educators/#parsons
Simulation based medical education
Point-of-Care Ultrasound
Procedural Skills training
Electrocardiogram (ECG) teaching
Simulation, Mobile Tele-Simulation, Remote mentoring
Point-of-Care Ultrasound
Procedural skills training
Trad Music, Canoes, Kayaks, Running
Book Chapters
- Jewer J, Dubrowski A, Dunne C, Hoover K, Smith A, Parsons M. 2019 “Piloting a mobile-telesimulation unit to train rural and remote emergency health care providers” in Eds: Wickramasinghe N, and Bodendorf F. “Delivering Superior Health and Wellness Management with IoT and Analytics” Springer, New York- in preparation.
- Jong M, Wilson M, Renouf T, Parsons M. Point-of-Care Testing with Ultrasound. In: A Practical Guide to Point-of-Care Testing. Sheppard M (ed.): CSIRO Publishing, Clayton: AUS
Peer Reviewed
- Dunne C, Jewer J, Parsons M. Application of the Delphi method to refine key components in the iterative development of a mobile tele-simulation unit (MTU). May 2018. CAEP conference, P039. Calgary, AB. Available at: https://www.cureus.com/posters/1373
- Dunne C, Hansen D, Parsons M. Emergency Medicine Interest Group: Evaluation of a student led organization at Memorial University. May 2018. CAEP conference, P038. Calgary, AB. Available at: https://www.cureus.com/posters/1372
- Smith A, Parsons M, Renouf T, Boyd S, Rogers P. A mixed-methods evaluation of a multidisciplinary Point of Care Ultrasound program. Medical Teacher 2018 Apr 24: 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1080/0142159X.2018.1461202 [Epub ahead of print]
- Smith A, Addison R, Rogers P, Stone-McLean J, Hoover K, Boyd S, Pollard M, Dubrowski A, Parsons M. Remote mentoring of point of care ultrasound skills to inexperienced operators using Multiple Telemedicine Platforms- is a cellphone good enough? Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. 2018 Mar 25 2018 https://doi.org/10.1002/jum.14609 [Epub ahead of print].
- Dunne C, Jewer J, Dubrowski A, Parsons M. The iterative development and evaluation of a mobile tele-simulation unity by a multidisciplinary team using a mixed-methods approach: A summary of lessons learned. Feb 2018. MUN Medical Student Forum.
- Jewer J, Dubrowski A, Hoover K, Smith A, Parsons M (2018, January). Development of a Mobile Tele-Simulation Unit Prototype for Training of Rural and Remote Emergency Health Care Providers. In System Sciences (HICSS), 2018 51st Hawaii International Conference.
- Dunne CL, Parsons M. Management of cold water-induced hypothermia: A simulation scenario for Layperson training delivered via mobile tele-simulation unit. Cureus 2017 Dec; 9(12): e1990.doi:10.7759/cureus.1990.
- Wang S, Parsons M, Stone-McLean J, Rogers P, Boyd S, Hoover K, Meruvia-Pastor O, Gong M, Smith A. Augmented Reality as a Telemedicine Platform for Remote Procedural Training. Sensors 2017 Oct 10; 17(10), 2294; doi:10.3390/s17102294.
- Dunne C, Parsons M. Development of a training module for the management of immersion-induced hypothermia delivered via a mobile tele-simulation unit. World Conference on Drowning Prevention. October 2017. Vancouver, BC. Available at: https://www.cureus.com/posters/1296
- Smith A, Addison R, Rogers P, Stone-McLean J, Hoover K, Boyd S, Pollard M, Dubrowski A, Parsons M. Remote training of point of care ultrasound skills- is a cellphone ‘good enough’? 5th World Congress Ultrasound in Medical Education. October 2017. Montreal, QC.
- Wang S, Parsons M, Stone-McLean J, Rogers P, Boyd S, Hoover K, Meruvia-Pastor O, Gong M, Smith A. Augmented Reality as a Telemedicine Platform for Remote Procedural Training. 5th World Congress Ultrasound in Medical Education. October 2017. Montreal, QC.
- Doucet G, Ryan S, Bartellas M, Parsons M, Dubrowski A, Renouf T. Modeling and Manufacturing of a 3D Printed Trachea for Cricothyroidotomy Simulation. Cureus 2017 Aug; 9(8): e1575. Doi:10.7759/cureus.1575
- Renouf T, Parsons M, Francis L, et al. Emergency management of tension pneumothorax for health professionals on remote Cat Island Bahamas. Cureus 2017 June; 9(6): e1390. Doi:10.7759/cureus.1390
- Parsons MH, Smith A, Hoover KJ, Jewer J, Noseworthy S, Pollard M, Dunne C, Dubrowski A. Iterative prototype development of a mobile tele-simulation unit for remote training: An Update. CAEP conference, P100. June 2017. Whistler, BC. Available at: http://www.cureus.com/posters/1232
- Parsons M, Dunne C, Rogers P. Development and ongoing evaluation of procedural skills instruction sessions for core low-frequency high-stakes EM procedures. MESC conference, June 2017. Memorial University, St. John’s, NL. Available at: http://www.cureus.com/posters/1230
- Dunne C, Parsons M. A procedural skills training needs assessment for rural EM physicians in NL and perceptions on the use of remote tele-simulation to bridge the gap. MESC conference, June 2017. Memorial University, St. John’s, NL. Available at: http://www.cureus.com/posters/1228
- Smith S, Pollard M, Parsons M. A needs assessment to guide the development of multidisciplinary simulation-based modules relevant to emergency department nurses in NL. MESC conference, June 2017. Memorial University, St. John’s, NL. Available at: http://www.cureus.com/posters/1236
- Parsons M, Smith A, Rogers P, Hoover K, Pollard M, Dubrowski A. Outcomes of Prototype Development Cycle for a Mobile simulation lab with acute care telemedicine support- Work in Progress. 17th International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH Jan 2017), Orlando, FL. Poster & Oral Presentation.
- Parsons M, Pollard M. The iterative design and revision of an emergency medicine simulation book to meet the needs of a broader simulation-based medical education audience. RCPSC Simulation Summit, October 2016, St. John’s, NL. Available at: http://www.cureus.com/posters/1128
- Parsons MH, Wadden K, Pollard M, Dubrowski A, Smith A. Development and evaluation of a mobile simulation lab with acute care telemedicine support. CAEP conference, P098. June 2016. Quebec City, QC. Available at: http://www.cureus.com/posters/1076
- Parsons M. Development and qualitative evaluation of an emergency medicine simulation book to facilitate the use of simulation for our local EM program. CAEP conference, P099. June 2016. Quebec City, QC. Available at: http://www.cureus.com/posters/1055
- Addison R, Skinner T, Zhou F, Parsons M. Diabetic ketoacidosis: An emergency medicine simulation scenario. Cureus 2017 May; 9(5): e1286. Doi:10.7759/cureus.1286
- Micks T, Smith A, Parsons M, Locke T, Rogers P. Point of Care Ultrasonography Training for Rural Family Medicine Residents – it’s time has arrived. CJRM 2016 Winter; 21(1): 28-9.
- Parsons M, Wadden K, Pollard M, Dubrowski A, Smith A. Mobile Simulation Lab With Acute Care Tele-medicine Support. MESC conference, Dec 2015. Memorial University, St. John’s, NL. Available at: http://www.cureus.com/posters/1118
- Parsons, M. Development of an Emergency Medicine Simulation Book. MESC conference, Dec 2015. Memorial University, St. John’s, NL. Available at: http://www.cureus.com/posters/1075
- Parsons M, Dubrowski A, Alani S, Renouf T. Low-Fidelity Simulation for remote and low-resourced settings: A cricothyroidotomy (and bougie assisted) model. MESC conference, Dec 2015. Memorial University, St. John’s, NL. Available at: http://www.cureus.com/posters/1129
- Parsons M, Murphy J, Alani S, et al. Thermal Burns and Smoke Inhalation: A Simulation Session. Cureus 2015 Oct; 7(10): e360. doi:10.7759/cureus.360
- Dubrowski A, Renouf T, Smith A, Alani S, Parsons M, Hearn C, Brown R. A comparison of clinical skills performance on both stationary and moving platforms. 13th International Symposium on Maritime Health, Bergen June 23, 2015.
- Rogers P, Parsons M, Renouf T, Alani S, Dubrowski A. (March 20, 2015). The effectiveness of direct and timely feedback by faculty to learners is often challenged by faculty cognitive biases, time constraints and concerns about harming their relationship with the learner. CAEP Great Evidence in Medical education Summary (GEMeS) series. http://caep.ca/CAEPGEMeS#201503GEMeS.
- Renouf T, Parsons, M, Rogers P, Alani S, Dubrowski, A. (March 20, 2015). Tuckamore Innovation. CAEP Feature Education Innovations (FEI). CAEP. Retrieved from http://caep.ca/FeatureEducationInnovations#2015MarFEI
- Angus K, Parsons M, Cheeseman N et al. Asthma Exacerbation: An Emergency Medicine Simulation Scenario. Cureus 2015 Mar; 7(3): e258. doi:10.7759/cureus.258
- Black H, Renouf T, Parsons M, Rogers P, Dubrowski A. Pregnancy and Privacy in an Emergency Department: A Simulation Session. Cureus 2014 Oct; 6(10): e216. doi:10.7759/cureus.216
- Angus K, Parsons M, Dubrowski A. Heat Stroke: Emergency Medicine Simulation Scenario. Cureus 2014 May; 6(5): e178. doi:10.7759/cureus.178