Internal Program Transfer
Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME) recognizes there may be situations in which learners feel they are not enrolled in the residency training program which best meets their needs; therefore, learners may apply for an internal transfer with an effective start date of July 1.
To be considered for an internal transfer, learners must:
- complete and submit the Request for Transfer and Authorization of Release forms to the PGME office by January 31;
- meet with the PGME Associate Dean; and
- have successfully completed PGY 1 (13 blocks of training) before transferring.
Learners with a return-in-service contract are not eligible to apply, nor can learners transfer between streams in the Discipline of Family Medicine (e.g. transfer from the Eastern Stream to the Western Stream).
All transfer requests are held in confidence, and applicants are free to withdraw their application after the deadline.
Overall funding for residency positions is based on a number of factors, including the duration of training programs to which learners are matched; therefore, there are financial limitations on transfers to other programs.
In consultation with the Department Health and respective programs directors, requests are approved or denied based on applicant suitability, program training capacity, and available funding - programs are under no obligation to accept transfers.
Additional details are available in the Program Transfer policy.
CaRMS SECOND ITERATION In addition to internal transfers, learners are encouraged to apply for vacant positions through the second iteration of the CaRMS match; however, please note the following:
Complete information is available on the CaRMS website. |