Medicine celebrates research, teaching, service, community contributions

Aug 23rd, 2024

Kelly Foss

The Faculty of Medicine recently celebrated the research, teaching, service and community contributions of faculty and staff.

The biennial Dean’s Excellence Awards were presented on June 20, 2024, to seven individuals and one community organization.

“There has been an incredible amount of change in our province, country and around the globe in recent years,” said Dr. Rodney Russell, Medicine’s vice dean of Research and Graduate Studies. “That said, our excellence in medical education and research remained constant because of our devoted and committed individuals and teams.”

As a multidisciplinary research university, Memorial strives to make an impact locally, nationally and internationally. External research support for the Faculty of Medicine in 2022-2023 exceeded $17.4 million.

“This funding enabled outstanding research, enhanced our ability to develop new interventions and contributed significantly to advancing scientific knowledge and education,” said Dr. Russell. “It also provided support to undergraduate and graduate students, postgraduates and post-doctoral fellows, as well as highly qualified personnel and administrators.”

Awards were presented to junior and senior career faculty, both clinical and non-clinical, who have demonstrated recent exceptional contributions to their research and teaching. Non-academic staff were also recognized for their work and contributions that exceed the expectation of their positions.

Dr. Desai Shan

Dr. Dolores McKeen, dean of Medicine, with Dr. Desai Shan.

Dr. Desai Shan, an expert in maritime health and law, received the Junior Faculty Research Award (Non-clinical). A dedicated researcher in occupational health and safety (OHS), Dr. Shan has published more than 40 research articles, book chapters and research reports on Canadian and international seafarers’ rights to OHS. She has been awarded or co-awarded 17 research grants from international and Canadian funding agencies

Dr. Peter Wang

Dr. Dolores McKeen, dean of Medicine, with Dr. Peter Wang.

The Senior Faculty Research Award (Non-clinical) was presented to Dr. Peter Wang, an internationally recognized epidemiologist with significant contributions to cancer research, immigrant health and chronic disease studies. With a distinguished career spanning over two decades at Memorial University, Dr. Wang has made notable contributions to understanding the epidemiology of colorectal cancers. His innovative studies on lifestyle and dietary risk factors have influenced public health strategies, particularly in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Dr. Joannie Neveu

Dr. Dolores McKeen, dean of Medicine, with Dr. Joannie Neveu.

Dr. Joannie Neveu has been awarded the Junior Faculty Research Award (Clinical). Since 2019, she has served at the H. Bliss Murphy Cancer Centre in Newfoundland as a gynecologic oncologist and at Memorial University as the resident research director for the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and oversees the minimally invasive surgical curriculum. Her work includes development of a hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) program for ovarian cancer, evaluating the impact of virtual care on cancer diagnosis. She is currently piloting a project on the long-term outcomes and health expenditures for obese endometrial cancer patients undergoing combined bariatric and oncologic surgery.

Dr. Janna Andronowski

Dr. Dolores McKeen, dean of Medicine, with Dr. Janna Andronowski.

Dr. Janna Andronowski is the 2024 recipient of the Junior Faculty Teaching Award. An assistant professor of BioMedical Sciences, Dr. Andronowski is also the clinical anatomy curriculum content lead for the faculty’s Undergraduate Medical Education (UGME) program and the forensic anthropologist for the province.  Her research focuses on the high-resolution 3D imaging of bone microstructure and the study of bone adaptation, quality and fragility associated with substance use. Dr. Andronowski has made significant pedagogical contributions in curriculum development by restructuring all anatomy-specific lecture and lab content and assessments and hired and trained recruited faculty members and graduate teaching assistance to deliver it.

Dr. Gillian Sheppard

Dr. Dolores McKeen, dean of Medicine, with Dr. Gillian Sheppard.

The Senior Faculty Teaching Award was presented to Dr. Gillian Sheppard. Dr. Sheppard is an emergency physician at Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services and an associate professor of Emergency Medicine who is cross appointed to the Discipline of Pediatrics. She is a Diplomate of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada with an area of focused competence in point of care ultrasound and is the current education lead for the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians Emergency Ultrasound Committee. Dr. Sheppard is passionate about teaching point of care ultrasound to medical students, residents and practicing physicians.

Belles With Balls NL

Members of the community organization Belles with Balls, with Dr. Dolores McKeen, dean of Medicine.

The Community Member Health Champion Award was presented to Belles with Balls NL.

Created in 2018, this fundraising arm of the Ovarian Cancer Research Education fund at Memorial University raises money for ovarian cancer research and education – more than $560,000 to date.

Their donations have funded annual grants for Memorial researchers, master’s and PhD projects, and two dry labs where medical learners can practice minimally invasive surgery skills.

The Belles with Balls NL team includes co-chairs Bonnie Morgan and Alana Walsh-Giovannini, Kaitlyn Jarvis, Barbi King, Janice Ryan, Victoria Ryan, Karen Stapleton and Hayley Wilson.

Carla Peddle

Carla Peddle

Carla Peddle received the Service Award (Managerial). Ms. Peddle manages the Undergraduate Medical Education (UGME) portfolio, leading the exceptional team of professionals who are responsible for the delivery of the Doctor of Medicine (MD) program. She began her career at Memorial University in 2006, and has been working with the Faculty of Medicine since 2011. She is passionate about continuous quality improvement and ensuring that faculty, staff and learners have everything they need to achieve success in their respective piece of the medical educational puzzle.

Blair Brush

Dr. Dolores McKeen, dean of Medicine, with Blair Brush.

Blair Brush was awarded the Service Award (Administrative). Ms. Brush’s journey at Memorial began in 2009. In 2011 she became academic program assistant in the Discipline of Pediatrics and provided administrative support to third year medical students. In 2022 she transitioned to the role of academic program administrator, providing administrative support to 25 pediatric resident physicians. Ms. Brush contributions exemplify the qualities of organization, efficiency, and a genuine commitment to service excellence. Her impact on the pediatric residency program is immeasurable.