Faculty A-Z

Terry-Lynn Young

Professor, Discipline of Genetics Professor, Discipline of Genetics PhD (Memorial)

BioMedical Sciences

(709) 864-6512


Craig L. Dobbin Genetics Research Centre, Room: M5M329 Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University of Newfoundland St. Johnâ€TMs, NL Canada A1B 3V6

Top Canadian Honour 

Research Interests:

Current focus of my laboratory is on the molecular elucidation of inherited medical conditions including hearing loss, blindness, and disorders leading to sudden death. Interests extend to the use of founder populations (genetic isolates) to better understand the natural history of both inherited and complex diseases, and exploring the possible application of genomics to improve medical devices and services.



1994 – 2000: Ph.D. (Human Genetics), Memorial University

1999: Diploma in the Graduate Student Teaching Program, Memorial University

1985 – 1987: M.Sc. (Biology), Memorial University

1979 – 1983: B.Sc. Honours (Biology), Memorial University


Professional Experience:

2015 – present: Director, Genomics Research, Craig L. Dobbin Genetic Research Centre

2014 – present: Professor, Discipline of Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University

2014 – present:Adjunct Research Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences,Western University

2009 – 2014:Associate Professor, Discipline of Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University

2003 – present: Cross-Appointment, Division of Biomedical Sciences

2003 – present: Medical Scientist, Laboratory Medicine Program, Eastern Health

2003 – 2006: Cross-Appointment, NL Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation

2003 – 2009: Assistant Professor, Discipline of Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University

2000 – 2003: Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Genome Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, USA


Other Professional Experience:

2014 – present:Member, Governing Council, CIHR

2013 – present:Member, Gairdner Medical Review Panel

2010 – present: Director, Beatrice Hunter Cancer Research Institute

2009 – present:Director, Research and Development Corporation

2013 – 2014: Chair, Institute Advisory Board, Institute of Genetics, CIHR

2007 – 2014: Member, Institute Advisory Board, Institute of Genetics, CIHR

2009 – 2014: Scientific Officer, Peer Review Panel-Genetics, CIHR

2008 – present:Member, CIHR, Peer Review Panel-Genetics

2007: Investigator, gross scientific misconduct, appointed by MUN President


Division of Biomedical Sciences


Dr. Young is a molecular geneticist. Her first faculty position was taken up in the Faculty of Medicine in 2003, when she established a CFI-funded research laboratory dedicated to genetics/genomics research and translation of unmet, medically important diseases segregating in the Province's unique founder population. Notable discoveries include the finding of a novel gene causing a highly lethal form of cardiomyopathy in 24 extended NL families, due to a strong founder effect, and the first gene causing otosclerosis, a common form of conductive hearing loss.

Dr. Young's research has been continuously funded by grants from CIHR, Genome Canada, Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency and the Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI). She is a Co-PI on the infrastructure grant to build the Craig L. Dobbin Genetics Research Centre. She received The President's Award for Outstanding Research (Memorial University) and a Community Recognition Award (Advocacy) from the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association-NL for her research and translation efforts.

Dr. Young currently leads an interdisciplinary team exploring the ethic, economic, legal and social implications of inherited cardiomyopathies and the application of genomics to make better products and services for the hearing impaired.


Group members:

Justin Pater (PhD candidate)

Andrew Bullen (MSc candidate)

Cindy Penney (MSc candidate)

Tammy Benteau (PhD candidate, Research Assistant II)

Dante Galutria (Research Assistant II)

Jim Houston (Research Assistant II)

Anne Griffin (Research Associate-Audiologist)


Financial Support:

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

Genome Canada

Canadian Foundation for Innovation

Canadian Institutes of Health Research
