Faculty A-Z

Peizhong Peter Wang
Professor of Epidemiology MD, MPH (Tianjin Medical University), PhD (Toronto)Division of Population Health and Applied Health Sciences
Dr. Wang is a tenured professor (Epidemiology), Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN), Professor (status only) at DLSPH, University of Toronto, and Director, Centre for New Immigrants Wellbeing (CNIW). Dr. Wang graduated from Tianjin Medical University, China, and received his PhD in Epidemiology from the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto.
Dr. Wang has extensive research experience with broad interests including cancer epidemiology, arthritis and disability, immigrant health and quality of life, aging, health surveys, and epidemiological modeling. Among many recognitions, Dr. Wang received the Arthritis Society and CIHR Joint Fellowship Award, distinguished visiting professor award from Tianjin Government, and Science and Chinese National Technology Achievement Award. He has been a lead investigator or a co-investigator for more than 30 research grants that have been supported by various provincial, national, and international funding agencies. Dr. Wang is a reviewer for a number of funding agencies and academic journals; he has published more than 80 articles in peer reviewed scientific journals. In the past 5 years, Dr. Wang’s main research focus has been in epidemiology of colorectal cancer, and his research in this area has been well recognized internationally. He also holds a CIHR sponsored COVID-19 project as PI and a SSHRC COVID-19 project as co-investigator. In addition to his primary academic affiliation, Dr. Wang also holds academic appointments in other institutes.
Dr. Wang is committed to teaching and training future public health researchers and practitioners. He teaches both undergraduate and graduate classes at Memorial University of Newfoundland and Tianjin Medical University. The courses Dr. Wang has chaired or taught since 2005 include Introduction to Epidemiology (MED 6270), Advanced Epidemiology (MED 6275), Chronic Disease Epidemiology (MED 6274), Research Methods and Cancer Biology, and Epidemiology Methods I (CHL 5410, DLSPH). Dr. Wang has been a thesis supervisor or a supervisory committee member to more than 30 MSc or PhD students.
2002-2004: Postdoctoral Fellow, University Health Network, University of Toronto
1996-2003: Ph.D. in Epidemiology (major) and Biostatistics (minor), Dalla Lana School of Public Health (former Department of Public Health Sciences), University of Toronto, Canada
1996: The Medical Council of Canada Evaluating Examination (MCCEE) for graduates of international medical schools (Pass)
1991-1993: Post-doctorial Fellow, Department of Community Health and Epidemiology, College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan
1990-1991: Special student: Department of Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba, Canada
1983-1986: MSc., Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin, China
1978-1983: M.D., Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin, China
Teaching: Courses
- MED6270 Epidemiology I
- MED6274 Chronic Disease Epidemiology
- MED6275 Epidemiology II
- MED6395 (co-instructor) Genetic Epidemiology
- MED6580 (co-instructor) Biology of Cancer
- MED5730-001 Physician Competences I (Epidemiology Part)
- CHL5401H Epidemiology Methods I (co-instructor, University of Toronto)
Research Interests
- cancer epidemiology
- COVID-19
- arthritis and disability epidemiology
- immigrants health
- nutritional epidemiology
- statistics modeling
- hepatitis epidemiology
- quality of life
- survey methods
Other Relevant Positions
Professor (Status only), Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto
Visiting Professor, School of Public Health, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin, China
Visiting Professor, School of Public Health, Weifang Medical University, Shandong, China
Director, Centre for New Immigrants Wellbeing (CNIW), www.cniw.org, info@cniw.org,
On-going and Recent Research Projects
Wang PP, Fangli Xie, Ying Cao. Let COVID Vaccine Protect Us and Our Community,
Vaccine Community Innovation Challenge Grant, Public Health Agency of Canada, $10,000, June 2021-September 2021.
Wang PP, Yang L, Cao Y. We Care for Seniors’ Mental Health, Employment and Social Development Canada: New Horizons for Seniors Program. $25,000, April 2021-March 2022.
Zhang WG, LX Yang, Wang PP, Wei XL. Promoting Volunteerism in Chinese Communities in the Covid-19 and post-COVID-19 Era, Social Science and Human Research Council (SSHRC), $24,999, Sept 2021- August 2022.
Wang PP, Yang, L. Cao Y. Providing support to Asian Community experiencing racism and xenophobia as a result of the pandemic, Government of Canada’s Emergency Community Support Fund led by Employment and Social Development Canada, the Canadian Red Cross Society (Community Grant), $71,286, June-December, 2020.
Wang PP, Yang, L. Cao. Building Intergenerational connections among Chinese in Canada amid the COVID-19 Pandemic, Government of Canada’s Emergency Community Support Fund led by Employment and Social Development Canada, the Canadian Red Cross Society, $90,470, June-December, 2020.
Christian SL (PI), Johnston MR, Thoms J, Lewis SM, Reiman T, Urquhart R, Croul SE, Gaston D, Belbin T, Laing K, Drover S, Johnston G, Savas S, Wang PP (sub-project co-lead), Development of an integrated foundation for precision medicine for the Atlantic Region with a focus on Colorectal Cancer and Lung cancer, Terry Fox Research Institute Marathon of Hope Pilot Project, 2020-2023,$3,736,946.(approved)
Wang PP, Yang LX, Zhang WG, Wei XL. Mobilizing the Chinese Immigrant Community and Battling the Potential COVID-19 outbreak in the Greater Toronto Area: Gathering essential information, creating a mutual support quarantine network and assessing psychological impacts, CIHR Operating Grant, 2020-2022, $299,200.
Asghari S, Allison, Jill D; Araee, Mehdee; Aubrey-Bassler, F. Kris; Bodaghkhani, Elnaz; Etchegary, Holly; Gadag, Veerabhadra G; Ghaderi, Gelareh; Godwin, Marshall S; Hains, Deana L; Heeley, Thomas; Jewer, Jennifer; Knight, John C; MacLellan, Cameron; Mariathas, Hensley H; Mccrate, Farah R; Nguyen, Van Hai; Rourke, James (Jim); Smith, Andrew; Stringer, Katherine C; Wang, Peizhong P; Wilson, Brenda J. SurgeCon: An Emergency Department Surge Management Platform. CIHR Operating Grant SPOR, 2019-2023, $2,400,000.
Shabnam Asghari et al (PI) and others (as one of the co-investigators): SurgeCon: An Emergency Department Surge Management Platform. CIHR Operating Grant SPOR (Pilot study), 2018-2019, $100,000.
Wang PP (PI), Allison D: A school based dental cavity prevention program in Newfoundland and Labrador (NL): A pilot study. Memorial University of Newfoundland Seed Grant. $10,000, 2018-2019.
Wang PP, Aubrey K. Roebothan B, Yi Y, Etchegary H, and Shabnam Asghari. Prevention of Colorectal Cancer with Lifestyle Modifications bridging research, health awareness and practice in Newfoundland and Labrador, $30,000, 2016-2018.
Yi YQ, Sun G, Wang PP, Traverso M, and Allison J. Long-term food insecurity and obesity in Newfoundland, Faculty of Medicine (seed grant), $10,000, 2015-2016.
Gao ZW, Wang PP, Woodrow J: A crippling cost? The burden of Osteoarthritis on the community and health care system of Newfoundland and Labrador: Rural versus urban residents, $20,000, Faculty of Medicine, Dean’s Innovation Funds, 2015-2016.
Selected Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals (past 10-years)
- Kong J, Shaver LG, Shi F. Yang L, Zhang W. Wei X, Zhu Y, Wang Y, Wang PP. (PI and corresponding author)Attitudes of Chinese immigrants in Canada towards the use of Traditional Chinese Medicine for prevention and management of COVID-19: a Cross-sectional Survey during the Early Stage of the Pandemic. BMJ Open 2021 (forthcoming).
- Needle, R., Gilbert, L., Zahariadis, G., Yu, Y., Dalton-Kenny, H., Russell, R.S., Wang, P., Donovan, C., Hookey, S., and Jiao, L. (2021). Serological Evaluation of Human Antibodies of the Immunoglobulin Class A and G Against SARS-CoV-2 in Serum Collected in Newfoundland and Labrador. Viral Immunol 34, 182-189.
- Ratnam, S., Jang, D., Gilbert, L., Alaghehbandan, R., Schell, M., Needle, R., Ecobichon-Morris, A., Wang, P.P., Rahman, M., Costescu, D., et al. (2020). CINtec PLUS and cobas HPV testing for triaging Canadian women referred to colposcopy with a history of low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion: Baseline findings. Papillomavirus Res 10, 100206.
- Shi, F., Shaver, L.G., Kong, Y., Yi, Y., Aubrey-Bassler, K., Asghari, S., Etchegary, H., Adefemi, K., and Wang, P.P. (PI and corresponding author) (2020). Sociodemographics and their impacts on risk factor awareness and beliefs about cancer and screening: results from a cross-sectional study in Newfoundland and Labrador. BMC Public Health 20, 1513.
- Chen, W., Jiang, J., Wang, P.P., Gong, L., Chen, J., Du, W., Bi, K., and Diao, H. (2019a). Identifying Hepatocellular Carcinoma Driver Genes by Integrative Pathway Crosstalk and Protein Interaction Network. DNA Cell Biol 38, 1112-1124.
- Chen, W., Zhuang, J., Wang, P.P., Jiang, J., Lin, C., Zeng, P., Liang, Y., Zhang, X., Dai, Y., and Diao, H. (2019b). DNA methylation-based classification and identification of renal cell carcinoma prognosis-subgroups. Cancer Cell Int 19, 185.
- Shaver, L.G., Khawer, A., Yi, Y., Aubrey-Bassler, K., Etchegary, H., Roebothan, B., Asghari, S., and Wang, P.P. (PI and corresponding author). (2019). Using Facebook Advertising to Recruit Representative Samples: Feasibility Assessment of a Cross-Sectional Survey. J Med Internet Res 21, e14021
- Aubrey-Bassler FK, Cullen RM, Simms A, Asghari S1, Crane J, Wang PP, Godwin M1. Population-based cohort study of hospital delivery volume, geographic accessibility, and obstetric outcomes. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2019 Jul;146(1):95-102. doi: 10.1002/ijgo.12832.
- Sharma I, Roebothan B, Mulay S, Zhu Y, Shivappa N. and Wang PP (PI and corresponding author). Hypothesis and Data-Driven Dietary patterns and Colorectal Cancer Survival: Findings from Newfoundland and Labrador Colorectal Cancer Cohort, Nutr J 2018, 17(1):55. doi: 10.1186/s12937-018-0362-x.
- Zhu Y, Wang PP (PI and corresponding author), Zhai GJ, Bapat B, Savas S, Woodrow J, Campbell P, Li YM, Yang N, Zhou X, Dicks E, Mclaughlin JR and Parfrey P. Association of rs2282679 A>C polymorphism in vitamin D binding protein gene with colorectal cancer risk and survival: effect modification by dietary vitamin D intake, BMC Cancer 2018. 18(1):155. doi: 10.1186/s12885-018-4026-1.
- Wang M, Yi Y,B. Colbourne J, Maddalena V, Sun G, Wang P.Trajectories of Body Mass Index among Canadian Seniors and Associated Mortality Risk, BMC Public Health. BMC Public Health 2017,17:929.
- Zhu Y, Wang PP (PI and corresponding author), Zhai G, Bapat B, Savas S, Woodrow JR, et al. Vitamin D receptor and calcium-sensing receptor polymorphisms and colorectal cancer survival in the Newfoundland population. Br J Cancer 2017,117:898-906.
- Sharma I, Zhu Y, Woodrow JR, Mulay S, Parfrey PS, McLaughlin JR, and corresponding author) Inflammatory diet and risk for colorectal cancer: A population-based case-control study in Newfoundland, Canada. Nutrition 2017,42:69-74.
- An R, Wang PP: Length of stay, hospitalization cost, and in-hospital mortality in US adult inpatients with immune thrombocytopenic purpura, 2006-2012. Vascular health and risk management 2017, 13:15-21.
- Zhou X, Liu XL, Ji WJ, Liu JX, Guo ZZ, Ren D, Ma YQ, Zeng S, Xu ZW, Li HX, Wang PP, Zhang Z, Li YM, Benefield BC, Zawada AM, Thorp EB, Lee DC, Heine GH.Medicine (Baltimore). 2016 May;95(18):e3466. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000003466. PMID: 27149446
- Zhou X, Niu JM, Ji WJ, Zhang Z, Wang PP, Ling XF, Li YM: Precision test for precision medicine: opportunities, challenges and perspectives regarding pre-eclampsia as an intervention window for future cardiovascular disease. American journal of translational research 2016, 8:1920-34.
- Zhou X, Liu XL, Ji WJ, Liu JX, Guo ZZ, Ren D, Ma YQ, Zeng S, Xu ZW, Li HX, Wang PP, Zhang Z, Li YM, Benefield BC, Zawada AM, Thorp EB, Lee DC, Heine GH: The Kinetics of Circulating Monocyte Subsets and Monocyte-Platelet Aggregates in the Acute Phase of ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction: Associations with 2-Year Cardiovascular Events. Medicine 2016, 95:e3466.
- Lei Q, Zhou X, Zhou YH, Mai CY, Hou MM, Lv LJ, Duan DM, Wen JY, Lin XH, Wang PP, Ling XB, Li YM, Niu JM: Prehypertension During Normotensive Pregnancy and Postpartum Clustering of Cardiometabolic Risk Factors: A Prospective Cohort Study. Hypertension 2016, 68:455-63.
- Ji WJ, Ma YQ, Zhang X, Zhang L, Zhang YD, Su CC, Xiang GA, Zhang MP, Lin ZC, Wei LQ, Wang PP, Zhang Z, Li YM, Zhou X: Inflammatory monocyte/macrophage modulation by liposome-entrapped spironolactone ameliorates acute lung injury in mice. Nanomedicine 2016, 11:1393-406.
- Cui T, Wang PP, Liu S, Zhang X. P300 amplitude and latency in autism spectrum disorder: a meta-analysis. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2017,26:177-190.
- Wang M, Yi Yanqing, Roebothan B, Colbourne J, Maddalena V,Sun G, Wang PP.Body Mass Index Trajectories among Middle-Aged and elderly Canadians and Associated Health Outcomes.J Environ Public Health,
- Wang, M., Yi, Y., Roebothan, B., Colbourne, J., Maddalena, V., Wang, P.P., and Sun, G. (2016). Body Mass Index Trajectories among Middle-Aged and Elderly Canadians and Associated Health Outcomes. J Environ Public Health 2016, 7014857.
- Chen, Z. Wang PP (PI and corresponding author), Shi L, Zhu Y, Liu L, Gao Z, Woodrow J, Roebothan B. Comparison in dietary patterns derived for the Canadian Newfoundland and Labrador population through two time-separated studies. Nutr J, 2015. 14(1): p. 75.
- Aubrey-Bassler K, Cullen RM, Simms A, Asghari S, Crane J, Wang PP, Godwin M: Outcomes of deliveries by family physicians or obstetricians: a population-based cohort study using an instrumental variable. CMAJ 2015.
- Chen Z, Liu L, Roebothan B, Ryan A, Colbourne J, Baker N, Wang P (PI and corresponding author). Four major dietary patterns identified for a target-population of adults residing in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. BMC Public Health 2015,15:69.
- Chen Z, Wang PP (PI and corresponding author), Woodrow J, Zhu Y, Roebothan B, McLaughlin JR, et al. Dietary patterns and colorectal cancer: results from a Canadian population-based study. Nutr J. 2015;14(1):8
- Yan J, Liu L, Zhu Y, Huang G, Wang PP (PI and corresponding author). The association between breastfeeding and childhood obesity: a meta-analysis. BMC Public Health. 2014;14(1):1267.
- Zhang LW, Chen X, Xue XD, Sun M, Han B, Li CP, Ma J, Yu H, Sun ZR, Zhao LJ, Zhao BX, Liu YM, Chen J, Wang PP, Bai ZP, Tang NJ: Long-term exposure to high particulate matter pollution and cardiovascular mortality: a 12-year cohort study in four cities in northern China. Environment international 2014, 62:41-7.
- Roche, MM and Wang PP (Ph.D. supervisor), Factors Associated with a Diabetes Diagnosis and Late Diabetes Diagnosis for Males and Females. J Clin Transl Endocrinol, 2014. 1:77-84.
- Yan J, Liu L, Roebothan B, Ryan A, Chen Z, Yi Y, Wang PP (PI and corresponding author). A preliminary investigation into diet adequacy in senior residents of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health 2014:14:302.
- Zhu Y, Yang SR, Wang PP (PI and corresponding author), Savas S, Wish T, Zhao J, Green R, Woods M, Sun Z, Roebothan B, Squires J, Buehler S, Dicks E, Zhao J, McLaughlin JR, Parfrey PS, Campbell PT. Influence of pre-diagnostic cigarette smoking on colorectal cancer survival: overall and by tumour molecular phenotype. Br J Cancer. 2014; 110:1359-66.
- Zhu Y, Wang PP (PI and corresponding author), Green R, Sun ZY, Roebothan B, Squires J, Buehler S, Dicks E, Zhao JH, Cotterchio M, Campbell PT, Jain M, Parfrey PS, Mclaughlin. Dietary N-nitrososo compounds and risk of colorectal cancer: a case-control study in Newfoundland and Labrador and Ontario, Canada. Br J Nutr; 2013;111:1109-17.
- Liu F, Loucks-Atkinson A, Wang PP (PI and corresponding author). Smoking and drinking patterns in adult Canadians with physical disabilities: Analyses of 2001 Participation and Activity Limitation Survey (PI and corresponding author). BMC Res Notes. 2013 6(1):218.
- Roche MM, Wang PP (Supervisor): Sex differences in all-cause and cardiovascular mortality, hospitalization for individuals with and without diabetes, and patients with diabetes diagnosed early and late. Diabetes Care 2013, 36:2582-90.
- Liu L, Wang PP (PI and corresponding author), Roebothan B, Ryan A, Tucker CS, Colbourne J, Baker N, Cotterchio M, Yi Y, and Sun G. Assessing the validity of a self-administered food-frequency questionnaire (FFQ) in the adult population of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Nutr J 2013;12:49.
- Zhu Y, Wu H, Wang PP (PI and corresponding author), Savas S, Woodrow J, Wish T, Jin R, Green R, Woods M, Roebothan B, et al. Dietary patterns and colorectal cancer recurrence and survival: a cohort study. BMJ Open 2013:3(2).
- Colbourne J, Baker N, Wang PP (PI), Liu L, Tucker C, Roebothan B. Should the Fortification of Foods with B Vitamins be Revisited? A pilot study to estimate the adequacy of recent intakes of niacin, folate and vitamin B12 from foods by a sample of adults residing in Newfoundland and Labrador. Can J Diet Pract Res 2013;74:63-8.
- Xie J, Ross A, Wang J, Maddalena V, Wu H, Wang PP (PI). The Volunteer Experience of Chinese Immigrants in Canada. The International Journal of Volunteer Administration 2012; 29(2):1-19
- Zhao J, Zhu Y, Wang PP (PI and corresponding author), West R, Buehler S, Sun Z, Squires J, Roebothan B, McLaughlin JR, Campbell PT, et al. Interaction between alcohol drinking and obesity in relation to colorectal cancer risk: a case-control study in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. BMC Public Health 2012:12:94.
- Sun Z, Liu L, Wang PP (PI and corresponding author), Roebothan B, Zhao J, Dicks E, Cotterchio M, Buehler S, Campbell PT, McLaughlin JR, et al. Association of total energy intake and macronutrient consumption with colorectal cancer risk: results from a large population-based case-control study in Newfoundland and Labrador and Ontario, Canada. Nutr J 2012:11(1):18.
- Sikdar KC, Dowden J, Alaghehbandan R, Macdonald D, Wang PP, Gadag V. Adverse drug reactions in elderly hospitalized patients: a 12-year population-based retrospective cohort study. Ann Pharmacother 2012:46(7-8):960-971.
- Sang Z, Wang PP, Yao Z, Shen J, Halfyard B, Tan L, Zhao N, Wu Y, Gao S, Tan J, et al. Exploration of the safe upper level of iodine intake in euthyroid Chinese adults: a randomized double-blind trial. Am J Clin Nutr 2012:95(2):367-373.
- Rawson JB, Sun Z, Dicks E, Daftary D, Parfrey PS, Green RC, Gallinger S, McLaughlin JR, Wang PP, Knight JA, et al. Vitamin D Intake Is Negatively Associated with Promoter Methylation of the Wnt Antagonist Gene DKK1 in a Large Group of Colorectal Cancer Patients. Nutr Cancer 2012:32:687-696.
- Liu JJ, Zhang S, Hao X, Xie J, Zhao J, Wang J, Liu L, Wang PP (PI and corresponding author), Zhang J. Breast-conserving therapy versus modified radical mastectomy: socioeconomic status determines who receives what--results from case-control study in Tianjin, China. Cancer Epidemiol 2012:36(1):89-93.
- Sun Z, Zhu Y, Wang PP (PI and corresponding author), Roebothan B, Zhao J, Dicks E, Cotterchio M, Buehler S, Campbell PT, McLaughlin JR, Parfrey PS. Reported Intake of Selected Micronutrients and Risk of Colorectal Cancer: Results from a Large Population-based Case-control Study in Newfoundland, Labrador and Ontario, Canada. Anticancer Res 2012:32:687-696.
- Sun ZY, Wang PP (PI and corresponding author), Roebothan B, Zhao J, Zhu Y, Cotterchio M, Green R, Buehler S, Zhao J, Squires, J, Zhao J, Dicks E, Campbell PT, Mclaughlin J, Parfrey J. Calcium and Vitamin D and risk of Colorectal Cancer: results from a large population-based case-control study in Newfoundland and Labrador and Ontario. Can J Public Health 2011;102:382-389. (PI and corresponding author)
- Wang J, Liu F, Wang PP (PI). Analysis of lifestyles and the associated factors among Asian immigrants in Canada. Chin J Prev Contr Chron Dis 2011;19:141-144.
- Qi XY, Sun J, Wang J, Wang PP, Jia ZL, Wu TY, Wang JH, Murphy M, Xu WL.
- Latent autoimmune diabetes and the associated factors – a population based epidemiological study in China. Diabetes Care 2011:34:66-70.
- Myles A, Mugford G, Zhao J, Krahn M, Wang PP (PI and corresponding author). Physicians’ attitudes and practice towards treating injection drug users with hepatitis C – results from a national specialist survey in Canada. Can J Gastroenterol 2011;25:135-139. (PI and corresponding author)
- Li W, Chen KX, Halfyard B, Li HX, Qian BY, Wang PP (PI and corresponding author). Validation Study of the Chinese version of the Illness Intrusiveness Ratings Scale. J Psychosom Res 2011;70:67-72.
- Zhao JH, Halfyard B, West R, Buehler S, Roebothan B, Sun ZY, Cotterchio M, Younghusband B, Squires J, McLaughlin J, Parfrey P, Wang PP (PI and corresponding author). Tobacco Smoking and Colorectal Cancer: A population-based Case-Control Study in Newfoundland and Labrador. Can J Public Health 2010;101:281-289.
- Sikdar KC, Wang PP, MacDonald D, Gadag V. Diabetes and Its Impact on Health-related Quality of Life: A Life Table Analysis. Qual Life Res 2010;19:781-7. (major contribution)
- Squires J, Roebothan B, Buehler S, Sun ZY, Cotterchio M, Younghusband B, Dicks E, Mclaughlin J, Parfrey J, Wang PP (PI and corresponding author). Pickled meat consumption and colorectal cancer (CRC): A case-control study in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Cancer Causes and Control 2010;21:1513-21.
- Sun Z, Xiong H, Kearney A, Zhang J, Liu W, Huang GW, Wang PP (PI and corresponding author). Breast cancer screening among Asian immigrant women in Canada. Cancer Epidemiol 2010;34(1):73-8.
- Xiong H, Mathews M, Gadag V, Murphy D, Wang PP (PI and corresponding author). Cervical Cancer Screening Among Asian Immigrant and Non-Immigrant Women in Canada. Am J Health Behav 2010;34:131-143.