Faculty A-Z

James Valcour
Associate Professor of Epidemiology BSc, MSc, PhD (Guelph)Division of Population Health and Applied Health Sciences
- MED6270 – Introduction to Epidemiology
- MED6275 – Epidemiology II
- MED6710 – MPH Practicum
- Epidemiology in the undergraduate medical education program
Research Interests:
- Infectious Diseases
- Zoonotic Diseases
- Spatial Analysis/Geographic Information Systems
- Environmental Epidemiology
- Climate Change
- Exposure Assessment
- Aboriginal Health
- One Health
Current and Completed Research Projects:
James Valcour, Kapil Tahlan. The prevalence of MRSA and MRSP in dogs and dog owners in Newfoundland and Labrador and the relationship between dog ownership and human isolation. $10,000. Seed, Bridge and Multidisciplinary Fund (2017-2018).
Shabnam Asghari, Marshall Godwin, Alvin Simms, James Valcour, Kris Aubrey, Saeed Samet, John Knight, Douglas Howse. Digital Epidemiology Chronic Disease Tool: Visualizing Health Data for Decision Making in NL. $45,000. Medical Research Endowment Fund: Dean Rouke Innovation Grant (2015-2016).
Peizhong Wang, Roger Green, Sevtap Savas, James Valcour. Exploring causal association between smoking, alcohol consumption, and colorectal cancer in Newfoundland. $20,000. Medical Research (2014-2016).
Kovacs, Chris, Gerry Mugford, Janine Woodrow, James Valcour, Sandra Cooke- Hubley, Beth Kirby, Minnie Parsons, Bernadette Rowe. FABB - Pilot: Factors Affecting Bone Formation after Breastfeeding – Pilot Study. $45,000 . Medical Research Endowment Fund: Dean's Innovation Research Development Grant (2014-2016).
Donna Bulman, Margaret Dykeman, Jo-Ann MacDonald, Zack Marshall, James Valcour. Shifting sands and rising tides: Toward an understanding of the sexual health and
related health care risks and needs of migratory workers. $25,000. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) - Planning Grant Total Funding (2013–2014).
Shabnam Asghari,
Alvin Simms, Marshall Godwin, Kris Aubrey-Bassler,
Kayla Collins, James Valcour. Exploring the Feasibility and Process of Establishing an Online Spatio- Temporal Information System for Age-Related Chronic Disease in Newfoundland. Newfoundland Centre for Applied Health Research Years. (2011-2013).
James Valcour , Alvin Simms, Cathy Donovan, David Allison, Gerard Gibbons, Ann Ryan. Public Health GIS: Mapping Public Health for the Future. $59,906. Research and Development Corporation (RDC) - Ignite R&D (2011–2014).
Atanu Sarkar, James Valcour, Mano Krishnapillai. A Study of Groundwater Quality of Private Wells in Western Newfoundland Communities.
$15,000 Memorial University of Newfoundland - Harris Centre RBC Water Research and Outreach Fund (2011–2012).
Atanu Sarkar, Mano Krishnapillai, James Valcour, B. Scott, J. Finnis. Multiple Environmental Stressors Contaminating Water and Food Chain: An Exploratory Study Assessing Human Health Risk in the Humber River Basin. $10,000. (2011-2012).
James Valcour, Debbie Martin, Julie Bull. Labrador Metis Community Health Needs Assessment. $266,000. Health Canada - Aboriginal Health Transfer Fund (2009-2011).
Select Publications:
See Google Scholar for full list of publications.
Waseem, A., Twells, L., Valcour, J., Gamble, J.M. (2017). The Association Between Diabetes Mellitus and Incident Infections: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis Of Observational Studies. BMC Open Diabetes Research and Care. (In Press)
Giles, M., Schiff, R., Valcour, J. (2016). Impact of an HIV education program for youth in Southern Inuit communities. Canadian Journal of Native Studies. (In Press)
Cooke-Hubley SM, Kirby B, Wells C, Mugford G, Valcour J, Adachi J, Kovacs C. (2016). A 5% increase in trabecular (spine) bone density occurs in the first six months after weaning (Factors Affecting Bone Formation after Breastfeeding Pilot Study [FABB- Pilot]). Canadian Journal of Diabetes. 40(5): S2.
Valcour, J. E., Charron, D. F., Berke, O., Wilson, J. B., Edge, T., & Waltner-Toews, D. (2016). A descriptive analysis of the spatio-temporal distribution of enteric diseases in New Brunswick, Canada. BMC public health, 16(1), 1.
Pollock, N. J., Mulay, S., Valcour, J., & Jong, M. (2016). Suicide rates in Aboriginal communities in Labrador, Canada. American journal of public health, 106(7), 1309-1315.
Curran V, Fleet L, White S, Bessell C, Deshpandey A, Drover A, Hayward M, Valcour J. (2015). A randomized controlled study of manikin simulator fidelity on neonatal resuscitation program learning outcomes. Advances in Health Sciences Education: Theory and Practice. 20(1): 205-218.
Cooke-Hubley SM, Valcour J, Kovacs CS, Drover A. (2014). Broadening the lens: university students and breastfeeding attitudes. Breastfeeding Medicine. 9(5): 273-274.
Martin, D.H., Valcour, J.E., Bull, J.R., Graham, J.R., Paul, M., and Wall, D. “NunatuKavut Community Health Needs Assessment: A Community-Based Research Project.” NunatuKavut Community Council Inc. (2012)
Valcour, J.E., Michel, P., McEwen, S.A., Wilson, J.B. Associations between indicators of livestock farming intensity and incidence of human Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli infection. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2002; 8(3): 252-257.