Faculty A-Z

Martha Traverso-Yepez
Honorary Research Professor PhD (Universidad Complutense, Madrid)
709 864-6086
Community Health and Humanities Faculty of Medicine, M4M134 Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John’s, NL Canada, A1B 3V6
709 864-6086
Community Health and Humanities Faculty of Medicine, M4M134 Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John’s, NL Canada, A1B 3V6
- MED6723 Health Promotion - Online and Face to Face (separate offers)
- MED6225 Health Inequities and Social Determinants of Health (online)
- Directed Readings in Health Promotion and Social Determinants of Health
Research Interests
Areas of Research: children and youth health and wellbeing, maternal health and well-being, social resilience and relational well-being, community-based research
Research Projects
Engaging Mothers to Make Mental Health a Critical Item in Primary Health Care Assessment.
Martha Traverso-Yepez (PI), Caroline Porr (Co-PI), Ann Drover, Brenda Oldford, Roger Chafe, Clare Bessell, Barbara Young, Newfoundland and Labrador SUPPORT (Support for People and Patient Oriented Research and Trials) – CIHR Grant Program. $62,809. Period: 2017/10-2019/01
The effectiveness of wraparound supports for young mothers experiencing at risk environments. Roger Chafe, Martha Traverso-Yepez, Jill Allison. Funding: Janeway Foundation ($15,000). Period: 2016/8 – 2018/8
Framing Preventive Measures for Children’s Adverse Experiences.
Martha Traverso-Yepez (PI), Sandra Luscombe, Leslie Rourke. Funding Agency: Janeway Foundation. Amount: $15,000. Period: 2013-2016
Martha Traverso-Yepez (PI), Sandra Luscombe, Leslie Rourke. Funding Agency: Janeway Foundation. Amount: $15,000. Period: 2013-2016
A Study of Food Security among Elderly Population and Single Parents in St. John’s: Atanu Sarkar, Martha Traverso-Yepez, Veresh Gadag. Funding: Harris Centre ($ 15,000). Period (2013/12-2015)
Public Engagement Accomplishments:
Engaging Newfoundland and Labrador in Designing an Integrated Perinatal Mental Health System of Care. Martha Traverso-Yepez, Caroline Porr, Ann Drover, Brenda Oldford, Clare Bessell, Barbara Young, Maureen Bethel, Heather Bartlett. Public Engagement Accelerator Fund, MUN Harris Centre, $ 10,000. Period: 2019/4 -2020/1
Public Forum: The Lifelong Impact of Adverse Experiences in the Early Years. Memorial Public Engagement Quick Start Fund/Harris Centre (2016) Role: Principal Applicant
Selected Publications – Peer reviewed
- Traverso-Yepez, M.; Luscombe, S; Rourke, (2017). Connecting the dots: An ecological lens to preventive measures for children’s adverse experiences. Social Work Public Health; 32(5): 339-354. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28535118
- Traverso-Yepez, M (2017) The lifelong impact of early experiences and its connection with mental and physical health. NL Quarterly, Vol 109 (4), p.46-49
- Traverso-Yepez, M.; Andrew Safer (2017). Navigating anxiety and stress through mindfulness. Review Paper – Journal of Psychology and Cognition, Volume 2, Issue 3.
- Traverso-Yepez M, Hunter K. (2016) From “Healthy Eating” to a Holistic Approach to Current Food Environments. Sage Open: DOI: 10.1177/2158244016665891 Published 26 August 2016. http://sgo.sagepub.com/content/6/3/2158244016665891.abstract
- Duke P, Marshall G, Ratnam S, Dawson L, Fontaine D, Lear A, Traverso-Yepez M, Graham W, Ravalia M, Mugford G, Pike A, Fortier J, Peach M. (2015). Effect of vaginal self-sampling on cervical cancer screening rates: a community-based study in Newfoundland. BMC Women's Health. 15(47)
- Traverso-Yepez M, Allison J. (2013). The culture of consumption and the construction of youth at risk as a health issue in rural communities. APORIA - The Nursing Journal. 5(4): 32-39.
- Traverso-Yepez M, Maddalena V, Bavington W, Donovan C (2012), Community Capacity Building for Health: A Critical Look at the Practical Implications of This Approach. SAGE Open: 1–12: http://sgo.sagepub.com
- Veras RM, Traverso-Yépez M (2011). The Kangaroo Program at a Brazilian maternity hospital: the preterm ⁄ low-weight babies’ health-care under examination. Nursing Inquiry; 18(1): 84–91
- Traverso-Yépez M (2009). The difficulties of dealing with social inequities at the Family Health Program in Brazil. Critical Public Health, v.19, n.2, p.193-202. Access:http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~content=a912803855~db=all?jumptype=alert&alerttype=author,email
Book Chapters:
- Traverso-Yepez, M.; Sarkar, A.; Gadag, V.; Hunter, K. (2018) The lived experience of food (in)security among seniors and single parents in St. John’s, NL. In C. Keeske (Ed.). Food Futures: Growing a Sustainable Food System for Newfoundland and Labrador. St. John’s: ISER Books, pp.141-168
- Doyle, E.; Traverso-Yepez, M. (2018). Living Lessons of the School Food Environment: A Case Study of a School Greenhouse in Newfoundland and Labrador. St. John’s: ISER Books, pp.85-110
- Pinheiro, VS.; Traverso-Yepez M. (2010). Dialogue and Transformation: Building new forms of social relations (Dialogo e transformacao: Buscando construir novas formas de relacao social). In Fernando lacerda & Racquel Guzo (Ed). Psiologia social para a American Latina: O resgate da psicologia da libertacao. Campinas.
- Traverso-Yépez, M. A. (2007). Examining Transformative Learning amidst the challenges of self-reflection. In: Morgan Gardner. (Org.). Narrating Transformative Learning in Education. Toronto: Palgrave Macmillan, p. 157-171.