Faculty A-Z

Tevye Stachniak
Assistant Professor of BioMedical Sciences (Neuroscience)PhD McGill University, MSc University of Alberta
BioMedical Sciences
Lab: 709-864-6006
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Health Sciences Centre
St. John’s, NL Canada, A1B 3V6
Lab: H5307
The Stachniak Lab is currently seeking M.Sc/Ph.D. students. Previous electrophysiology experience is an asset but not required.
The lab focuses on the electrophysiology of synapses as the building blocks for nervous system computations. Neural circuits are constructed by overlaying the brain’s anatomical framework with specific receptor expression patterns to generate genetically encoded computational maps. Cell selective expression of G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) can generate large scale modulations of nervous system function, acting as circuit switches that direct behavior to meet physiological needs. By exploring the pharmacology and physiology of synaptic GPCRs, we can understand how the computational architecture of the nervous system is constructed and how disruption to this architecture may contribute to psychiatric disorders.
Gesuita L, Cavaccini A, Argunsah AÖ, Favuzzi E, Ibrahim LA, Stachniak TJ, De Gennaro M, Utz S, Greter M, Karayannis T (2022) Microglia contribute to the postnatal development of cortical somatostatin-positive inhibitory cells and to whisker-evoked cortical activity. Cell Rep 2022, 40:111209 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111209}.
Stachniak TJ, Kästli R, Hanley O, Argunsah AÖ, Karayannis T. Post-mitotic Prox1 expression controls the final specification of cortical VIP interneuron subtypes. J Neurosci. 2021, 41(39): 8150-8162 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1523/jneurosci.1021-21.2021).
Stachniak TJ, Sylwestrak EL, Scheiffele P, Hall BJ, Ghosh A. Elfn1-induced constitutive activation of mGluR7 determines frequency-dependent recruitment of SOM interneurons. J Neurosci. 2019 39(23): 4461-4474 (DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.2276-18.2019).
Benekareddy, M. Stachniak TJ, Bruns A, Knoflach F, von Kienlin M, Künnecke B, Ghosh A. Identification of a Corticohabenular Circuit Regulating Socially Directed Behavior. Biol. Psychiatry 2018, 83: 607–617.
Stachniak TJ, Ghosh A, Sternson SM. Chemogenetic Synaptic Silencing of Neural Circuits Localizes a Hypothalamus→Midbrain Pathway for Feeding Behavior. Neuron. 2014; 82: 797–808.
Stachniak TJ, Trudel E, Bourque CW. Cell-Specific Retrograde Signals Mediate Antiparallel Effects of Angiotensin II on Osmoreceptor Afferents to Vasopressin and Oxytocin Neurons. Cell Reports. 2014; 8: 1–8.
Chierzi S, Stachniak TJ, Trudel E, Bourque CW, Murai KK. Activity maintains structural plasticity of mossy fiber terminals in the hippocampus. Mol cell neurosci. 2012; 50(3-4): 260-71.
Stachniak TJ, Sudbury JR, Trudel E, Choe KY, Ciura S and Bourque CW (2010). Osmoregulatory Circuits in Slices and En-Bloc Preparations of Rodent Hypothalamus. In: Isolated Central Nervous System Circuits, Neuromethods, 2012; 73: 211-231, Ballanyi K. (Ed.). Humana-Springer.
Sharif-Naeini R, Ciura s, Stachniak TJE, Trudel E, Bourque CW. Neurophysiology of supraoptic neurons in C57/BL mice studied in three acute in vitro preparations. Prog Brain Res. 2008; 170: 229-42.
Bourque CW, Ciura s, Trudel E, Stachniak TJE, Sharif-Naeini R. Neurophysiological characterisation of mammalian osmosensitive neurones. Exp Physiol. 2007; 92(3): 499-505.
Stachniak TJ, Bourque CW. Visually guided whole cell patch clamp of mouse supraoptic nucleus neurons in cultured and acute conditions. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2006; 291(1): R68-76.
Stachniak TJ, Krukoff TL. Receptor activity modifying protein 2 Distribution in the rat central nervous system and regulation by changes in blood pressure. J Neuroendocrinol. 2003; 15(9): 840-50.
Doran SA, Tran CH, Eskicioglu C, Stachniak T, Ahn KC, Goldberg JI. Constitutive and permissive roles of nitric oxide activity in embryonic ciliary cells. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2003; 285(2): R348-55.
Shan J, Stachniak T, Jhamandas JH, Krukoff TL. Autonomic and Neuroendocrine Actions of Adrenomedullin in the Brain: Mechanisms for Homeostasis. Regul. Pept. 2003; 112(1-3):33-40.