Faculty A-Z

Eric Smith

Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine B.Sc., M.D. Memorial, CCFP(EM)

Emergency Medicine



Room 1821, Health Sciences Centre

Dr. Smith completed his undergraduate medical education at MUN in 1989. He then went on to complete his Family Medicine residency at U of T. While a full-time member of the Canadian Forces (CF) he attended U of Ottawa where he completed a year of General Surgery. This was followed by a year of Internal Medicine at Dalhousie U. As a General Duty Medical Officer (GDMO), he completed the Flight Surgeons and Diving Medical Officers courses at the Defense & Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine (DCIEM) of U of T. He also completed Environmental & Field Medicine training at the CF Medical School (CFMS). He practiced Emergency Medicine (EM) throughout his 12 year CF career and attained the rank of Lieutenant-Commander. He was subsequently awarded the Canadian Decoration (C.D.) for exemplary service. He was deployed to the Former Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) in 1994 in the role of Chief Medical Officer for the Canadian Contingent of the United Nations Protection Force (CCUNPROFOR Roto 4).
Dr. Smith is proud to be (one of) the first Mi’kmaw physician in Canada. He was appointed the Senior Regional Medical Officer of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) for NS/NL. He is actively involved with helping Indigenize the curriculum at MUN medicine.
Since his return to MUN in 2016, Dr. Smith has been actively involved with various medical education activities. He is an active proponent of evidence-based best current clinical practices. He is an advanced level Master POCUS instructor. His goal is to bring basic POCUS skills to rural physicians while advancing the skills of colleagues. He is also actively involved in Undergraduate Medical Education (UGME) and is the clinical representative to the provinces Health Research Ethics Board (HREB).
His extracurricular activities include fitness and outdoor activities.