Faculty A-Z

Tia Renouf
Associate Professor, Discipline of Emergency Medicine M.D. Memorial, CCFP(EM) FCFPEmergency Medicine Administration
Discipline of Emergency Medicine Faculty of Medicine Memorial University of Newfoundland St. Johnâ€TMs, NL, A1B 3V6
Discipline of Emergency Medicine Faculty of Medicine Memorial University of Newfoundland St. Johnâ€TMs, NL, A1B 3V6
2017 Canadian Association for Medial Education, Wooster Family Foundation Award - for City Mouse, Country Mouse research project on communications between rural family physicians and urban consultants.
1998 Fellow of the Canadian College of Family Physicians
Peer Reviewed:
- Renouf T S, Doyle M, Pollard M, et al. (June 21, 2018) Collaborative Development of a Simulation-augmented Health Education Program in Resource-challenged Regions. Cureus 10(6): e2850. doi:10.7759/cureus.2850
- Andrew Smith, Michael Parsons, Tia Renouf, Sarah Boyd & Peter Rogers (2018) A mixed-methods evaluation of a multidisciplinary point of care ultrasound program, Medical Teacher, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2018.1461202
- Doucet G, Ryan S, Bartellas M, Parsons M, Dubrowski A, Renouf T (August 18, 2017) Modelling and Manufacturing of a 3D Printed Trachea for Cricothyroidotomy Simulation. Cureus 9(8): e1575. Doi:10.7759/cureus.1575
- Renouf T, Parsons M, Francis L, et al. (June 25, 2017) Emergency Management of Tension Pneumothorax for Health Professionals on Remote Cat Island Bahamas. Cureus 9(6): e1390. doi:10.7759/cureus.1390
- Renouf T, Allison J. Acknowledging Indigeneity: Aligning Health Training Program Initiatives with Indigenous Cultures in Australia, NZ, Nepal and the Caribbean. MUN Aboriginal Health Symposium June 21, 2017.
- Horwood C, Williams K, Skinner T, Renouf T, Dubrowski A (June 12, 2017) Trauma and Hypothermia in Antarctica: An Emergency Medicine Marine Simulation Scenario. Cureus 9(6): e1341. doi:10.7759/cureus.1341
- Renouf T, et al. SPIRALS, Clinical Reasoning in the Emergency Department. International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH Jan 2017), Orlando, FL.
- Renouf, T. Invisible. Accepted for publication Ann Emerg Med March 2017
- Renouf, T. Bluey. Ann Emerg Med 2017;69:499
- http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.annemergmed.2016.08.447
- Renouf, T. Ambulance. Ann Emerg Med. 2017;69:141. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.annemergmed.2016.06.015
- Herceg C, Renouf T (November 09, 2016) Teaching Near and Far – Broome, Western Australia. Cureus 8(11): e870. doi:10.7759/cureus.870
- Baral K, Allison J, Upadhyay S, Renouf T (November 07, 2016) Rural Community as Context and Teacher for Health Professions Education. Cureus 8(11): e866. doi:10.7759/cureus.866
- Mayer H, Renouf T (October 11, 2016) Rural Medical Education in New Zealand. Cureus 8(10): e826. doi:10.7759/cureus.826
- Renouf T, Pollard M (September 09, 2016) Emergency Medicine in Remote Regions. Cureus 8(9): e774. doi:10.7759/cureus.774
- Renouf T, Horwood C, Metcalfe B, Dubrowski A: CAEP Academic Section Innovations invited contribution and interview with Dr. Chris Bond “ASSET: Building an Educational Community of Practice.” August 17, 2016.
- Renouf T., Metcalfe B., Horwood C., Dubrowski A., (2016 August 16). ASSET: Archives of Simulation and Associated Educational Technologies. CAEP Feature Education Innovations (FEI). CAEP. Retrieved from http://caep.ca/CAEP_FEIs#Aug16
- Metcalfe B., Horwood C., Renouf T. (August 2016) Summary: Appelbaum NP, Dow A, Mazmanian PE, et al. The effect of power, leadership and psychological safety on resident event reporting. Medical Educ 2016; 50(3): 343-50. CAEP Great Evidence in Medical education Summary (GEMeS). Retrieved from http://caep.ca/sites/caep.ca/files/caep/gemes
- Damas E, Norcéide C, Zephyr Y, Williams K, Renouf T, Dubrowski A. (June 05, 2016) Development of a Sustainable Simulator and Simulation Program for Laparoscopic Skills Training in Haiti. Cureus 8(6): e632. doi:10.7759/cureus.632
- Renouf T, Alani S, Whalen D, et al. City mouse, country mouse: a mixed- methods evaluation of perceived communication barriers between rural family physicians and urban consultants in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. BMJ Open 2016;6:e010153.29 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-30 010153
- Lang ES , Artz JD , Wilkie RD , Stiell IG , Topping C , Belanger FP , Afilalo M , Renouf T , Crocco A , Wyatt K , Christenson J et al. "CAEP 2015 Academic Symposium: Current State and Recommendations to Achieve Adequate and Sustainable Funding for Emergency Medicine Academic Units." CJEM (2016): 1-8.
- Whalen D, Harty C, Renouf T., et al. (March 08, 2016) Helicopter Evacuation Following a Rural Trauma: An Emergency Medicine Simulation Scenario Using Innovative Simulation Technology. Cureus 8(3): e524. doi:10.7759/cureus.524
- Renouf, T. "Low-Fidelity Simulation in Global and Distributed Settings." CJEM 18.01 (2016): 77 (letter)
- Whalen D, Black H, Renouf T, et al. (2016) Uniquely interwoven for success: A student’s perspective from an active simulation research unit. Cureus 8(10): e.
- Renouf T, Whalen D, Pollard M, et al. (November 17, 2015) Emergency Physicians Think in Spirals. Cureus 7(11): e381. doi:10.7759/cureus.381
- Renouf, T., Whalen D., Harty C., Alani S., Coombs-Thorne H, Dubrowski A. An examination of communication between rural physicians and urban consultants. AMEE Sept 2015, Glascow, Scotland. http://www.amee.org/amee-news/amee-2015-abstract-
- Dubrowski A., Renouf, T, Smith, A., Alani S., Parsons M., Hearn C., Brown, R. A comparison of clinical skills performance on both stationary and moving platforms
- Renouf T., Parsons, M., Rogers, P., Alani, S. & Dubrowski, A. (2015 Mar 20). Tuckamore Innovation. CAEP Feature Education Innovations (FEI). CAEP. Retrieved from http://caep.ca/FeatureEducationInnovations#2015MarFEI
- Rogers P., Parsons M., Renouf T., Alani, S. & Dubrowski, A. (2015 Mar 20). Summary: The effectiveness of direct and timely feedback by faculty to learners is often challenged by faculty cognitive biases, time constraints and concerns about harming their relationship with the learner. CAEP Great Evidence in Medical education ummary (GEMeS). CAEP. Retrieved from http://caep.ca/CAEPGEMeS#201503GEMeS
- Renouf T, Black H, Alani S, et al. (2014-09-30 11:22:16 UTC) Body Packing with Cocaine: A Simulation Exercise. Cureus 6(9): e213. doi:10.7759/cureus.213
- Black H, Renouf T, Parsons M, et al. (2014-10-01 11:21:56 UTC) Pregnancy and Privacy in an Emergency Department: A Simulated Session. Cureus 6(10): e216. doi:10.7759/cureus.216
- Taylor, L., Warren, Z., Renouf, T. The Need for a Core Emergency Medicine Clerkship Rotation at Memorial University. CAEP National Conference, June 6, 2014, Ottawa Canada
- Renouf T, Mitchell K, Hollett S, et al. (2014) Deteriorating Patient Scenario for Simulation-Based Training of Difficult Patients Encounters in the Emergency Room. Cureus 6(8): e192. doi:10.7759/cureus.192
- Smith A, Renouf T, Multi-disciplinary Point of Care Ultrasound Education: A mixed Methods Evaluation. Third Annual World Congress, Ultrasound in Medical Education, Oct 2014, Portland Oregon
- Renouf, T, Zipperlen, Coombs-Thorne, H, Simmons, K., Curran, V. Generation Gap! A Comparison of Seven Psychometric Properties Between Generations: Implications for Medical Schools. May 2014, MESC forum, Memorial University
- Renouf, T. The Royal Flying Doctor Service. CJEM 1999:1(2)128-9
- Ip A., Renouf, T. Serotonin Syndrome Due to an Overdose of Mebenclomide? CJEM 2002:4(2): 99-101
- Renouf, T. Voyage to Antarctica. CJEM 2003; 5(3): 171-4
- Renouf, T. and Healey, A., Something’s Not Right. CJEM 2005; 7(4): 283
- Renouf, T. Polar Physician CJRM June 2005; 10(4): 261-4
Non Peer Reviewed:
- Podcast: A medical Life. September 2016. https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/a-medical-life/id1178356238?mt
- Bankovic, T, Renouf, T. Healers of Tomorrow. Morning Watch Fall 2016 Vol. 43, Nos. 1-2.ISSN 0384-50-28.
- Bankovic T, Renouf T, Teaching and Learning: Simulating Rural Trauma. Morning Watch Fall 2016 Vol. 43, Nos. 1-2.ISSN 0384-50-28.
- Renouf, T. The Country Doctor’s Lament. CJRM 2005;10(3): 181-2
- Renouf, T. Medical Error in Rural Practice (letter) Can J Rural Medicine 2003; 8(1): 33-7
Book Chapters
- Point of Care Ultrasound (PoCUS) in: Shephard, O. A. M. "Practical Guide to Global Point-of-Care Testing." CSIRO, Nov. 2016. ISBN: 9781486305186
Recent Presentations
- Renouf, T, Track Chair CAEP 2019, Halifax: International Medicine, May 2019
- Renouf, T, Medicine on 7 Continents, CAEP 2019, Halifax, May 2019
- Renouf, T, Developing a Collaborative Research Paradigm. Gisborne NZ, September 2018
- Renouf T, et al, 13th International Small Island Cultures Conference, St. John’s NL June 2017 Panel Presentation: Island Medicine
- Renouf T, Surviving the publish or perish paradigm, producing an interdisciplinary community of practice. Invited oral presentation. CAEP 2017 June 6, Whistler BC, Canada
- Jong, Renouf T, Whelan et al: Simulation for high risk low frequency procedures. Invited workshop for Society of Rural Physicians of Canada. April 2017, Calgary AB, Canada
- Renouf T, Developing Research Capacity in a New Discipline. Invited presentation, University of Otago, Dunedin NZ. Feb 2017 http://www.otago.ac.nz/news/events/otago634349.html
- Renouf T, et al. SPIRALS: A new cognitive approach to teaching and learning clinical reasoning in Emergency Medicine.17th International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH 2017).
- Renouf T, Global Medicine: a career. Emergency Medicine Interest Group Dec 2, 2016
- Dubrowski A, Horwood C, Pollard M, Renouf T. Scholarship and Research in Education. Family Medicine Preceptor’s Forum Oct 21, 2016
- Renouf T, Whelan D, Pollard M, Morrison M, Fleet L, Dubrowski A. SPIRALS: A new cognitive approach to teaching and learning clinical reasoning in Emergency Medicine. Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Simulation Summit, St. John’s NL, October13-14, 2016
- Renouf T, Horwood C, Metcalfe B, Dubrowski A: CAEP Academic Section Innovations invited contribution and interview with Dr. Chris Bond “ASSET: Building an Educational Community of Practice.” August 2016. Retrieved from http://caep.ca/CAEP_FEIs
- Renouf T., Whelan D., Jong M., Dubrowski A. Simulation for low resource settings (workshop). Society for Rural Physicians of Canada meeting. Charlevoix Quebec. May 5, 2016.
- Renouf T., Medical Emergencies at Sea: Invited presentation at Wilderness Medicine Course, Memorial University. November 2015.
- Renouf, T. Sneaky diagnoses in the ED. St. Anthony Annual Medical Symposium. September 10 2015
- Renouf, T. Deadly EKG’s. St. Anthony Annual Medical Symposium. Sept 10, 2015
- Renouf, T. Trauma Simulation. St. Anthony Annual Medical Symposium, Sept 11, 2014
- Renouf, T. Rural Emergency Medicine. FMIG at Fogo Island Retreat. Sept 21, 2015
- Parsons M, Renouf T, Alani S, Dubrowski A. Low Fidelity Simulation For Remote And Low-Resourced Settings: A Crichothyroidotomy (And Bougie-Assisted) Model. MESC 2015.
- Whalen, Desmond; Harty, Christopher; Black, Holly; Murphy, Justin; Alani, Sabrina; Renouf, Tia; Dubrowski, Adam (Memorial University of Newfoundland Faculty of Medicine). Ultrasound in the Undergraduate Curriculum. Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Simulation Summit, Banff AB, November 24-26 2015
- Dubrowski A., Renouf, T, Smith, A., Alani S., Parsons M., Hearn C., Brown, R. A comparison of clinical skills performance on both stationary and moving platforms
- 13th International Symposium on Maritime Health, Bergen Norway June 23, 2015. Oral presentation.
- Renouf, T., Whalen D., Harty, C., Alani S., Coombs-Thorne H, Dubrowski A. Country Mouse and City Mouse, an examination of communication between rural physicians and urban consultants. AMEE Sept 2015, Glascow, Scotland. Poster presentation. http://www.amee.org/amee-news/amee-2015-abstract-book
- Lang E.,Topping C., Renouf,T.,Crocco A., Afilalo M., Belanger, F. CAEP Academic Leadership Symposium. “What is an appropriate amount of funding and how to achieve it?” CAEP 2015, May 30-June 4, Edmonton, Alberta. Invited oral panel presentation.
- Dubrowski, A., Renouf, T., Whalen, D., Jong, M. Simulation for rural and low resource training. 13th WONCA Rural, Breaking down barriers: Bringing People Together. April 15-18, 2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Workshop.
- Renouf T., Dubrowsi, A., Jong, M., Ultrasound workshop: FAST and Limited Echo. 13th WONCA Rural, Breaking down barriers: Bringing People Together. April 15-18, 2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Workshop.
- Renouf T, Focus Fridays Workshop, Emergency Medicine for Family Physicians. Memorial University. March 29. 2015
- Renouf T, Parsons M, Rogers P, Alani S, Dubrowski A: CAEP Academic Section Innovations invited contribution and interview with Dr. Ken Milne, “Tuckamore Simulation Research Collaboration” March 2015
- Parsons M, Rogers P, Renouf, T Alani, S, Dubrowski, A: Great Evidence in Medical Education, CAEP Academic Section invited contribution March 2015: review of: Improving faculty feedback to resident trainees during a simulated case: a randomized, controlled trial of an educational intervention.
- Renouf, T., Tuckamore Simulation Research Collaborative Boot Camp, Invited Faculty, MUN 2015