Faculty A-Z

Robert Porter

Associate Professor of Pediatrics Chair of the Janeway Research Advisory Committee MD, MSc, CCFP (EM), FCFP

Pediatrics Emergency Medicine



Janeway Childrens Hospital and Rehabilitation Centre 300 Prince Philip Drive St. John's NL A1B 3V6

Clinical Interests:

  • Emergency medicine

Education Interests:

  • Teaching core emergency medicine cognitive and psychomotor skills through simulation

Research Interests:

  • Pain in children
  • Quality improvement in emergency medicine
  • Pediatric orthopedic conditions in the emergency department


Schuh S, Zemek R, Plint A, Black KJ, Freedman S, Porter R, et al. Magnesium use in asthma pharmacotherapy: a Pediatric Emergency Research Canada study. Pediatrics 2012 May;129(5):852-9.*

Porter R, O'Reilly H. Pulmonary hemorrhage: a rare complication of opioid overdose. Pediatr Emerg Care 2011 Aug;27(8):742-4.*

Freedman SB, Gouin S, Bhatt M, Black KJ, Johnson D, Guimont C, et al. Prospective assessment of practice pattern variations in the treatment of pediatric gastroenteritis. Pediatrics 2011 Feb;127(2):e287-e295.*