Faculty A-Z

Sharon Peters
Professor of Medicine MD, MPH, FRCPCMedicine
What brought me to MUN? What Keeps me at MUN?
I am a member of the second graduating class from memorial faculty of medicine and as such feel very loyal to this school. Like many I left to gain experience from different perspectives doing all my postgraduate training away. After practising respirology in London, Ontario for three years, family, ocean and close proximity to Europe drew me home.
Memorial has offered me a career filled with challenges and opportunities. There is always something new to get involved in as medical education evolves into a more robust profession. Just as family and ocean brought me home, they have also kept me here
Research/Teaching/Leadership summary: Throughout my career at Memorial, I have held a number of leadership positions, the most recent as Vice Dean (1999-2014). I have been a residency program director, assistant dean of student affairs and either chaired or been a member of many medical education committees. My major clinical leadership role was as the first clinical chief of critical care. I have been active in professional societies including president of the Canadian Thoracic Society. I am passionate abut medical education so have taken advantage of opportunities at the national and international level to be involved. I have met wonderful and inspiring individuals from commonwealth countries and beyond. My greatest challenge was leading a group of colleagues in developing a new undergraduate medical curriculum that was implemented in 2013. Currently I am focusing on the development of the new subspecialty program in General Internal Medicine. Awards: 1994 Outstanding Teacher Award, Academic Year 3, 1995 Order of the Killick, Graduating Class, Faculty of Medicine 1998 President’s Vote of Thanks, NL Lung Association 2015 CAME Certificate of Merit |
Published Abstracts:
Stephen Pennell*, David Stokes, Sharon Peters Stem to Stern 2.0: CBlue has set sail Association Medical Education Europe; Milan, Italy Sept 2014
Stephen N Pennell, Sharon Peters, Mary Wells, Juanita Barrett, David T Stokes Stem to Stern: Technology Enhanced Curriculum Blueprinting. Association Medical Education Europe. Lyon, France Aug 2012.
Sharon Peters , Victor Maddalena, Lisa Fleet, Fran Kirby, Development and Delivery of a Physician Management & Leadership Program (PMLP) in Newfoundland and Labrador (NL), Canada
Steve Shorlin, Sharon Peters, Asoka Samarasena, Consequences of revising the comments section of a teacher evaluation form; Assocation Medical Education Europe; Lyon France 2012
Sharon Peters, Asoka Samarasena, Jacinta Reddigan, Stephen Shorlin, James Rourke Clinical faculty evaluations by residents in the Faculty of Medicine: A new instrument Speaker. Association Medical Education Europe. Lyon, France Aug 2012.
Juanita Barrett, David Stokes, Steve Shorlin, Sally Ackerman, Mary Wells, Sharon Peters Undergraduate Medical Education Program Curriculum Renewal: Mapping Objectives. Association Medical Education Europe. Lyon, France Aug 2012.
Stephen N Pennell, Sharon Peters, Mary Wells, Juanita Barrett, David T Stokes, Sean K O’Neill, Stem to Stern: Technology Enhanced Curriculum Blueprinting. Aug 2012.
Sean K. O’Neill, Yasir Abdelgabbar Mohamed, David T. Stokes, Stephen, N. Pennell, Victor Maddalena, Sharon Peters. Second Life, Second Thoughts: The use of Second Life as a 3D Immersive Development Platform for Medical Education. Association Medical Education Europe; Lyon France, Aug 2012.
Moira Maley (University of Western Australia, Rural Clinical School of Western Australia, Albany, Australia),Sharon Peters (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Faculty of Medicine, St Johns, NL, Canada), Andrew Knight (University of Western Australia, Rural Clinical School of Western Australia, Albany, Australia), Kirsten Auret (University of Western Australia, Rural Clinical School of Western Australia, Albany, Australia). Through students’ eyes. Modeling Virtual Patients for Learning and Assessment in Nursing Education. Aug 2012.
O Heath*, A Kearney, S Peters, J Barrett, A Hollett, P McCarthy. Medical education in practicing interprofessional teams: Improving collaboration and patient safety. Association Medical Education Europe; Vienna Austria, Aug 2011.
Mary Wells, Juanita Barrett, Penny Hansen, Sharon Peters. Undergraduate Medical Education Program Curriculum Renewal: A Case-Based Spiral Approach; The Journey & The Future. Aug 2011.
A Kearney*, O Heath, S Peters, J Barrett. Interprofessional Education in Undergraduate Medical Curriculum: One Approach to Improve Patient Safety. Aug 2011.
Barrett, J, Peters SD, Fleet L, Ackerman S, Hansen P and Wells M. Undergraduate medical Education Program - Curriculum Needs Assessment: Through a CanMEDS Lens. Aug 2009.
Fran Kirby, Sharon Peters, Leslie Rourke. Best practices of public/private sector relationships in online CME. Aug 2007.