Faculty A-Z

Shree Mulay
Professor, BSc (Delhi), MSc (McGill), PhD (McGill), Post-doctoral Fellow (McGill)Division of Population Health and Applied Health Sciences
709-864-2989 (phone), 709-864-4991
Faculty of Medicine, M4M112 Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John's, NL Canada, A1B 3V6
709-864-2989 (phone), 709-864-4991
Faculty of Medicine, M4M112 Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John's, NL Canada, A1B 3V6
- MED 6400-6403; 6410-6413 (Fall and Winter)
- Med 6721 (winter)
- Small group facilitation for Phase 1 Community Health sessions in UGME
- Directed Reading courses MED 6908 1-2 student per year
- Gender empowerment in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Indonesia with universities and civil society organizations.
- Developed and taught courses on Introduction to Gender-based Analysis, Gender, Race and Science at McGill University and conducted workshops on GBA in Pakistan, India, Indonesia;
- Research on Gender-based Violence in India and Bangladesh, including research on unethical clinical trials conducted with quinacrine sterilization of women in India
- Research on Sexual and Reproductive Health, including new reproductive technologies (NRT), surrogacy and marketing of NRTs;
- Assessment of research proposals, including “Team Grant: Impact of Gender on Knowledge Translation Interventions” for the Institute of Gender Health of the Canadian Institute for Health Research in 2017.
- Program evaluation of University Public Health Program, and Women’s Studies programs in Canada; Evaluation of Indigenous health needs research for the NunatuKavut Community Council in Labrador;
- Organizer of National and International Conferences on Global Health and Reproductive Health and Democratic Rights of Women in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh
- Maternal and Child Health in Developing countries
- Settlement issues of South Asian refugee and immigrant women:
- Indigenous mental health in Labrador
- Refugee health in St. John’s
- Persistent organic pollutants and hypothyroidism in Newfoundland;
- Follow-up Epidemiological study on the long-term effects of the Union Carbide Gas Disaster in Bhopal, India.
- Reproductive Medical Tourism.
Select Peer-reviewed publications (65 in all)
- Erika Maxwell, MSc; Maria Mathews, PhD; Shree Mulay, PhD (2017) The Impact of Access Barriers on Fertility Treatment Decision Making: A Qualitative Study From the Perspectives of Patients and Service Providers J. Obstetrics and Gynecology Canada. 2017 Oct 20. pii: S1701-2163(17)30496-6. doi:10.1016/j.jogc.2017.08.025.
- Jill Allison, Shree Mulay and Monica Kidd, (2017) “Life in Unexpected Places: Employing Visual Thinking Strategies in Global Health Training”, Education for Health.
- Nathaniel J. Pollock, Shree Mulay, James Valcour and Michael Jong (2016) Suicide Rates in Aboriginal Communities in Labrador, Canada American Journal of Public Health DOI: 10.2105/AJPH.2016.303151
- Rowan El Bialy and Shree Mulay (2015) Two sides of the same coin: Factors that support and challenge the wellbeing of refugees resettled in a small urban center Article in Health & Place 35:52-59 · July 2015 DOI: 10.1016/j.healthplace.2015.06.009
- Atanu Sarkar, John C Knight, Nicole A Babichuk, Shree Mulay Skewed distribution of hypothyroidism in the coastal communities of Newfoundland, Canada Environment international 83:171-175 2015
- “Women Building Peace between India and Pakistan” Editors Jackie Kirk and Shree Mulay, Anthem Press, ISBN-13: 978 1 84331 732 6, 2007.
Book Chapters: Select Book Chapters (18 in all)
- Malik, L. and Mulay, S. No sanctuary for asylum-seekers: the impact of Canada’s refugee policy on South Asian women claimants in Quebec in “The Search for Lasting Peace Critical Perspectives on Gender-Responsive Human Security” Edited by Rosalind Boyd, Ashgate Publishers, England ISBN 9781472420978, July 2014
- Mulay S. and Boscoe, M. The Handmaid’s Tale and the illusion of depth: Canadian experience of regulating assisted human reproduction: in Reconfiguring reproduction: feminist perspectives on assisted human reproduction edited by N Sarojini and Vrinda Marwah, Zubaan Publications, India ISBN 9789383074525, May 2014)
- Varma D. R. and Mulay, S Methyl Isocyanate: the Bhopal gas in Handbook of the Toxicology of Chemical Warfare Agents. Ed. R.C. Gupta, 2nd edition, Chapter 21, Pages 293-312, Elsevier, San Diego, ISBN: 978-0-12-374484-5 2014.
- Varma, D.R., Mulay, S. Chemtob, S. Carbon Monoxide: Public Health Risk to Painless Killer. in Handbook of the Toxicology of Chemical Warfare Agents. Ed. R.C. Gupta, 2nd edition, Pages 271-292, Elsevier, San Diego ISBN: 978-0-12-374484-5 2014.
- Mulay S., Feeney, E. and Varma, D.R. “Patents, Policies and Pricing and access to medicines for vulnerable populations in an era of globalization” in Health for Some: the political economy of global health governance, pp. 196-209; Editors: Sandra J. MacLean, Pieter Fourie, Sherri Brown, Palgrave Publications, UK.
- Mulay, S. “Re/imagining citizenship: The politics of gender and identity post 9/11” in Genero, Ciuadania y Globalizacion Vol. 1 30-45 pp; Editors: M. Gallego Duran, R. Garcia Gutierrez & R. G. Carnero Edicionnes ALHAR, Sevilla, 2009.
- Shree Mulay and Jackie Kirk Moving Forward: International, Regional, National and Local Perspectives in edited volume on “Speaking Peace across Borders: Women and Peacebuilding in India and Pakistan”, August, 2007.
Other Publications: Select articles (10 in all)
- Shree Mulay Madeleine Parent: A woman of Courage. Herizons (in press)September 2016 Special number
- Shree Mulay: Unraveling the fertility Industry: Challenges and strategies for movement building. Canadian Women’s Health Network magazine: Volume 12: spring/summer 15-16, 2010.
- Laila Malik and Shree Mulay, No Room at the Inn: Commentary on Third Safe Country Agreement between Canada and USA, the Globe and Mail, December 24, 2002.