Faculty A-Z

Gerald Mugford
Associate Professor, B.Sc., Ph.D.Division of Population Health and Applied Health Sciences
What brought me to MUN? What Keeps me at MUN?
I was provided the opportunity to participate in interesting ongoing HIV/AIDS research. Through strong mentorship, I was able to secure funding to develop and maintain my own research interests. MUN, and particularly the Faculty of Medicine, was very supportive of my goal to complete a PhD. I felt encouraged and supported in my efforts to acquire doctoral level training that could bring necessary skills to the Clinical Epidemiology graduate program. I believe the Faculty of Medicine provides a very collegial work environment. Because of our relatively small size, sound ideas can be moved forward quickly. Generally there is an open door policy and /or schedule flexibility that facilitates achieving both the job deliverables and career goals.
For the past several years, I have held a senior administrative position, with a focus of enhancing the quality of the graduate Clinical Epidemiology program and leading a team committed to building a Centre of Excellence
Certification in Medical and Analytical Hypnosis (CMH)
Clinical Epidemiology
Medical and Analytical Hypnosis
NL PI for the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA): A multicenter study using a biopsychosocial framework for the study of healthy aging
HIV/HPVHPV associated oral, anal and genital premalignant lesions and malignancy: An Atlantic Canada cohort of approximately 300 HIV +adults followed for four years to assess malignancy in this immune compromised population. Also evaluate the relationships of high risk and low risk HPV genotypes (50) with malignancy and proposed risk factors.
In addition, I have approximately 24 graduate student conducting thesis research in a variety of areas including, arthritis, HPV, BMD, psychotherapy, student satisfaction, anorexia, etc.
Teaching Summary:
I lecture and mentor in the Clinical Epidemiology core courses (MED 6250, MED 6255, MED 6262, and MED 6260)
2015 Escudero, C., Potts, J., Lam, P., De Souza, A., Mugford, G., Sandor, G. An Echocardiographic Study of Left Ventricular Size and Cardiac Function in Adolescent Females with Anorexia Nervosa. International Journal of Eating Disorders. Manuscript Number ID ERV-RA-2015-02-1099.R1. (In press, Accepted, August 31, 2105).
2015 Escudero CA, Potts JE, Lam P, De Souza AM, Duff K, Mugford GJ, Sandor GGS. Ventricular Function during Exercise in Adolescent Females with Anorexia Nervosa. Manuscript submitted to Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise August, 2015.
2015 Escudero CA, Potts JE, Lam P, De Souza AM, Mugford GJ, Sandor GGS. Increased Aortic Stiffness in Adolescent Females with Anorexia Nervosa. Manuscript submitted to Pediatric Cardiology August, 2015.
2015 Pauline Duke, Marshall Godwin, Samuel Ratnam, Lesa Dawson, Daniel Fontaine, Adrian Lear, Martha Traverso-Yepez, Wendy Graham, Mohamad Ravalia, Gerry Mugford, Andrea Pike, Jacqueline Fortier and Mandy Peach. Effect of vaginal self-sampling on cervical cancer screening rates: a community-based study in Newfoundland. BMC Women’s Health (2015) 15:47.
2014 GE Harris, Lise Dupuis, GJ Mugford et al. Patterns and correlates of cannabis use among individuals with HIV/AIDS in Maritime Canada. Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol 2014:25(X):1-7.
2013 Mark Oremus, Jean-Eric Tarride, Eleanor Pullenayegum, Natasha Clayton, Canadian Willingness to Pay Study Group, Parminder Raina. Patients’ Willingness-to-Pay for an Alzheimer ’s Disease Medication in Canada. The Patient-Patient-Centered Outcomes Research. September 2013, Volume 6, Issue 3, pp 161-168.
2013 Robert N. Porter, MD, Roger Chafe, PhD, Gerry Mugford, PhD, Leigh Newhook, MD, and Andrew Fury, MD. , Poor Access to Timely Pain Reduction Interventions for Pediatric Patients with Supracondylar Humerus Fracture. Pediatric Emergency Care. Volume 29, Number 7, July 2013.
2012 Muhammad Gadit, AA., Mugford, G. Callanan, TS., Aslanov, R. Psychiatrists’ Experiences of Stalking in Atlantic Canada. Journal of Medical Ethics (medethics-2012-100575).
2011 A. Myles, G.J. Mugford, J. Zhao, P.P. Wang. Physicians’ attitudes and practice toward treating injection drug users infected with hepatitis C virus: Results from a national specialist survey in Canada. Can J Gastroenterol 2011;25(3):135-139.
2011 Khraishi M., Mong J., Mugford G., Landells, I. The Electronic Psoriasis and Arthritis Screening Questionnaire (ePASQ): A Sensitive and Specific Tool to Diagnose Psoriatic Arthritis Patients. Journal of Cutaneous Medicine & Surgery. 2011 May-Jun;15(3):143-9.
2008 Amin A. Muhammad Gadit & Gerry J Mugford. Expression of depressive symptoms, Regional Variations: A Comparison of Three Cities in Pakistan. Psychiatric Annals. Volume 38. Number 7. July 2008; 474-477.
2008 Amin A .Muhammad Gadit & Mugford, G. A Pilot study of bullying and harassment among medical professionals in Pakistan, Focussing on Psychiatry: need for a medical ombudsman. J. Med. Ethics 2008;34;463-466.
2007 Amin A .Muhammad Gadit, Gerry Mugford. Prevalence of Depression among Households in Three Capital Cities of Pakistan: Need to Revise the Mental Health Policy. PLoS ONE 2(2):e209. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0000209.
2006 Kirkland S, Gahagan JC, Dykeman M, Mugford JG, Jackson LA, Sketris I, Peltekian KM, MacDonald J, Marshall C, McWilliam S, Rogers E, Cutler S, Myles A, Peddle S. HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C: A scan of policies, programs, and research in Atlantic Canada. Halifax: Atlantic Interdisciplinary Research Network (AIRN). September 2006.
2005 Vernon R. Curran, J. Gerry Mugford, Rebecca M.T. Law & Sandra Macdonald. Influence of an Interprofessional HIV/AIDS Education Program on Role Perception, Attitudes and Teamwork Skills of Undergraduate Health Sciences Students. Education for Health, Vol. 18, No.1, March 2005, 32-44.
2005 J Gerry Mugford, Marcella H Sorg, Charles O.Tingley & Stevan Gressitt. 2nd Annual Maine Benzodiazepine Study Group Conference 2004.
2004 Marcella H Sorg, J Gerry Mugford & Stevan Gressitt: Maine Benzodiazepine Study Group Annual Report- 2003.
2002 Mugford, G. Efficacy of long-term psychotherapy in the management of persons living with HIV/AIDS. PhD thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, October, 2002.
2005 HIV/AIDS Interdisciplinary Teaching Modules. ACMC website http://www.acmc.ca/memorial/temod.htm: Co-author.
Abstract / Posters:
2015 Rana Aslanov, Gerry Mugford. Prevalence of High Risk HPV Genotypes and Associated Precursor Lesions and Malignancy in HIV-positive Adults: An Atlantic Canada Prospective Cohort Study. Abstract/Poster Presentation, HPV 2015 International Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, September 17-22, 2015. HPV15-0145
2015 Rana Aslanov, Gerry Mugford. HPV-related Malignancy in HIV-HCV Co-infected Population. Abstract/Poster Presentation, HPV 2015 International Conference
Lisbon, Portugal, September 17-22, 2015. HPV15-0143
2013 Mugford, G., Aslanov, R. HPV Genotype Distribution in HIV-positive adults &
HPV-related underlying Risk Factors for oral, anal and genital malignancy:
An Atlantic Canada Prospective Cohort Study. SEISIDA/AIDS Impact XI International Conference Barcelona, Spain
2013 Mugford, G., Aslanov, R. E-Poster Presentation
Incidence of HPV-related Malignancy in HIV-HCV coinfected population.
SEISIDA/AIDS Impact XI International Conference Barcelona, Spain
2012 Sarah Penelope Pinnington, Gerry Mugford. HIV/AIDS in 25 years: The Canadian Foresight Project in Relation to Policy Advisory Roles. XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012) A-452-0316-09998
2011 Ogunyemi, B., Mugford, G., Khraishi, M. Mortality trends in a Canadian cohort of psoriatic arthritis patients. National Psoriasis Foundation: Psoriasis Forum. Volume 17:2 (Summer) 2011. P. 161.
2011 M. Khraishi, G. Mugford, B. Ogunyemi. Mortality trends in a Canadian cohort of psoriatic arthritis (PSA) patients. EULAR 2011. ID [EULAR11-5854].
2011 Mark Oremus, Jean-Eric Tarride, et.al. Patients’ and Caregivers’ Willingness to Pay for A New Alzheimer’s Disease Medication. 2011 International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease. Paris, France. July 16-21, 2011.
2010 Mugford, G., Aslanov R. An Atlantic Canada multicenter trial investigating HPV genotype distribution and oncogene expression in HIV-positive adults and the underlying risk factors for oral, anal and genital malignancy: Obstacles and Limitations to ethics approval, specimen sampling and establishing the research network. XVII International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2010), Vienna, Austria. July 18-23, 2010. ID [A-240-0128-1551].
2010 Mugford, G., Aslanov, R. HPV genotype distribution in HIV-positive adults and HPV related underlying risk factors for oral, anal and genital malignancy: an Atlantic Canada prospective cohort study. XVII International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2010), Vienna, Austria. July 18-23, 2010. ID [A-240-0128-13940].
2010 M. Khraishi, G. Mugford, S. Khraishi. Disability patterns in an early psoriatic Arthritis (PSA) Cohort. Annual European Congress of Rheumatology EULAR 2010. ID [EULAR2010-SCIE-405.]
2009 Khraishi, M., Mugford, G. et al. Characteristics of a Psoriatic Arthritis Cohort in Newfoundland. Annual European Congress of Rheumatology EULAR 2009 Copenhagen, Denmark, 10 – 13 June 2009.
2008 Myles, A., Mugford, G., Krahn, M., Wang, P. Examining Hepatitis C Patient Care Pathways and Services – Results from a National Specialists Survey. 2008 AASLD Annual Meeting. ID # 50241.
2007 Kirkland S, Mugford, G, Gahagan J, Dykeman J, Peltekian K, Jackson L, Sketris I, MacDonald J, Marshall C, McWilliam S, Rogers E, Cutler S, Myles A, Peddle S. The Atlantic Interdisciplinary Research Network (AIRN) for Social and Behavioural Issues in Hepatitis C and HIV/AIDS: A scan of policies, programs and research in Atlantic Canada. 16th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. April 26-29, 2007, Toronto, Ont.
2007 Kirkland S, Mugford, G, Gahagan J, Dykeman J, Peltekian K, Jackson L, Sketris I, MacDonald J, Marshall C, McWilliam S, Rogers E, Cutler S, Myles A, Meijer, J, Taylor S. Atlantic Interdisciplinary Research Network (AIRN) for Social and Behavioral Issues in and Hepatitis C and HIV/AIDS – Developing a multidisciplinary HIV/AIDS research network to inform policy and programmatic responses: Challenges and Lessons Learned. 3rd South African AIDS Conference. June 5-8, 2007, Durban, South Africa. (Presented by Dr. G. Gahagan)
2007 Myles A, Wang P, Krahn M, Mugford JG, Examination of regional variation in treating HCV. Poster presentation, Assessment and Action for Healthy Settings: Schools, Communities, Workplaces, Public Health Organizations & More, sponsored by the Atlantic Networks for Prevention Research, July 4-6, 2007, St. John's, Newfoundland & Labrador
2006 Gahagan, J, Kirkland S, Mugford G, Dykeman, M & AIRN. Atlantic Interdisciplinary Research Network for Social and Behavioural Issues in Hepatitis C and HIV/AIDS. Canadian Association of HIV/AIDS Research (CAHR) Conference, May 25 to 28, 2006, Québec City, PQ.
2006 Pritchett, S, Mugford, G, et al. The Use of Biologics in RA. Canadian Rheumatology Association. December 19 2006. ID Number 4522
2006 Abouchehade, K, Clift, F, Mugford, G, et al. A cohort of early RA. Canadian Rheumatology Association. December 19 2006. ID Number 4524
2006 Mugford, G. All Together Better Health III. Influence of an interprofessional HIV/AIDS education program on role perception, attitudes and teamwork skills of undergraduate health sciences students. London England April 10-12th 2006.
2005 Rebecca M Law, Sandra Macdonald, Gerry Mugford, Vern Curran, Gale Burford & Ian Bowmer. An Interprofessional HIV/AIDS Teaching Module for Pharmacy, Nursing, Medicine and Social Work Students. Interprofessional Education: Grounding Action in Theory Conference. May 26-27 2005, Toronto Ontario. Abstract ID 7336
2005 Mugford, Gerry. The Truer Picture of the Continuing Education Preferences of Newfoundland and Labrador Pharmacists. CPJ September/October 2005, Vol. 138, No. 7 pg. 41.
2005 Kirkland S, Mugford G, Gahagan J, Jackson L, Marshall C, Cutler S, Myles A. Atlantic Interdisciplinary Research Network for Social and Behavioural Issues in Hepatitis C and HIV/AIDS. Atlantic Networks for Prevention Research Forum 2005. October 24-26,2005, Liverpool NS
- 1999 Mugford, G, Foley, RN, Howley, CM, and Bowmer, MI. Efficacy of Long-Term Psychotherapy in HIV/AIDS. 4th International Conference on the Bio-psychosocial Aspects of HIV Infection. Page 63.