Faculty A-Z

Jason McCarthy
Associate Professor of Medicine (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) Clinical Chief, Rehabilitation, Geriatrics and Palliative Care Program, Eastern Health MD, MBA, CCFPMedicine Rehabilitation
(709) 777-2007
Room 401 Recovery & Performance Laboratory L.A. Miller Centre 100 Forest Road St. Johnâ€TMs, NL A1A 1E5
(709) 777-2007
Room 401 Recovery & Performance Laboratory L.A. Miller Centre 100 Forest Road St. Johnâ€TMs, NL A1A 1E5
What brought me to MUN? What keeps me at MUN?
I believe in Memorial’s mission to meet the unique needs of the people of Newfoundland & Labrador and thoroughly enjoy working with our teams to achieve our goals.
Education Summary:
I trained in Family Medicine at MUN and was fortunate enough to join the interdisciplinary teams in Rehabilitation/Geriatrics/Palliative Care at the L.A. Miller Centre shortly thereafter. I am currently working on a Masters of Business Administration at MUN.
Teaching Summary:
I am the Phase 4 Lead (Clerkship Coordinator) for UGME (Undergraduate Medical Education) and the Undergraduate Curriculum lead for Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. Our team at the L.A. Miller Centre organizes and executes electives and selectives in Rehabilitation and Geriatric Medicine. I am interested in curriculum development of all levels of medical education (undergraduate, postgraduate, professional development). My clinical teaching activites are mostly with postgraduate and undergraduate learners in Rehabilitation Medicine at the L.A. Miller Centre site.
Dr. Tony Hakim Stroke Recovery Research Award (2013-14)
Canadian Partnership for Stroke Recovery
Exploring potential synergistic effects of aerobic and cognitive exercise on cognition after stroke: A multi-site pilot RCT.
Resident Research Day Award for Excellence in Creative Writing (2001)
Discipline of Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, MUN
Health (Asthma) Education for Children and Their Parents Through Use of the Comic Strip.
Research Summary:
Rehabilitation Research Unit of Newfoundland & Labrador
Our research unit is a resource for biomedical, clinical, health services and quality improvement research. Our vision is to integrate our research teams into our clinical and administrative teams to achieve performance excellence in medical service delivery and research. http://www.med.mun.ca/RRUNL/Home.aspx
- King M, Kelly LP Wallack E, Hasan, S.M.M., Kirkland MC, Chatterjee T, Curtis M, McCarthy J, Ploughman M. Serum levels of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 and Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor as potential recovery biomarkers in stroke. Submitted Neurological Research May 2018.
- Abraha, B., Chaves AR., Kelly LP, Wadden K., Wallack EM, McCarthy J., Ploughman M. A Bout of High Intensity Interval Training Lengthened Nerve Conduction Speed to the Non-Exercised Affected Limb in Chronic Stroke. Frontiers in Physiology July 2018
- Barrett M, Snow JC, Kirkland MC, Kelly LP, Gehue M, Downer MB, McCarthy J, Ploughman M. Excessive Sedentary Time during In-Patient Stroke Rehabilitation. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation 2018 Apr 3:1-9. doi: 10.1080/10749357.2018.1458461.
- Kelly LP, Devasahayam AJ, Chaves AR, Wallack EM, McCarthy J, Basset FA, Ploughman M. Intensifying functional task practice to meet aerobic training guidelines in stroke survivors. Frontiers in Physiology (Clinical and Translational Physiology) 2017. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2017.00809
- Ploughman M, Shears J, Harris C, Hogan SH, Drodge O, Squires S, McCarthy J. Effectiveness of a novel community exercise transition program for people with moderate to severe neurological disabilities. NeuroRehabilitation. 2014;35(1):105-12. doi: 10.3233/NRE-141090. PMID 24997243 IF 1.12
- Ploughman M, McCarthy J, Sullivan HJ, Bossé M, Corbett D. Does treadmill exercise improve performance of cognitive or upper extremity tasks in people with chronic stroke? A randomized cross-over trial. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2008: Nov;89(11):2041-7. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2008.05.017. PMID 18996231 IF 2.57