Faculty A-Z

Victor Maddalena
Associate Professor in Health Policy and Health Service Delivery BN, MHSA, PhD (Dalhousie)Division of Population Health and Applied Health Sciences
709 864-6513
Community Health and Humanities Faculty of Medicine, M4M204 Memorial University of Newfoundland St. Johnâ€TMs, NL Canada, A1B 3V6 Rm: 4M204
MED6725 - Public Health Leadership and Management (winter 2017 in-class; winter 2018 online)
MED6726 – New Program Development (Fall 2017) (in class and online)
Directed Readings in Public Health (fall, winter)
Physician Leadership Certificate. In 2013 as part of the implementation of its new medical curriculum the Faculty of Medicine developed a new Physician Leadership Certificate (PLC) for the undergraduate medical education program. The PLC provides introductory level management and leadership training to enhance medical student’s knowledge and skills to prepare them to be leaders in the health care environment.
Journal Activity
Member - Editorial Advisory Board: Leadership in Health Services (Appointed October 5, 2006). http://www.emeraldinsight.com/info/journals/lhs/eabinfo.jsp
Dr. Victor Maddalena, BN, MHSA, PhD is an Associate Professor in Health Policy in the Faculty of Medicine, Division of Community Health and Humanities at Memorial University.
Dr. Maddalena has held several positions in the healthcare system over the past 40 years including Registered Nurse in the Burn Unit of the Victoria General Hospital and the Intensive Care Unit at the Izaak Walton Killam Hospital for Children. He worked as a Policy Analyst in Health Human Resources for the Nova Scotia Department of Health. He served as the Administrator of Sacred Heart Hospital in Chéticamp, a community hospital in rural Nova Scotia and Chief Executive Officer of the Western Regional Health Board in Nova Scotia.
In 2005 he completed his doctoral studies at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. His doctoral thesis was an examination of how governing boards in health care understand and attend to the health needs of vulnerable populations. He completed two Post-Doctoral Fellowships in Palliative and End of Life care.
He joined the Faculty of Medicine, Division of Community Health and Humanities at Memorial University in 2008. He currently teaches graduate level courses in Public Health Leadership and Management and Program Development in Public Health. In the past he has taught courses in strategic planning, quality management, health policy and issues in northern rural and remote health. His research interests are in the areas of assessing and serving the health needs of vulnerable populations, governance of health systems, palliative and end of life care, health human resources planning, and health policy.
He was instrumental in establishing the Physician Management and Leadership Program offered through Memorial University. He also developed the Leadership in Medicine program, an 8 module fully online leadership training program for the undergraduate medical education program in the Faculty of Medicine.
He has served as a consultant to government agencies, NGOs and health organizations on a wide range of health policy issues, including strategic planning, health human resources policy, primary health care, and health systems. Victor is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board for the journal, “Leadership in Health Services”.
Research Interests:
My research has generally focused on one overarching question: “Who is not well served by our health care system?” The most vulnerable in our society are at particularly at risk of not being well served by our health system and they often experience poor health outcomes. I am interested in exploring such questions as -- how do the most vulnerable in our society access health care? What barriers (cultural or institutional) do they experience when accessing care? How do health professionals understand and meet the health concerns of individuals who are vulnerable?
I am a researcher who uses qualitative research methods. I believe in collaborative relationships with the social groups or individuals who are the focus of the research. I seek to give voice to the most vulnerable in our society and to use research as a means to influence policy change.
Areas of Research: vulnerable populations, palliative care, organizational governance, family caregivers.
Current Research Projects:
- Wideman G (PI), Maddalena V (Co-I), McDonald S, Pullman D (July 17, 2015). Palliative/End of Life Care in Rural Settings: Support to Informal Providers of Care. Funder: Enhancing Health Care in NL. $72,000
- Maddalena V (Co-PI), Darcy S (Co-PI), Flynn, H., Harnett J. Moffatt S, (2016). Coping strategies, Health concerns and wellness In undergraduate MEdical Students (CHIMES). Source: a) NL Medical Association. Funding Amount: $40,000.
- Maddalena V (Co-PI), Kaposy, C. (Co-PI), Brunger, F., Kaminski, V., Pullman, D., Singleton, R. (2012). Organizational Ethics in the Midst of Crisis: Examining the Perceived Roles and Responsibilities of RHA Boards with Regard to Monitoring Quality. Commission of Inquiry Research Funding. Amount of award: $58,000.
- Maddalena V (Co-PI) and LeFort S (Co-PI). Assessing Pain: the Deaf Community’s Experience. Amount of funding $22,000. Funded by 2008-2013 Henry, J., et al. & LeFort, S. (Co-I). Community Alliances for Health Research and Knowledge Exchange in Pain. CIHR, $1,875,000 over 5 years.
- Tarrant G (Co-PI), Godwin M (Co-PI), Maddalena V (Co-I), Asghari S (Co-I), Pike A (Co-I), Dalton J (Co-I). (2012). Optimizing Health Care Delivery in Residential Care Homes in Newfoundland and Labrador. Medical Research Foundation, Memorial University, Amount: Memorial University’s Medical Research Fund: $20,000.
Select Publications - Peer Reviewed Publications
- Kathryn D, Bishop, L, Darcy, S, De Boer, C, Maddalena, V. (September 2020) Piecing Together the Puzzle of Success: Attending to the Developmental Needs of Emerging Adults in Substance Use Disorder Programming. The Canadian Journal of Addiction. 11(3):15–24,
DOI: 10.1097/CXA.0000000000000087, Issn Print: 2368-4720 - Maddalena, V., Pendergast A., McGrath, G. (2018) "Quality improvement in curriculum development", Leadership in Health Services, https://doi.org/10.1108/LHS-09-2017-0053
- Maddalena, V., O’Shea, F, Barrett, B., Li, M (2017). An Exploration of Palliative Care Needs of People With End Stage Renal Disease on Dialysis: Family Caregiver’s Perspectives. Journal of Palliative Care, 33(1), 19-25. doi: 10.1177/0825859717747340
- Wang M, Yi Y, Roebothan B, Colbourne J, Maddalena V, Wang P, Sun G. Body Mass Index Trajectories among Middle-Aged and elderly Canadians and Associated Health Outcomes. Journal of Environmental and Public Health. Vol 2016, article ID 7014857, January 2016.
- Wang M, Yi Y, Roebothan B, Colbourne J, Maddalena V, Wang P, Sun G. Trajectories of Body Mass Index from Young Adulthood to Middle Age among Canadian Men and Women. Advances in Epidemiology. Advances in Epidemiology. Vol 2015, article ID 121806, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/121806. December 2015.
- Weerasinghe, S, Maddalena V. (June 30, 2016). Family caregivers’ experiences, beliefs, values and practices related to culturally sensitive end-of-life care planning for South Asian immigrants. Social Work in Public Health. DOI: 10.1080/19371918.2015.1137521
- Maddalena, V. (May 2016). Viewpoint: Leadership Training for Undergraduate Medical Students. Leadership in Health Services. Vol 29(3). Pp.
- Kaposy, C., Maddalena, V, Brunger, F., Pullman, D., Singleton, R. (2016). The Interactions of Canadian Ethics Consultants with Health Care Managers and Governing Boards During Times of Crisis. AJoB (Amer Journal of Bioethics) Empirical Bioethics. (Currently in review)
- Kaposy, F. Brunger, V. Maddalena, Singleton, R. (2015). The use of ethics decision-making frameworks by Canadian ethics consultants: A qualitative study,” Bioethics. [In Press].
- Kaposy, C, Brunger, F. Maddalena, V. Pullman, D. (June 2015). Models of Ethics Consultation Used by Canadian Ethics Consultants: A Qualitative Study. HEC Forum [In press]
- Maddalena ,V., Fleet, L. (2015) "Developing a Physician Management & Leadership Program (PMLP) in Newfoundland and Labrador", Leadership in Health Services, Vol. 28 Iss: 1, pp. 35 – 42
- Hippe, J, Maddalena V, Heath, S, McCahon, M. Olson, K, Ryan A. (2013). Access to Health Services in Western Newfoundland, Canada: Issues, barriers, and recommendations emerging from a community research project. International Journal of Community Research and Engagement. [In press]
- Bernard, W., Maddalena V., Smith D. (2014). Spirituality at End of Life in Nova Scotia’s Black Community. Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought. 33: 353-376. .
- Maddalena, V, Bernard WT, Davis-Murdoch S, Smith D. (April 2013). Awareness of Palliative Care and End of Life Options among African Canadians in Nova Scotia. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 24(2), 144-152.
- Xie J, Ross A, Wang J, Maddalena V, Wang P, Wu H. (November 2012) The perceived meaning of “volunteer” and the determinants of volunteer participation among new Chinese immigrants to Canada. International Journal of Volunteer Administration. (Vol. 24, No. 2).
- Traverso-Yepez, M., Maddalena V., Bavington, W., and Donovan, C. (2012). Community Capacity Building for Health: A Critical Look at the Practical Implications of This Approach. Sage Open 1-12.
- Tomblin Murphy, G., Alder, R., MacKenzie, A., Cook, A., Maddalena, V. (March 2012). Research to Action: An Evaluation. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership, 25 Special Issue p. 21-34.
- Maddalena V, O’Shea F, Murphy M (2012). Palliative care in Newfoundland’s Deaf community. Journal of Palliative Care. 28(2): 105-112.
- Maddalena V, Kearney A, Adams L (2012). Quality of worklife of novice nurses: A qualitative exploration. Journal for Nurses in Staff Development. 28(2): 74-79.
- Maddalena V (2012). A Primer on Project Management: The Cornerstone of Strategic Leadership. Leadership in Health Services. 25(2): 80-89.
- Cooke-Hubley S & Maddalena V (2011). Access to genetic testing and genetic counseling in vulnerable populations: the d/Deaf and hard of hearing population. Journal of Community Genetics, 2:117-125.
- Maddalena V (2010). An Exploration of Policy Options to Assist District Health Authorities in Attending to the Health Needs of African Canadians: A Case Study. Leadership in Health Services. 23(1): 57-74.
- Maddalena V, Bernard WT, Etowa JB, Davis-Murdoch S, Smith D, Marsh-Jarvis P (2010) Cancer Care Experiences and the Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine at End of Life in Nova Scotia’s Black Communities. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 21: 114-122.
- Maddalena V. (2009). Cultural Competence and Holistic Practice: Implications for Nursing Education, Practice and Research”. Holistic Nursing Practice. (May-June 2009) 153-157.
- Maddalena, V. (2007). A Practical Approach to Ethical Decision-Making. Leadership in Health Services 20(2), 71-75.
- Maddalena, V. (Fall 2006) Governance, Public Participation and Accountability. Healthcare Management FORUM. 19(3), 32-37.
- Maddalena, V. & Sherwin, S. (2004). Vulnerable Populations in Rural Areas: Challenges for Ethics Committees. HEC Forum, 16(4), 234-246.
Book Chapters
- [Book chapter] Maddalena, V. & Murphy, M. Chapter 12 Palliative & End of Life Care of Deaf & Hard of Hearing Adults in C. Chovaz (Ed.). Deaf People and Mental Health – Research to Lived Experience. Gallaudet University Press. (In press)
- [Book chapter] Maddalena, V. & Najafizada M. (2020). Health Policy: A Primer for Researchers. In P. Parfrey and B. Barrett (Eds). Clinical Epidemiology; Practice and Methods (3rd Edition). Springer.
- [Book] Bornstein, S., Abbott, J., Maddalena, V. Letto, A., Sullivan, M., and Navarro, P. (2020). Newfoundland and Labrador: A Health System Profile. Series Editor: Marchildon, GP. University of Toronto Press.
- [Book chapter] Maddalena, V. (2014). Health Policy: A Primer for Researchers. In P. Parfrey and B. Barrett (Eds). Clinical Epidemiology; Practice and Methods (2nd Edition). Springer.
Highlighted Accomplishments:
- 2008: Recognition of Outstanding Sessional Faculty (School of Health Svs Admin, Dalhousie U)
- 2004: Award for Excellence in Teaching (Dept. of Community Health & Epidemiology, Dalhousie U)
- 2003: Award for Excellence in Teaching (Dept. of Community Health & Epidemiology, Dalhousie U)
- 2000: Professor of the Year Award (School of Health Svs Admin, Dalhousie U)