Faculty A-Z

Kenneth LeDez
Associate Professor of Anesthesia M.B., Ch..B., Dundee, FRCPCAnesthesia
Director, Centre for Offshore and Remote Medicine (MEDICOR) and Medical Director, Hyperbaric Medicine
Director, MEDICOR Laboratory
Memorial University of Newfoundland / Eastern Health
Health Sciences Centre, St. John’s Newfoundland
Areas of research and clinical interest:
Inhaled anesthetics, breathing gas purity, measurement of gases in blood, hyperbaric medicine, health care organization, standards.
Competing Interests: Dr LeDez has received speaker’s honoraria from Abbott Laboratories. He has previously received research grants from Abbott Laboratories, GlaxoSmithKline, Glaxo Wellcome, Glaxo and Winthrop Laboratories. He holds no equity position or commercial interest with any company related to pharmaceuticals or medical equipment. Dr LeDez holds two patents for scientific / medical equipment but has no commercial benefits from either.