Faculty A-Z

Rebecca King
Associate Professor of Psychiatry B.SC. (Hons), M.D. Memorial, FRCPCPsychiatry
Dr. Rebecca King is a consultation-liaison psychiatrist with a subspecialty focus on neuropsychiatry. She completed her MD training at Memorial University of Newfoundland, her psychiatry residency at the University of Western Ontario, and her consultation-liaison psychiatry/psycho-oncology fellowship at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre in New York City. She is a fellow of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry. She had an academic practice at the University of Western Ontario until 2019 with a focus on collaborative care models for complex and inter-related physical and mental health disorders, particularly for patients with acquired brain injury. She held various roles within postgraduate education and spent much of her career mentoring learners, and junior colleagues. Dr. King joined Memorial University in 2019 as a geographic full-time assistant professor in the Discipline of Psychiatry and is an adjunct professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilita tion at the University of Western Ontario. She is particularly interested in promoting the well-being of residents and began working with the Office of Learner Well-Being & Success in 2020 to develop peer support groups for residents.