Faculty A-Z

Edward Kendall
Professor, BioMedical Sciences | BSc (Dalhousie) MSc (Dalhousie) PhD (Guelph)BioMedical Sciences
I joined MUN in 2007. Before that I spent nine years as Research Director for the Medical Imaging Department at the University of Saskatchewan. My research interests are wide: beans to brains, but most recently I’ve been working on the appropriate use of radiation in diagnostic imaging. I have a continuing interest in the characterization of malignant pathology using non-invasive technology, examining seasonal variations in plant homeostasis and wrestling with semi-automatic analysis of medical images. I also have had an interest in the business of science first as President of Bonaventure Analytical Services, a contract research organization, and later as the founding Managing Director of MRV Systems Inc., a University-based MRI technology development company.
Research Interests:
Radiation safety:
1. Appropriate use of ionizing radiation in diagnostic imaging
2. Occupational safety in diagnostic imaging and nuclear medicine
Cancer detection:
1. Automated classification of mammograms.
2. Molecular imaging for screening populations with an elevated risk of cancer
3. Automated classification of lung cancer in low-dose CT images.
Magnetic resonance imaging:
1. MR imaging as a non-invasive approach to studying pathophysiology
a. pre-clinical models of pathology.
b. environmental stress in plants.
2. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy
a. in vivo metabolic studies
b. radiotherapy assessment
Course offered Jan-Apr 2023:
Med 6106. Imaging and spectroscopy for biomedical science
This course is intended for Biologists and Physicists who require grounding in non-invasive measurement using radiation (em and acoustic). The course will explore the principles of acquiring data using the techniques as well as the features and limitations of that data.
The course organizer is Professor E. Kendall. Guest instructors may deliver some of the material.
Evaluation: 70% of marks will be obtained from assignments, 30% of marks will be obtained from the end of course assessment. This will be multiple choice or short answer and consist of 30 questions. The assigned reading list will be provided at the first lecture.
- Introduction.
- Objectives, definitions
- General image characteristics
- X-rays
- Production/Interactions
- Detection
- Planar Imaging
- Computed tomography
- Synchrotron imaging techniques
- Phase contrast imaging
- Diffraction enhanced imaging
- Dosimetry
- Ultrasound:
- Properties and production
- Detection
- Applications
- Phenomenon
- Origins of contrast
- Instrumentation
- Applications
- Nuclear Imaging
- Tracers
- Planar Imaging
- Radio-pharmaceuticals
- Image Quality
- Dosimetry
- Signal processing/ analysis:
- Noise reduction
- Feature extraction
- AI applications
Please note each time the course is delivered the emphasis provided each topic will be based on student interest as surveyed in the first class. It is also possible to add a new unit such as synchrotron- based imaging or micro-imaging.