Faculty A-Z

Delphine Grynszpan
Assistant Professor in Public HealthMD (U of Paris), D. Sciences Politiques (SciencesPo Paris), MPH (LSHTM), FFPH (UK)
Division of Population Health and Applied Health Sciences
MED6724 Communicable Disease Control and Prevention
MED6806 Canadian Health System: principles, structure and challenges
MED6700/6701 MPH Seminar I and II
I am also the Faculty Coordinator for the MPH Practicum/Capstone (MED6710/6711)
UGME phase 1, 2 and 3
Research Interests
Communicable disease control
Disaster risk reduction and climate/environmental change adaptation
Education and training in public health practice
Public health program evaluation
Selected Publications
Russell K, Addiman S, Grynszpan D, Freedman J, Lopez Bernal J, Yin Z, Rawlings C, Balasegaram S. (2018). The impact of new national guidance for the public health management of enteric fever in England. Public Health, Jan;154:79-86
S. Balasegaram, A.L. Potter, D. Grynszpan, et al. (2012). Guidelines for the public health management of typhoid and paratyphoid in England. Practice guidelines from the national Typhoid and Paratyphoid Reference Group. Journal of Infection 65, pp. 197-213
IPCC (Contributing author) (2011). Chapter 9: Case studies, in: IPCC Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK and New York, NY, USA
Grynszpan D, Murray V, Llosa S (2011). Value of Case Studies in Disaster Assessment. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 26 (3): 204-207
Grynszpan D, Murray V, Kreis I, Zenner D, Vardoulakis S, Caldin H, Morgan D, Heaviside C, Heymann D (2010). Foresight International Dimensions of Climate Change - The Implications for the UK's Health Sector of the International Dimensions of Climate Change, 2010 to 2100. Report submitted to Foresight, Government Office for Science, 8 November 2010.
Grynszpan D (2003). Lessons from the French heatwave. Lancet, 362:1169-1170