Faculty A-Z

Jane Green
Discipline of Genetics (Cross Appointed to Surgery [Ophthalmology], Medicine, Oncology) Professor, Discipline of Genetics OC, ONL, BSc, MSc (UBC); PhD (Memorial), CCMG (hon), FCAHSSurgery
(709) 864-6686
Craig L. Dobbin Genetics Research Centre Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John’s, NL Canada A1B 3V6
Research Interests:
Genetic isolates resulting in clusters of genetic disease; hereditary eye disorders; hereditary colon cancer; Bardet-Biedl syndrome; and hereditary breast cancer
1991 – 1995: Ph.D. (Medical Genetics), Memorial University
1980 – 1981: Research year in Medical Genetics and Ophthalmology: Drs. Barbara McGillivray, Jean Carruthers, & Craig Beatty, University of British Columbia and Vancouver General Hospital
1964 – 1965: M.Sc. (Genetics), University of British Columbia
1960 – 1964: B.Sc. (Zoology), University of British Columbia
Professional Experience:
2016 – present: Honorary Research Professor, Discipline of Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University
2002 – 2016: Professor, Discipline of Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University
2000 – 2002: Associate Professor, Discipline of Genetics
1997 – 2000: Associate Professor with Tenure, Discipline of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University
1991 – 1997: Assistant Professor, Discipline of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University
1988 – 1991: Lecturer, Discipline of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University
1978 -1988: Research Assistant, Faculty of Medicine (Ocular Genetics)
1996 – present: Staff privileges as Scientist, Non-Medical, Department of Medicine, Eastern Health
1996 – present: Consulting privileges as a Scientist, Non-Medical with the Newfoundland Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation
2012 – 2016: Cross appointment, Discipline of Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University
2000 – 2016: Cross appointment, Discipline of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University
1990 – 2016: Cross appointment, Department of Surgery (Ophthalmology), Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University
Dr. Green's research has made use of the unique features of the Newfoundland and Labrador population - large family size, genetic isolates resulting in clusters of genetic disease, and well-documented migration patterns to, and within, the province. This research has enabled her to document the spectrum and variability of clinical disease within and between families, to collaborate on mapping relevant disease genes, to correlate clinical phenotype and specific mutations, and to apply this data to improved management of the genetic disorder, whether hereditary eye disease or hereditary cancer.
Dr. Green's role in genetic research projects is the complete ascertainment and accurate clinical characterization of the family or families, and archival studies. She has travelled to all parts of NL to meet with families, and to give presentations to health care professionals, patients and the public on the impact of hereditary disease. She works closely with molecular geneticists and genetic counsellors. Families participating in the research have benefited from clinical and genetic screening programs developed and implemented based on the research results.
Among the genetic diseases Dr. Green has helped research are hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer (Lynch Syndrome) and other hereditary cancers, Bardet-Biedl syndrome, and hereditary eye disorders particularly the different types of Retinitis Pigmentosa. In her career Dr. Green has published 120 refereed papers, contributed two book chapters to collective works, presented 69 abstracts and made 338 invited presentations.
Financial Support:
CIHR; AMGG;, ACOA; Genome Canada; Janeway Research Foundation; Medical Research Foundation; Canadian Genetic Diseases Network
Officer, Order of Canada; Member, Order of Newfoundland and Labrador; Fellow, Canadian Academy of Health Sciences; Honorary Member, Canadian College of Medical Geneticists; Founders Award, Canadian College of Medical Geneticists; CIHR Knowledge Translation Award; Community Service Award, NL Division, Canadian National Institute of the Blind.
Publications and Presentations
120 Papers, 69 Abstracts and 338 Invited Presentations