Faculty A-Z

Veeresh Gadag

BSc (Karnatak), MPhil, PhD (Poona)

Population Health and Applied Health Sciences


Faculty of Medicine | Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's, NL Canada, A1B 3V6

Research Interests:

  • statistical analysis of data pertaining to either population health or clinical trials with special interest in vaccine related data
  • pharmacoepidemiological research using large health care data bases with special emphasis on the association between drug use and its perceived side effects
  • data analysis using time series and stochastic process approach
  • theoretical developments in statistics related to detection of Outliers, Branching Processes and Sampling Schemes

Research Projects:

  • The Eldercare Project: Primary Healthcare for Community Living Old Elderly
    Funded by: CIHR
    Role: Co-Investigator
    Duration: 2007-2011