Faculty A-Z

Paul Dancey
Associate Professor and Chair of Pediatrics Pediatric Rheumatologist M.D. Memorial, FRCPCPediatrics
709 777-4766
Janeway Childrens Hospital and Rehabilitation Centre 300 Prince Philip Drive St. John's NL A1B 3V6
709 777-4766
Janeway Childrens Hospital and Rehabilitation Centre 300 Prince Philip Drive St. John's NL A1B 3V6
Clinical interests:
- Arthritis, Connective Tissue Diseases, Vasculitis, Autoinflammatory Disease
Educational interests:
- Rheumatology teaching within the Med II pediatrics course, MSK clinical skills, clerkship and resident academic half days.
Research interests and any publications:
- Coming soon
- MD, Paul Dancey , Distinct interferon signatures and cytokine patterns define additional systemic auto inflammatory diseases. J Clin Invest. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI129301.
- Kristen M Gibson, BSc, Kimberly A Morishita, MD, Paul Dancey, MD, Paul Moorehead, MD, Britt Drögemöller, PhD, Xiaohua Xhan, Jinko Graham, PhD, Robert EW Hancock. MD, Dirk Foell, MD, Susanne Benseler, MD, PhD, Rashid Luqmani, MD, Rae SM Yeung, MD, PhD, Susan Shenoi, MD, Marek Bohm, MD, Alan M Rosenberg, MD, Colin J Ross, PhD, David A Cabral, MD, and Kelly L Brown, PhD, on behalf of the PedVas investigators network. Identification of novel Adenosine Deaminase 2 gene variants and varied clinical phenotype in pediatric vasculitis. Submitted to Arthritis and Rheumatology 2019.
- Guzman J, Henrey A, Loughin T, Berard RA, Shiff NJ, Jurencak R, Huber AM, Oen K, Gerhold K, Feldman BM, Scuccimarri R, Houghton K, Chédeville G, Morishita K, Lang B, Dancey P, Rosenberg AM, Barsalou J, Bruns A, Watanabe Duffy K, Benseler S, Duffy CM, Tucker LB; ReACCh-Out Investigators. Predicting Which Children with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Will Not Attain Early Remission with Conventional Treatment: Results from the ReACCh-Out Cohort. J Rheumatol. 2019 Jan 15.
- Dyer T, Dancey P, Martin J, Shah S. Torticollis as Presentation for Atypical Kawasaki Disease Complicated by Giant Coronary Artery Aneurysms. Case Rep Pediatr. 2018 Oct 8.
- Houghton KM, Macdonald HM, McKay HA, Guzman J, Duffy C, Tucker L; LEAP Study Investigators. Feasibility and safety of a 6-month exercise program to increase bone and muscle strength in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Pediatr Rheumatol Online J. 2018 Oct 22;16(1)
- Lee JJY, Duffy CM, Guzman J, Oen K, Barrowman N, Rosenberg AM, Shiff NJ, Boire G, Stringer E, Spiegel L, Morishita KA, Lang B, Reddy D, Huber AM, Cabral DA, Feldman BM, Yeung RSM, Tucker LB, Watanabe Duffy K; ReACCh-Out Investigators. Prospective Determination of the Incidence and Risk Factors of New-Onset Uveitis in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: The Research in Arthritis in Canadian Children Emphasizing Outcomes Cohort. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2018 Oct 15
- Mititelu R, Finch S, Dancey P, Landells I. Two Cases of Pachydermodactyly Presenting as Polyarthritis. Case Rep Dermatol Med. 2018 Jan 17.
- Arthur VL, Shuldiner E, Remmers EF, Hinks A, Grom AA, Foell D, Martini A, Gattorno M, Özen S, Prahalad S, Zeft AS, Bohnsack JF, Ilowite NT, Mellins ED, Russo R, Len C, Oliveira S, Yeung RSM, Rosenberg AM, Wedderburn LR, Anton J, Haas JP, Rösen-Wolff A, Minden K, Szymanski AM; INCHARGE Consortium, Thomson W, Kastner DL, Woo P, Ombrello MJ. IL1RN Variation Influences Both Disease Susceptibility and Response to Recombinant Human Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist Therapy in Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2018 Aug;70(8):1319-1330
- Shiff NJ, Tupper S, Oen K, Guzman J, Lim H, Lee CH, Bryce R, Huber AM, Boire G, Dancey P, Feldman B, Laxer R, Miettunen P, Schmeling H, Watanabe Duffy K, Levy DM, Turvey S, Bolaria R, Bruns A, Cabral DA, Campillo S, Chédeville G, Feldman DE, Haddad E, Houghton K, Johnson N, Jurencak R, Lang B, Larche M, Morishita K, Ramsey S, Roth J, Schneider R, Scuccimarri R, Spiegel L, Stringer E, Tse SM, Yeung R, Duffy CM, Tucker LB. Trajectories of pain severity in juvenile idiopathic arthritis: results from the Research in Arthritis in Canadian Children Emphasizing Outcomes cohort. Pain. 2018 Jan;159(1):57-66