Faculty A-Z

Natalie Bridger
Associate Professor of Pediatrics M.D. Memorial, FRCPC, DTM&HPediatrics
Janeway Childrenâ€TMs Hospital and Rehabilitation Centre 300 Prince Philip Drive St. Johnâ€TMs NL A1B 3V6
Clinical Interests:
- Pediatric Infectious Diseases
- Global Child Health
- Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Control
Research Interests:
- Vaccine-Preventable Diseases (site investigator for IMPACT)
- Hospital-Acquired Infections and Prevention (site investigator for CNISP)
- Global Child Health
- Antimicrobial Resistant Organisms
Bridger N, Walkty A, Crockett M, Fanella S, Nichol K,
Karlowsky J. Caulobacter species as a cause of postneurosurgical
bacterial meningitis in a pediatric patient. Can J Infect Dis Med
Microbiol. Spring 2012; 23(1). available online.
Bridger N, Fanella S. The basketball player with back pain.
Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2011 Oct;30(10):915-916.
Fanella ST, Pinto MA, Bridger NA, Bullard JM, Coombs JM,
Crockett ME, Olekson KL, Poliquin PG, Van Caeseele PG, Embree JE.
Pandemic(H1N1) 2009 in hospitalized children in Manitoba: nosocomial
transmission and lessons learned from the first wave. Infect Control
Hosp Epidemio. 2011 May;32(5): 435-43.
Fanella S, Walkty A, Bridger N, Crockett M, Consunji-Araneta
R, Embree J, Karlowsky J. Gastric lavage for the diagnosis of pulmonary
blastomycosis in pediatric patients. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2010 Dec;
29(12): 1146-8.