Faculty A-Z

Mark Borgaonkar
Professor of Medicine (Gastroenterology) MD, MSc, FRCPCMedicine Gastroenterology
709 777-8072
Faculty of Medicine, Room H5338, HSC Memorial University, 300 Prince Philip Drive, St. John's, NL Canada A1B 3V6
What brought me to MUN? What Keeps me at MUN?
St. John’s is home for my family and I. It is very fulfilling to contribute to the institution that provided me with my training and to work with colleagues I’ve known for years.
MD - Memorial University1994
MSc Health Research Methodology - McMaster University 2000
Certificate in Medical Teaching – Memorial University 2011
Internal Medicine - Memorial University 1997
Gastroenterology - McMaster University 1999
Research/Teaching Summary:
Teaching has been one of the most enjoyable parts of my position and includes undergraduate teaching, graduate teaching in the Clinical Epidemiology program and postgraduate teaching to residents, including a term as residency Program Director. On a national level I teach Gastroenterology residents at the endoscopy training course each year and at the GI resident in-training program, which I Chair for the year 2016. As a certified endoscopy trainer with the Canadain Association of Gastroenterology, I teach the latest methods in colonoscopy to practioners around the country.
I’ve enaged in research in various areas, including inflammatory bowel disease, post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome, hemochromatosis, and quality of life. Most recently, my focus has been on quality in gastroenintestinal endoscopy.
2014 Health Care Foundation grant
2012 Fellow of the American College of Gastreonterology
2010 Poster of Distinction United European Gastroenterology week
2004 Outstanding teacher of the year, MUN medicine class of 2006
2004 Janssen-Ortho best English language article in ‘Canadian Family Physician.’
2003 ACG Governor’s award for excellence in clinical research
2003 Poster of distinction Digestive Diseases Week
2001 ACG Governor’s award for excellence in clinical research
(1) Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Medical Management of Non-Hospitalized Ulcerative Colitis: The Toronto Consensus. Bressler B, Marshall J, Bernstein C, Bitton A, Jones J, Leontiadis G, Panaccione R, Steinhart AH, Tse F, Feagan B, Afif W, Bernard E-J, Borgaonkar M, Devlin S, Fedorak R, Nguyen G, Penner R, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Reinisch W, Seow C, Sy R, Targownik L, Thomson P, Van Assche G, Williams C . Gastroenterology 2015;148:1035-1058.
(2) Iron overload is rare is patients homozygous for the H63D mutation. M. Kelley, N. Joshi, Y. Xie, M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology 2014;28(4):198-202.
(3) Celiac disease: Diagnosis and Management. Borgaonkar M. The Canadian Journal of Diagnosis 2013;30(8):51-53.
(4) Making quality endoscopy reports. Borgaonkar M. The Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology 2013;27(5):258.
(5) A blueprint for quality. Borgaonkar M. The Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology 2013;27(2):73.
(6) The 2012 SAGE wait times program: Survey of access to gastroenterology in Canada. D. Leddin, D. Armstrong, M. Borgaonkar, R. Bridges, C. Fallone, J. Telford, Y. Chen, P. Colacino . The Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology 2013;27(2):83-89.
(7) A case of collagenous gastroenteritis with pseudomembranes. M. Borgaonkar, A. Taher. The Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology 2012;26(9):579-580..
(8) Melanoma extracted from the common bile duct. Borgaonkar M. The Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology 2012;26(7):415-6.
(9) FIT to be tried. Borgaonkar M. The Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology 2012;26(3):130.
(10) Indicators of safety compromise in gastrointestinal endoscopy. Borgaonkar M, Hookey L, Hollingworth R, Kuipers E, Forster A, Armostrong D, Barkun A, Bridges R, Carter R, de Gara C, Dube C, Enns R, MacIntosh D, Forget S, Leontiadis G, Meddings J, Cotton P, Valori R. The Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology 2012;26(2):71-78.
(11) Canadian Association of Gastroenterology consensus guidelines on safety and quality indicators in endoscopy. Armstrong D, Barkun A, Bridges R, Carter R, de Gara C, Dube C, Enns R, Hollingworth R, MacIntosh D, Borgaonkar M, Forget S, Leontiadis G, Meddings J, Cotton P, Kuipers E, Valori R. The Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology 2012;26(1):17-31.(12) Calcified cavitating mesenteric lymph node syndrome: Case presentation and literature review. Keer DS, Jeon P, Borgaonkar M, Potoczny S. The Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology 2010;24(6):355-8.
(13) PPI’s to Prevent Bleeding in Seniors. M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2008; January 20(1):24.
(14) Failing Treatment of H. Pylori. M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2008; January 20(1):28.
(15) Oxycodone and Abdominal Pain. M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2007; December 19(12):32.
(16) Treatment of Peptic Ulcers. M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2007; November 19(11):32.
(17) New Treatment Options for Esophageal Stricture. M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2007; October 19(10):34.
(18) Treatment for Campylobacter jejuni diarrhea. M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2007; October 19(10):32.
(19) How to Eliminate Liver Fat. M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2007; July 19(8):32.
(20) Excessive Flatus. M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2007; July 19(7):29.
(21) The Latest on H. Pylori. M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2007; July 19(7):32.
(22) Can NAFLD be cured by excess weight loss? M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2007; June 19(6):33.
(23) Medication-Induced Constipation. M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2007; June 19(6):36.
(24) Vitamin B12 deficiency and the Schilling test. M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2007; June 19(6):33.(25) Enlarged Mesenteric Lymph Nodes. M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2007; May 19(5):33.
(26) Causes of Belching. M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2007; May 19(5):30.
(27) What is the Current Thinking on H. Pylori? M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2007; April 19(4):35.
(28) The Problems With Long-term Laxatives. M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2007; April 19(4):36.
(29) Development of hepatocellular carcinoma in a patient with Crohn’s disease treated with azathioprine. J. Samarasena, M. Borgaonkar. Dig Dis Sci 2007;52(10):2748-50.
(30) Postinfectious Irritable Bowel Syndrome After a Food-Borne Outbreak of Acute Gastroenteritis Attributed to a Viral Pathogen. J.K. Marshall, M. Thabane, M.R. Borgaonkar, C. James. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2007; 5(4):457-60.
(31) Nutcracker Esophagus Treatment. M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2007; January 19(1):39.
(32) Recurring Diarrhea. M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2007; January 19(1):33.
(33) Treating Crohn’s. M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2006; December 18(12):37.
(34) Maintenance of G-Tubes. M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2006; December 18(12):49.
(35) Treating H. pylori infections. M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2006; November 18(11):33.
(36) When is TIPS indicated? M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2006; October 18(10):44.
(37) Virtual Colonoscopy in Canada. M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2006; October 18(10):50.
(38) Colonoscopy miss rates. M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2006; September 18(9):39.(39) The role of infliximab for UC. M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2006;July 18(7):37.
(40) H. Pylori Screening. M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2006;July 18(7):33.
(41) The incidence of irritable bowel syndrome among community subjects with previous acute enteric infection. M. Borgaonkar, D. Ford, J. Marshall, E. Churchill, S. Collins. Digestive Diseases and Sciences 2006;51(5):1026-32.
(42) Individuals homozygous for the H63D mutation have significantly elevated iron indexes. J. Samarasena, W. Winsor, R. Lush, P. Duggan, Y. Xie, M. Borgaonkar. Digestive Diseases and Sciences 2006;51(4):803-7.
(43) Seeds and Nuts and Diverticulitis. M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2006; April 18(4):43.
(44) Colon Cancer Screening in the Elderly. M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2006; April 18(4):60.
(45) PPIs and Vitamin B12. M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2006; April 18(4):44.
(46) Is a TTG test useful in the diagnosis of Celiac Disease? M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2006; March 18(3):42.
(47) Reflux Esophagitis Signs. M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2006; February 18(2):48.
(48) Camera Endoscopy – What’s Being Missed? M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2006; February 18(2):58.
(49) Differing Clinical Manifestations of Celiac Disease Transmitted by Bone Marrow Transplantation. M. Borgaonkar, P. Duggan, G. Adams. Digestive Diseases and Sciences 2006;51(1):210-212.
(50) Concerned About Malabsorption? M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2006; January 18(1):53.
(51) Caution: Meds to avoid in Crohn’s. M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2005; December 17(12):52.(52) Impacted Biliary Basket. M. Borgaonkar. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2005;62(3):474.
(53) Getting over GERD - What are the options? D. Pace, M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of Diagnosis 2005; 22(7):68-70.(54) PPI’s – Any dangers? M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2005;July 17(7):28.
(55) Caring for Crohn’s Disease. M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2005;May 17(5):30.
(56) Stopping the Burn: Bleeding Peptic Ulcer Disease. M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2005;February:70-74.
(57) Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of prednisolone in post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome. S.P. Dunlop, D. Jenkins, K.R. Neal, J. Naesdal, M. Borgaonkar, S.M. Collins, R.C. Spiller. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2003;18:77-84.
(58) Passage of a bile duct stone. M. Borgaonkar. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2003 May;57(6):721.
(59) Hemochromatosis: More common than you think. M. Borgaonkar. Canadian Family Physician 2003 Jan;49:36-43.
(60) Providing Disease-related Information Worsens Health-Related Quality of Life in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. M. Borgaonkar, G. Townson, M. Donnelly, E.J. Irvine. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 2002 Jul;8(4):264-9.
(61) Hemochromatosis. M. Borgaonkar. The Canadian Journal of CME 2002 14(4):25-6.
(62) Quality of Life in Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases. M. Borgaonkar, EJ Irvine. Gut 2000;47(3):444-454.
(63) Acute on Chronic Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction Responds to Neostigmine. M. Borgaonkar and B. Lumb. Digestive Diseases and Sciences 2000;45(8):1644-7.
(64) A Meta-analysis of anti-tuberculous therapy in Crohn’s disease. M. Borgaonkar, D. MacIntosh, J. Fardy. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Issue 2, 1999. The American Journal of Gastroenterology 2000;95:725-9.
(65) Marked Elevation of Serum Transaminases May Be Associated with Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome. M. Borgaonkar , J.K. Marshall. The American Journal of Gastroenterology 1999;94(11):3373.(66) Primary Biliary Cirrhosis and Type II Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndrome. M. Borgaonkar, D.G. Morgan. The Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology 1999;13(9):767-70.
(67) Putative Inflammatory and Immunological Mechanisms in Functional Bowel Disorders. S. Collins, B. Vallance, G. Barbara, M. Borgaonkar. Bailliere’s Clinical Gastroenterology 1999;13(3):429-36.
(68) Burning Issues – Antibiotics. M. Borgaonkar, J. Fardy. The Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology 1998;12(6):390.