Faculty A-Z

Rick Bhatia
Clinical Professor of Radiology MD McMaster, FRCPCRadiology
Dr. Bhatia completed his undergraduate medical education at McMaster University in 1991. After completion of his undergraduate training he commenced postgraduate training in Diagnostic Radiology at Memorial University and received his designation as a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada in 1996. After completing his residency, Dr. Bhatia continued on to do a Fellowship in Thoracic and Mammographic Imaging at McMaster University from 1996-1997.
Dr. Bhatia is currently a staff radiologist and serves as Clinical Chief of the Diagnostic Imaging Program at Eastern Health and practices at the General Hospital site. He is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Discipline of Radiology at Memorial University.
Dr. Bhatia enjoys a busy clinical career and administrative career and participates actively in many areas of pulmonary research.