Faculty A-Z

Natalie Beausoleil
Professor of Social Science and Health BA (Laval), MA, PhD (UCLA)Division of Population Health and Applied Health Sciences
Research Interests:
- social production of gender, body, health and illness through popular, medical and scientific discourses
- feminist and other critical approaches
- qualitative research
- arts based research
- arts, health and medical humanities
- promotion of positive body image
- prevention and treatment of disordered eating and eating disorders
- cultural studies and the analysis of media and visual culture
Research Projects:
- The power to heal: promoting artistic activities and exploring the possibilities of integrating an arts program in our medical school. Dr. Wallace Ingram Award.
Funded by: Medical Graduates' Society. Memorial University
Role: Principal Investigator
Duration: 2013-2014 - Health Promotion Through the Arts: Exploring New Methodologies in Research with Elderly Caregivers
Funded by: Medical Research Foundation, Memorial University
Role: Principal Investigator
Duration: 2011-2014 - Promoting Canada's Vitality Message: An Implementation and Evaluation of a School-based Body Image Resource
Funded by: Public Health Agency of Canada, Healthy Living Funds
Role: Co-Principal Investigator
Duration: 2010-2011 - A Pilot Study in Artistic Creativity and Healing for Patients with Cancer in NL
Funded by: Newfoundland Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation
Role: Principal Investigator
Duration: 2002-2008 - Promoting Healthy Living, Self-Esteem and Positive Body Image
Funded by: Dept. of Health & Community Services, NL
Role: Principal Investigator for the Body Image Network
Duration: 2007-2008 - Canadian Youth's Constructions of Health and Fitness
Funded by: Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
Role: Co-investigator
Duration: 2003-2007
- MED6294 Adv Qualitative Methods
- MED6115 Gender & Health in the Media
- MED6104 Critical Studies of the Body, Weight and Health in Contemporary Western Society
Highlighted Accomplishments
- Research grants funded by SSHRC, PHAC and by the Govt. of NL (see list of research projects)
- Co-founder of the Body Image Network
- Past member of the Board of Directors, Eating Disorder Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador
Selected Publications
- Ward, P. Beausoleil, N, & O. Heath (2016) Creating space for a critical examination of weight-centered approaches in health pedagogy and health professions. In E. Cameron & C. Russell (Eds.). The Fat Pedagogy Reader: Challenging Weight-Based Oppression in Education. New York: Peter Lang Publishing. P.81-90
- L. Petherick and N. Beausoleil (2016). Obesity Panic, Body Surveillance and Pedagogy: Elementary Teachers’ Response to Obesity Messaging. In McPhail, D., W. Mitchinson and J. Ellison (eds.) Obesity in Canada: Historical and Critical Perspectives. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. P.245-269.
- Beausoleil, N., & Petherick, L. (2015). Taking Up the Vitality Message Health Knowledge, Feeling Good, and Pleasure in Newfoundland Children’s Drawings and Talk. Cultural Studies↔Critical Methodologies, 15(5), 407-416.
- L. Petherick and N. Beausoleil (2015). Female elementary teachers’ biopedagogical practices: how health discourse circulates in Newfoundland elementary schools. Canadian Journal of Education. Vol. 38 Issue 1. Retrieved from http://www.cje-rce.ca/index.php/cje-rce/article/view/1428.
- Porter, M. & Beausoleil, N. (2012). Living with their bodies: Three generations of rural Newfoundland and Labrador women. In Rural Women's Health: Gendered Connections. B.D. Leipert, B.Leach & W.F. Thurston (eds.) Toronto: University of Toronto Press, p. 177-196.
- Shea, J. & Beausoleil, N. (2011). Breaking down "healthism": Barriers to health and fitness as identified by immigrant youth in St. John's, NL, Canada. Sport, Education and Society.
- Beausoleil, N. & Ward, P. (2010). Fat panic in Canadian public health policy: Obesity as different and unhealthy. Radical Psychology: A Journal of Psychology, Politics, and Radicalism, 8(1). Available at http://www.radicalpsychology.org/vol8-1/fatpanic.html.
- An impossible task? Preventing disordered eating in the context of the current obesity panic. Ch. 7 in Biopolitics and the 'obesity epidemic': Governing bodies (J. Wright & V. Harwood, eds.) New York/London: Routledge, p. 93-107 - 2009
- Special Issue: Health Panic & Women's Health. Atlantis: A Women's Studies Journal, 27(2) - 2003
- Activité physique, santé et vieillissement chez des femmes francophones en Ontario. La Revue Canadienne du Vieillissement / Canadian Journal on Aging, 21(3): 443-454. With G. Martin - 2002
- An etiology of objectification: Pam Hall’s New Readings in Female Anatomy. Arts Atlantic, Spring, no. 71: 44-50 - 2002
- Marquage du corps, discipline, résistance et plaisir: les pratiques d'apparence/ de maquillage des femmes» in Du corps des femmes: contrôles, surveillances et résistance. In S. Frigon et M. Kérisit (eds). Ottawa: Les Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa. P.231-253 - 2000
- Afterword in that body image thing: young women speak out. S. Torres (ed.), Ottawa: CRIAW / ICREF, p. 106-110 - 1999
- Makeup in everyday life: an inquiry into the practices of urban American women of diverse backgrounds. In N. Sault (ed.) Many Mirrors: Body Image and Social Relations, New Brunswick (NJ): Rutgers Univ Press, p. 33-57 - 1994