Faculty A-Z

Brendan Barrett
Professor of Medicine (Nephrology) MB, MSc, FRCPCMedicine Nephrology
Faculty of Medicine Memorial University, 300 Prince Philip Drive, St. John's, NL Canada A1B 3V6 Room M3M103
Faculty of Medicine Memorial University, 300 Prince Philip Drive, St. John's, NL Canada A1B 3V6 Room M3M103
What brought me to MUN? What keeps me at MUN?
I enjoy the diversity of the job with clinical care, teaching and research.
Education: MB, M.Sc, FACP, FRCPC
4 years’ Internal Medicine residency Cork & St. John’s; MSC in Clinical Epidemiology and 2 years’ research fellowship in Clin Epi/Nephrology. 2 year clinical fellowship in nephrology.
Research/Teaching Summary:
Involved in teaching medical students about Nephrology and clinical skills. Deliver several lectures and tutorials to the medical students annually, and engaged in clinical skills and OSCEs for all levels of learners. Involved in academic half day for clinical clerks and the Nephrology teaching for MCCQE preparation course. For Internal Medicine residents, involved in academic half day, ward based teaching and other teaching as assigned. Graduate teaching in Clinical Epidemiology. Lecturer in 3 courses and primary supervisor for several PhD and MSC students in Clinical Epidemiology.
Currently clinical and scientific lead of the NL Support Unit funded by CIHR. In this role, providing supervision and input to projects on quality of care including assessment of seniors’ needs for housing, evaluation of Bariatric Surgery program, Quality of Cardiac Care, the evaluation of the Vascular Lab and the associated services, Stoke Care in Newfoundland, Utilization of Drugs in specific populations, Modification of Utilization of Laboratory testing, Investigations of the Pattern of care of iron deficiency and many other developing projects.
Principal investigator for eastern Canada for the SPOR Chronic Kidney Disease network under review by CIHR; co-investigator on the CIHR funded ACCESS trial investigating the role of fistulas versus other access for elderly patients starting dialysis; site principal investigator on the Parrot trial of Low molecular weight heparin for dialysis; co-investigator on the Tolvaptan trial for polycystic kidney disease.
College scholarship for placing first in the class each year of Medical School 1977-1983.
Charles Medal for Physiology from University College Cork 1980.
Henry Hutchinson Stewart Award for Physiology from the National University of Ireland 1980.
Henry Hutchinson Stewart Award for Pharmacology from the National University of Ireland 1981.
Fitzpatrick Prize for Social and Preventive Medicine from University College Cork 1982.
David Hawkins Award for Medical Resident Research from Memorial University of Newfoundland 1989.
Trainee Travel Award from the Canadian Society of Nephrology 1990.
Trainee Travel Award from the American Federation for Clinical Research 1991.
Henry Christian Award for excellence in clinical research from the American Federation for Clinical Research 1991.
Trainee Award from the Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation 1991.
Kidney Foundation of Canada Fellowship 1990-1992.
Kidney Foundation of Canada Scholarship 1993-1996.
Travel Award from Canadian Society of Nephrology, May 1993.
Teacher of the Year Award from 2nd Year Medicine Class, 1994
Scientist/Investigator (Career support award) Medical Research Council of Canada, (Regional Partnership Program). 2000-2005.
Fellowship, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, 1999
Fellowship, American College of Physicians, 2007
Dr. John B. Dossetor Research Award, Kidney Foundation of Canada, 2010
Distinguished International Medal, National Kidney Foundation (US), 2016
Peer reviewed original papers:-
1. Parfrey PS, Griffiths SM, Barrett BJ, et al. Contrast material-induced renal failure in patients with diabetes mellitus, renal insufficiency or both. N Engl J Med 1989;320:143-9.
2. Barrett BJ, Vavasour H, Major A, Parfrey PS. Clinical and psychological correlates of somatic symptoms in patients on dialysis. Nephron 1990;55:10-15.
3. O'Brien T, Barrett B, Murray DM, Dineen S, O'Sullivan DJ. Usefulness of biochemical screening of diabetic patients for hemochromatosis. Diabetes Care 1990;13(5):532-4.
4. Barrett BJ, Parfrey PS, Vavasour HM, O'Dea F, Kent G, Stone E. A comparison of nonionic low-osmolality radiocontrast agents with ionic high-osmolality agents during cardiac catheterization. N Engl J Med 1992;326:431-6.
5. Barrett BJ, Parfrey PS, McDonald JR, Hefferton DM, Reddy ER, McManamon PJ. Nonionic low-osmolality versus ionic high-osmolality contrast material for intravenous use in patients perceived to be at high risk: Randomized trial. Radiology 1992;183:105-10.
6. Barrett BJ, Parfrey PS, Vavasour HM, et al. Contrast nephropathy in patients with impaired renal function: high versus low osmolar media. Kidney Int 1992;41:1274-9.
7. Barrett BJ, Carlisle E. A meta-analysis of the relative nephrotoxicity of high and low-osmolality iodinated contrast media. Radiology 1993;188:171-8.
8. Barrett BJ, Parfrey PS, Foley RN, Detsky AS. An economic analysis of strategies for the use of contrast media for diagnostic cardiac catheterization. Medical Decision Making 1994;14:325-335.
9. Foley RN, Parfrey PS, Hefferton D, Singh I, Simms A, Barrett BJ. Advance prediction of early death in patients starting maintenance dialysis. Am J Kidney Dis 1994;23:836-845.
10. Barrett BJ, McDonald JR, Parfrey PS. Extended hospital stay: a study of determinants and potential interventions. Annals of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada 1994;27:140-4.
11. Barrett B, Parfrey PS, Foley RN, Morgan J, Hefferton D. A study of the mechanism of hypertension in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Kidney Int 1994;46:1118-1123.
12. Vasdev S, Ford CA, Longerich L, Barrett B, Parai S, Campbell N. Oral treatment with low molecular weight heparin normalizes blood pressure in hypertensive rats. Artery 1994;21(1):1-28.
13. Barrett BJ, Parfrey PS, McDonald J, Haire R, Peachey G. Concurrent utilization review and inappropriate hospital stay: evaluation of a program. Clin Invest Med 1996;19:28-35.
14. Butler JS, Barrett B, Kent G, McDonald J, Haire R, Parfrey PS. Detection and classification of inappropriate hospital stay. Clin Invest Med 1996;19:251-258.
15. Browman GP, Czukar D, Mohide EA, Neimanis M, DePauw S, Tew M, Barrett B. Survey of telephone contacts for a regional Canadian Cancer Society district. Can J Oncol 1995;5:420-426.
16. Henrich WL, Agodoa LE, Barrett B, et al. Analgesics and the kidney: Summary and recommendations to the scientific advisory board of the National Kidney Foundation from an ad hoc committee of the National Kidney Foundation. Am J Kidney Dis 1995;27:162-5.
17. Barrett B, Parfrey P, Morgan J et al. Prediction of early death in end stage renal disease patients starting dialysis. Am J Kidney Dis 1997; 29:214-222.
18. Barrett B, Parfrey P, Doyle M, Crewe S, Fardy J, Kent G, McDonald J, White K. An economic analysis of the use of fluoroquinolones for urinary tract infections, prostatitis and community-acquired pneumonia. Published by the Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment, 1997.
19. Barrett B, Parfrey P, Morton B. Safety and criteria for selective use of low-osmolality contrast for cardiac angiography. Medical Care 1998;36(8):1189-1197.
20. Whelan T, Mohide EA, Willan A, Arnold A, Tew M, Sellick S, Gafni A, Barrett B, Levine M. The supportive care needs of newly diagnosed cancer patients attending a regional cancer centre. Cancer 1997;80:1518-1524.
21. Wilson TW, Lacourciere Y, Barnes CC, for the Canadian Cozaar Hyzaar Amlodipine Trial Study Group. The antihypertensive efficacy of losartan and amlodipine assessed with office and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. Can Med Assoc J 1998;159:469-476. (I reviewed the protocol and paper and enrolled patients in this trial)
22. Leblond PF, Rock G, Herbert CA and the members of the Canadian Apheresis Group. The use of plasma as a replacement fluid in plasma exchange. Transfusion 1998,38:834-838. (only involved in generating some data and discussing this paper content)
23. Gregory DM, Way CY, Hutchinson TA, Barrett BJ, Parfrey PS. Patients’ perceptions of their experiences with ESRD and hemodialysis treatment. Qualitative Health Research 1998; 8:764-783.
24. Doyle M, Barrett BJ, McDonald J, McGrath G, Parfrey PS. The efficiency of acute care bed utilization in Newfoundland and Labrador. Health Care Management Forum 1998;11:15-25.
25. O’Reilly D, Parfrey PS, Barrett B, McDonald J. Efficiency of institutional long term care and annual demands for placement. Health Care Management Forum 1998;11:26-32.
26. Culleton BF, Larson MG, Evans JC, Wilson PWF, Barrett BJ, Parfrey PS, Levy D. Prevalence and correlates of elevated serum creatinine: the Framingham Heart Study. Arch Intern Med 1999; 159:1785-90.
27. Levin A, Thompson CR, Ethier J, Carlisle EJ, Tobe S, Mendelssohn D, Burgess E, Jindal K, Barrett B, Singer J, Djurdjev O. Left ventricular mass index increase in early renal disease: impact of decline in hemoglobin. Am J Kidney Dis 1999;34:125-34.
28. Murphy SW, Foley RN, Barrett BJ, et al. Comparative mortality of hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis in Canada. Kidney International 2000;57(4):1720-6.
29. Mendelssohn D, Barrett B, et al. Elevated creatinine: Management guidelines for family physicians and internists. Can Med Assoc J 1999;161:413-417.
30. Murphy SW, Foley RN, Barrett BJ, et al. Comparative hospitalization of hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis in Canada. Kidney International 2000;75(6):2557-63.
31. Levin A, Djurdjev O, Barrett B, Burgess E, Carlisle E, Ethier J, Jindal K, Mendelssohn D, Tobe S, Singer J, Thompson C. Cardiovascular disease in patients with chronic kidney disease: getting to the heart of the matter. Am J Kidney Dis 2001 Dec;38(6):1398-407.
32. Curtis BM, Barrett BJ, Jindal K, Djurdjev O, Levin A. Canadian survey of clinical status at dialysis initiation 1998-1999: a multicentre prospective survey. Clin Nephrol 2002;58:282-8.
33. Kent GM, Power L, Gregory DM, Barrett BJ, MacCallum GC, Stone EW, Parfrey PS. Need for coronary artery bypass grafting in Newfoundland and Labrador: the impact of increased demand. Can J Cardiol 2004;20(4):399-404.
34. Curran V, Christopher J, Lemire F, Collins A, Barrett B. Application of a responsive evaluation approach in medical education. Medical Education 2003;37:256-66.
35. Denis Cournoyer MD, Edwin B Toffelmire MSc MDCM, George A Wells PhD, Dwayne L Barber PhD, Brendan J Barrett MB MSc, Robert Delage MD MSc, Donna L Forrest MD, Raymonde F Gagnon MD DPhil, Elizabeth A Harvey MD, Pierre Laneuville MD, Bruce J Patterson MD, Man-Chiu Poon MD, Gerald A Posen MD, and Hans A Messner MD PhD, the members of the Canadian PRCA Focus Group. Anti-erythropoietin antibody-mediated pure red cell aplasia following treatment with recombinant erythropoietin products: recommendations for minimization of risk. J Am Soc Nephrol 2004;15:2728-34.
36. Julius S, et al. Outcomes in hypetrtensive patirents at high cardiovascular risk treated witrh regimens based on valsartan or amlodipine: the VALUE randomised trial. Lancet 2004;363:2022-31. (I was a site investigator for this trial)
37. Ravani P, Barrett B, Mandolfo S, Brunori G, Cancorini G, Imbasciati E, Malberti F. Factors associated with unsusccessful utilization and early failure of the arterio-venous fistula for hemodialysis. Journal of Nephrology 2005;18(2):188-196.
38. Clark WF, Stewart AK, Rock GA, Sternbach M, Sutton DM, Barrett BJ, Heidenheim AP, Garg AX, Churchill DN; Canadian Apheresis Group. Plasma exchange when myeloma presents as acute renal failure: a randomized, controlled trial. Ann Intern Med. 2005 Dec 6;143(11):777-84.
39. Parfrey PS, Gregory DM, Barrett BJ. Restructuring of acute care hospitals in Newfoundland and Labrador. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy 2005;10 suppl 2:1-3.
40. Twells L, Doyle M, Gregory D, Barrett B, Parfrey PS. Acute care restructuring in Newfoundland and Labrador: the history and impact on expenditure. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy 2005;10 suppl 2:4-11.
41. Way C, Gregory DM, Baker N, Lefort S, Barrett BJ, Parfrey PS. Attitudes and perceptions of registered nurses during and shortly after acute care restructuring in Newfoundland and Labrador. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy 2005;10 suppl 2:22-30.
42. Barrett BJ, Way C, McDonald J, Parfrey PS. Hospital utilization, efficiency, and access to continuing care during and shortly after acute care restructuring in Newfoundland and Labrador. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy 2005;10 suppl 2:31-37.
43. Curtis BM, Gregory D, Parfrey PS, Kent G, Jelinski S, Kraft S, O’Reilly D, Barrett BJ. Quality of medical care during and shortly after acute care restructuring in Newfoundland and Labrador. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy 2005;10 suppl 2:38-47.
44. Gregory DM, Way CY, Barrett BJ, Parfrey PS. Health care quality from the perspective of health care providers and patients during and shortly after acute care restructuring in Newfoundland and Labrador. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy 2005;10 suppl 2:48-57.
45. Way CY, Gregory DM, Doyle M, Twells L, Barrett BJ, Parfrey PS. Health care provider outcomes during and shortly after restructuring acute care in Newfoundland and Labrador. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy 2005;10 suppl 2:58-67.
46. Parfrey PS, Gregory DM, Barrett BJ. An evaluation of acute care restructuring in Newfoundland and Labrador: conclusions. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy 2005;10 suppl 2:71-73.
47. J. McDonald, J. Hibbs, M. Reddy, S. Stuckless, D.O’Reilly, BJ Barrett, PS Parfrey. Long Term Care in the St. John’s region: Impact of single entry and prediction of bed need. Health Care Management Forum 2005;18(3):6-12.
48. Levin A, Djurdjev O, Thompson, C Barrett B, Ethier J, Carlisle E, Barre P, Magner P, Muirhead N, Tobe S, Tam P, Wadgymar JA, Kappel J, Holland D, Pichette V, Shoker A, Soltys G, Singer J Canadian randomized trial of hemoglobin maintenance to prevent or delay left ventricular mass growth in patients with CKD. Am J Kidney Dis 2005;46(5):799-811.
49. McDonald L, Cramer B, Barrett B. Detection rates in pediatric diagnostic imaging: a picture archive and communication system compared with a web-based imaging system. JCAR 2006;57(1):30-34.
50. Brendan J. Barrett, MD, Richard W. Katzberg, MD, Henrik S. Thomsen, MD, Nan Chen, MD, Dushyant Sahani, MD, Gilles Soulez, MD, Jay P. Heiken, MD, Luigi Lepanto, MD, Zhou-hui Ni, MD, Rendon Nelson, MD, for the IMPACT study investigators. Contrast-Induced Nephropathy in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease undergoing Computed Tomography: A Double Blind Comparison of Iodixanol and Iopamidol. Invest Radiol 2006;41(11):815-21.
51. Ellehoj E, Tepper J, Barrett B, Iglesias S. Research methodology for the investigation of rural surgical services. Can J Rural Med. 2006;11(3):187-94.
52. Iglesias S, Tepper J, Ellehoj E, Barrett B, Hutten-Czapski P, Luong K, Pollett W. Rural surgical services in two Canadian provinces. Can J Rural Med. 2006;11(3):207-17.
53. Tepper J, Pollett W, Jin Y, Ellehoj E, Hutten-Czapski P, Schopflocher D, Barrett B, Iglesias S. Utilization rates for surgical procedures in rural and urban Canada. Can J Rural Med. 2006;11(3):195-203.
54. Way, C., Gregory, D., Davis, J., Baker, N., LeFort, S., Barrett, B., Parfrey, P. The impact of Organizational Culture on Clinical Managers Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intentions. Journal of Nursing Administration 2007;37(5):235-42..
55. Gregory D, Way C, Lefort S, Barrett BJ, Parfrey PS. Predictors of registered nurses’ organizational commitment and intent to stay following ten years of health system change. Health Care Management Review 2007;37(5):235-42
56. Gregory, D., Way, C., Barrett, B., Parfrey, P. The Predictive Value of Organizational Culture for Organizational Commitment and Intent to Stay in Physicians and Other Frontline Workers After Acute Care Restructuring. (Manuscript submitted to Medical Care Research and Review, August 2006).
57. Curtis BM, Barrett BJ, Djurdjev O, Singer J, Levin A. Evaluation and treatment of CKD patients before and at their first nephrologist encounter in Canada. Am J Kidney Dis 2007;50(5):733-42.
58. Scolari F, Ravani P, Gaggi R, Santostefano M, Rollino C, Stabellini N, Colla L, Viola BF, Maiorca P, Venturelli C, Bonardelli S, Faggiano P, Barrett BJ. The challenge of diagnosing atheroembolic renal disease: clinical features and prognostic factors. Circulation 2007;116(3):298-304.
59. Ravani P, Parfrey PS, Curtis B, Barrett BJ. Clinical research of kidney diseases I : researchable questions and valid answers. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2007;22(9):2459-68.
60. Ravani P, Parfrey PS, Dicks E, Barrett BJ. Clinical research of kidney diseases II : problems of study design. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2007;22(10):2785-94.
61. Ravani P, Parfrey P, Gadag V, Malberti F, Barrett B. Clinical Research of Kidney Diseases III: Principles of regression and modeling. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2007;22(12):3422-30.
62. Ravani P, Parfrey P, Murphy S, Gadag V, Barrett B. Clinical Research of Kidney Diseases IV: Standard Regression Models. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2008;23(2):475-82.
63. Walsh M, Macgregor D, Stuckless S, Barrett B, Kawaja M, Scully MF. Health related quality of life in a cohort of adult patients with mild hemophilia A. J Thrombosis and Hemostasis 2008;6:755-61.
64. Jevnikar A, Arlen D, Barrett B, Boucher A, Cardella C, Cockfield SM, Rush D, Paraskevas S, Shapiro J, Shoker A, Yilmaz S, Zaltzman JS, Kiberd B. Five year study of tacrolimus as secondary intervention vs. continuation of cyclosporine in renal transplant patients at risk for chronic renal allograft failure. Transplantation 2008;86(7):953-60.
65. Hughes N, McDonald J, Barrett BJ, Parfrey PS. Planning the restructuring of long term care: The demand, need and provision of institutional long-term care beds in Newfoundland and Labrador. Healthcare Management Forum, 2008;21(2):6-13.
66. Ravani P, Parfrey P, Gadag V, Malberti F, Barrett B. Clinical Research of Kidney Diseases V: Extended Analytic Models. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2008;23:1484-92.
67. Molzahn AE, Pelletier Hibbert M, Gaudet D, Starzomski R, Barrett B, Morgan J. Managing chronic kidney disease in a nurse run clinic: The CanPREVENT experience CJNR 2008;40(3):96-113.
68. Cianciaruso B, Ravani P, Barrett BJ, Levin A; for the ITA-EPO-7 investigators. Italian randomized trial of hemoglobin maintenance to prevent or delay left ventricular hypertrophy in chronic kidney disease. J Nephrol. 2008;21:861-870.
- Burgess E, Muirhead N, Rene de Cotret P, Chiu A, Pichette V, Tobe S; SMART (Supra Maximal Atacand Renal Trial) Investigators. Supramaximal dose of candesartan in proteinuric renal disease. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2009;4:893-900.
- Rigatto C, Levin A, House A, Barrett B, Carlisle E, A Fine A. Atheroma progression in chronic kidney disease. CJASN 2009;4: 291-8.
71. Solomon R, Mehran R, Natarajan M, Doucet C, Katholi RE, Staniloae CS, Sharma SK, Labinaz M, Gelormini JL, Barrett BJ. Contrast-induced nephropathy and long term adverse effects: cause and effect? CJASN 2009;4:1162-9.
72. Sikdar K, Alaghehbandan R, MacDonald D, Barrett B, Collins K, Gadag V. Adverse drug events among children presenting to a hospital emergency department in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 2010;19:132-140.
73. Sikdar KC, Alaghehbandan R, MacDonald D, Barrett B, Collins KD, Donnan J, Gadag V. Adverse drug events in adult patients leading to Emergency Department visits in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Annals of Pharmacotherapy 2010;44(4):641-9.
74. Gregory DM, Way CY, Barrett BJ, Parfrey PS. Predictors of perceived health care quality for registered nurses during and after health care reform. Healthcare Management Review 2010;Oct-Dec:301-311.
75. Curtis B, Barrett B, Djurdjev O, Singer J, Levin A. Serum phosphate in the normal range predicts death and dialysis in an incident chronic kidney disease cohort. (submitted).
76. Barrett B, Garg AX, Goeree R, Levin A, Molzahn A, Rigatto C, Singer J, Soltys G, Soroka S, Ayers D, Parfrey PS. A nurse-coordinated model of care versus usual care for Stage 3/4 chronic kidney disease in the community: A randomized controlled trial. CJASN 2011;6(6):1241-7.
77. Hopkins R, Garg AX, Levin A, Molzahn A, Rigatto C, Singer J, Soltys G, Soroka S, Parfrey PS, Barrett B, Goeree R. Cost-effectiveness analysis of a randomized trial comparing care models for chronic kidney disease. CJASN 2011;6(6):1248-57.
78. Ravani P, Parfrey P, MacRae J, James M, Quinn R, Malberti F, Brunori G, Mandolfo S, Tonelli M, Hemmelgarn B, Manns B, Barrett B. Modeling survival of arteriovenous accesses for hemodialysis: semiparametric versus parametric methods. CJASN 2010;5(7):1243-8.
79. Wilson RC, McDonald J, Barrett B, Parfrey PS. The restructuring of institutional long-term care in St. John’s: impact of supply induced demand on planning. Healthcare Management Forum 2011;24(2):63-7.
80. Carstensen M, Keer D, Rempel J, Jeon P, Barrett B. Prevalence of risk factors for contrast induced nephrotoxicity in outpatients undergoing intravenous contrast-enhanced computed tomography studies. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 2012;63(3):177-182.
81. Alaghehbandan R, Macdonald D, Barrett B, Collins K, Chen Y. Using Administrative Databases in the Surveillance of Depressive Disorders-Case Definitions. Popul Health Manag. 2012;15:372-380.
- Fernandez BA(1), Green JS, Bursey F, Barrett B, MacMillan A, McColl S, Fernandez S, Rahman P, Mahoney K, Pereira SL, Scherer SW, Boycott KM, Woods MO; FORGE Canada Consortium. Adult siblings with homozygous G6PC3 mutations expand our understanding of the severe congenital neutropenia type 4 (SCN4) phenotype. BMC Med Genet. 2012 Nov 21;13:111.
83. Stuckless S, Green J, Dawson L, Barrett B, Woods MO, Dicks E, Parfrey PS. Impact of gynecological screening in Lynch syndrome carriers with an MSH2 mutation. Clin Genet. 2013 Apr;83(4):359-64.
84. Twells LK, Bridger T, Knight JC, Alaghehbandan R, Barrett B. Obesity predicts primary health care visits: a cohort study. Popul Health Manag. 2012 Feb;15(1):29-36.
85. Levin, A, Rigatto, C, Barrett, B, Madore, F, Muirhead, N, Holmes, D, Clase, CM, Tang, M, Djurdjev, O, on behalf of the CanPreddict investigators. Cohort profile: Canadian Study of Prediction of Death, Dialysis and Interim Cardiovascular Events (CanPreddict). BMC Nephrology 2013 ,14:121 .
86. Pryse-Phillips W, Stefanelli M, Murphy-Peddle K, Barrett B. An observational study of venoplasty in patients with multiple sclerosis. Can J Neurol Sci. 2013 Mar;40(2):203-9.
87. Levin A, Rigatto C, Barrett B, Madore F, Muirhead N, Holmes D, Clase CM, Tang M, Djurdjev O; CanPREDDICT Investigators. Biomarkers of inflammation, fibrosis, cardiac stretch and injury predict death but not renal replacement therapy at 1 year in a Canadian chronic kidney disease cohort. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2014 May;29(5):1037-47.
88. Sekercioglu N, Curtis B, Murphy S, Barrett B. Sleep quality and its correlates in patients with chronic kidney disease: a cross sectional design. Renal Failure 2015;Mar 18l:1-6.
89. Sekercioglu N, Curtis B, Murphy S, Barrett B. Sleep apnea in patients with chronic kidney disease: a single center experience. Ren Fail. 2015 Feb;37(1):83-7.
- Twomey J.C., Barrett, B.J., Way, C.Y., Churchill, D., & Parfrey, P. (2015). The patient’s perception of life on hemodialysis scale (PPHS). Journal of Nursing Measurement. 23(1), 72-81.
- Twomey J.C., Parfrey, P., Barrett, B.J, Churchill, D., & Way, C.Y. (2014). Responsiveness of the patient’s perception of life on hemodialysis scale (PPHS). Canadian Association of Nephrology Nurses Technologists. 24(2), 33-44.
- Byrne SC, Barrett B, Bhatia R. The impact of diagnostic imaging wait times on the prognosis of lung cancer. Can Assoc Radiol J. 2015 Feb;66(1):53-7.
- Manns B, Barrett B, Evans M, Garg A, Hemmelgarn B, Kappel J, Klarenbach S, Madore F, Parfrey P, Samuel S, Soroka S, Suri R, Tonelli M, Wald R, Walsh M, Zappitelli M; CAnadian KidNey KNowledge TraNslation and GEneration NeTwork. Establishing a national knowledge translation and generation network in kidney disease: the CAnadian KidNey KNowledge TraNslation and GEneration NeTwork. Can J Kidney Health Dis. 2014 Apr 7;1:2.
- Daley P, Penney C, Wakeham S, Compton G, McKim A, O’Keefe J, Barrett B, Nicolle L. Urinary tract infection diagnosis and response to therapy in long term care: a prospective observational study. Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol 2015;26:133-136.
- Chiu H, Tangri N, Djurdjev O, Barrett B, Hemmelgarn B, Madore F, Rigatto C, Muirhead N, Sood M, Clase C, Levin A. Perceptions of prognostic risks in chronic kidney disease: a national survey. Can J kidney Health Dis. 2015 (in press).
Papers in non-refereed journals:-
- Barrett BJ, Vavasour H, Parfrey PS. The relationship of affect to physical symptoms in renal transplant recipients. Transpl Proc 1989;21(2):3353-4.
- Barrett BJ. How to practice Evidence based medicine. Can J CME August 1999:21.
- Barrett BJ. Slowing progressive renal disease. Can J CME 2001;13(4):125-135.
- Shik J, Barrett BJ. Diabetes and kidney failure. Can J CME 2007 May.
- Philips N, Barrett B, Mendelssohn D. The role of physicians in political advocacy. Nephrology News and Issues, 2008 December 32,33,36-7. accessible at http://www.nephronline.com/article.asp?IndexID=109
Reviews and editorials:-
- Barrett BJ, Parfrey PS. Drug induced renal disease. In: Bear R, Dyck RF eds. Medicine North America 1988; 3rd series No. 28:5243-9.
- Barrett BJ, Harnett JD. Investigation and management of renal stones. Canadian Family Physician 1989;35:2095-2172.
- Barrett BJ, Vavasour H, Parfrey PS. Measurement and correlates of symptoms in end stage renal disease. Annals RCPSC 1990;23:53-6.
- Barrett BJ, Parfrey PS. Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease and end stage renal disease. Seminars in Dialysis 1991;4(1):26-32.
- Foley RN, Barrett BJ, Parfrey PS. Toxic nephropathy. Annals RCPSC 1992;25(1):46-50.
- Harnett J, Barrett B. Management of urinary stone disease. In: Medicine North America 1991;4th series:3453-6.
- Barrett B. Contrast Nephrotoxicity. JASN 1994;5:125-137.
- Barrett B, Parfrey PS. Contrast Nephrotoxicity. N Engl J Med 1994;331:1449-1450.
- Parfrey PS, Barrett BJ. Hypertension in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Current Opinion in Nephrology & Hypertension 1995;4(5):460-464.
- Barrett BJ. Acetaminophen and chronic renal disease: an appraisal of the epidemiologic evidence. Am J Kidney Dis 1996;28 (suppl 1):S14-S19.
- Gault MH, Barrett B. Analgesic Nephropathy. Am J Kidney Dis 1998;32:351-360.
- Barrett BJ. Managing progressive renal disease before dialysis. Can Fam Physician 1999;45:977-984.
- Toffelmire EB, Barrett BJ, Fenton SS, Ferguson B, Halligan P, Langlois S, McCready WG, Muirhead N, Weir RV. Clinical practice guidelines for the management of anemia coexistent with chronic renal failure. J Am Soc Nephrol 1999;10:S292-S296.
- Murphy SW, Barrett BJ, Parfrey PS. Contrast nephropathy. J Am Soc Nephrol 2000;11:177-182.
- Curtis B, Barrett BJ, Levin A. Identifying and slowing progressive renal failure. Can Fam Phys 2001;47:2512-8.
- Barrett BJ, Culleton B. Reducing the burden of cardiovascular disease in dialysis patients. Dialysis and Transplantation 2002, 31(3):155-163.
- Barrett BJ. Applying multiple interventions in chronic kidney disease. Semin Dial 2003 Mar-Apr;16(2):157-64.
- Barrett BJ. Contrast Nephropathy. Controversies and Consensus in Imaging and Intervention 2003;Summer:4-7.
- Barrett BJ, Parfrey PS. Preventing contrast nephropathy. N Engl J Med 2006;354:379-86.
- Solomon R, Barrett B. Follow-up of patients with contrast induced nephropathy. Kidney International 2006;69:S46-50.
- Solomon R, Deray G, Barrett B et al. How to prevent contrast-induced nephropathy and manage risk patients: practical recommendations. Kidney Int 2006;69 (suppl):S51-S53.
- Katzberg R, Barrett B. Risk of iodinated contrast material-induced nephropathy with intravenous administration. Radiology 2007;243(3):622-8.
- Benko A, Fraser-Hill M, Magner P, Capusten B, Barrett B, Myers A, Owen RJ. Canadian Association of Radiologists: Consensus Guidelines for Preventative Management of Contrast Induced Nephropathy. Can Assoc Radiol J 2007;58(2):79-87.
- Thomsen HS, Morcos SK, Barrett BJ. Contrast induced nephropathy: the wheel has turned 360 degrees. Acta Radiologica 2008;13 March:1-12.
- F Locatelli, AR Nissenson, BJ Barrett, R Walker, DC Wheeler, KU Eckardt, N Lameire, and G Eknoyan. Clinical Practice Guidelines for Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease: Problems and Solutions. A Position Statement from Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Kidney Int 2008; epub 2 July 2008
- Manns BJ, White C, Madore F, Moist L, Klarenbach S, Barrett B, Foley R, Culleton B, Tonelli M. Introduction to the Canadian Society of Nephrology clinical practice guidelines for the management of anemia associated with chronic kidney disease. Kidney Int 2008;74 (suppl 110):S1-3.
- White C, Barrett B, Madore F, Moist L, Klarenbach S, Foley R, Culleton B, Tonelli M, Manns BJ. Clinical Practice Guidelines for evaluation of anemia. Kidney Int 2008;74 (suppl 110):S4-6.
- Madore F, White C, Foley R, Barrett B, Moist L, Klarenbach S, Culleton B, Tonelli M, Manns BJ. Clinical practice guidelines for assessment and management of iron deficiency. Kidney Int 2008;74 (suppl 110):S7-11.
- Moist L, Foley R, Barrett B, Madore F, White C, Klarenbach S, Culleton B, Tonelli M, Manns BJ. Clinical practice guidelines for evidence based use of erythropoietic-stimulating agents. Kidney Int 2008;74 (suppl 110):S12-18.
- Klarenbach S, Moist L, Foley R, Barrett B, Madore F, White C, Culleton B, Tonelli M, Manns BJ. Clinical practice guidelines for supplemental therapies and issues. Kidney Int 2008;74 (suppl 110):S19-24.
- Levin A, Hemmelgarn B, Culleton B, Tobe S, McFarlane P, Ruzicka M, Burns K, Manns B, White C, Madore F, Moist L, Klarenbach S, Barrett B, Foley R, Jindal K, Senior P, Pannu N, Shurraw S, Akbari A, Cohn A, Reslerova M, Deved V, Mendelssohn D, Nesrallah G, Kappel J, Tonelli M; Canadian Society of Nephrology. Guidelines for the management of chronic kidney disease. CMAJ. 2008 Nov 18;179(11):1154-62.
- Padilla-Thornton A, Zand KR, Barrett B, Stein L, Andrew G, Forster BB. Canadian Association of Radiologists national advisory on gadolinium administration and nephrogenic systemic fibrosis. Can Assoc Radiol J. 2008;59(5):237-40.
- Barrett BJ. Contrast-induced nephropathy: we need all the data to discern the truth. Am J Kidney Dis 2009;54:587-9.
- Shamseddin K, Barrett BJ. Approach to contrast-induced nephropathy. US Nephrology 2009;4(1). Accessible at –
- http://www.touchbriefings.com/ebooks/A1frns/usnephvol4iss1/resources/10.htm
- Owen RJ, Hiremath S, Myers A, Fraser-Hill M, Barrett BJ. Canadian Association of Radiologists: Consensus Guidelines for the prevention of Contrast Induced Nephropathy: Update 2012 (CARJ-D-12-00122).
- Parfrey PS, Warden G, Barrett BJ. On Peginesatide and Anemia Treatment in CKD. Am J Kidney Dis. 2013 Oct;62(4):659-61.
- Ravani P, Barrett BJ. Galectin-3 and New-Onset CKD: Marker or Mediator? J Am Soc Nephrol. 2013 Sep;24(9):1342-4.
Books and book chapters:-
- Barrett BJ, Parfrey PS. Clinical aspects of acute renal failure following use of radiocontrast agents. In: Solez K, Racusen LC eds. Acute renal failure: diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Marcel Dekker Inc. New York, 1991:481-500.
- Gault MH, Barrett BJ. Dialysis therapy in patients with cardiac disease. In: Parfrey PS, Harnett JD eds. Cardiac function in chronic uremia. Topics in renal medicine series. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1992:283-301.
- Barrett BJ, Parfrey PS. Contrast nephropathy associated with cardiac angiography.In: Morton B. (Ed.) Interventional cardiology update symposium proceedings. Medicopea International Inc., Montreal, 1992. p7-10.
- Vasdev S, Barrett B, Longerich L, Ford CA. Ethanol induced hypertension: the role of acetaldehyde. In: Dhalla NS, Singal PK, Takeda N, Beamish RE (Eds.), Pathophysiology of heart failure. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1995.
- Barrett BJ, Parfrey PS. Contrast Nephropathy. In: Brady HR & Wilcox CS. Eds. Therapy in Nephrology and Hypertension: A companion to Brenner and Rector's The Kidney. W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia, 1999, pp41-44.
- Murphy S, Barrett B. Contrast induced nephropathy. (2001): Kontrastmittel-Nephropathie. In: Franz HE, Risler T: Klinische Nephrologie. ecomed, Landsberg.
- Curtis B, Barrett B, Parfrey P. Contrast nephropathy and atheroembolism. In Wilcox & Brady Eds. Therapy in nephrology and hypertension. A companion to Brenner’s The Kidney, 2nd Ed. 2003, pp 39-44.
- Curtis BM, Barrett BJ, Parfrey PS. How to design a clinical trial. In: Renal Disease – Techniques and Protocols. Goligorsky MS Ed. Humana Press, New Jersey, 2003 pp 475-89.
- Barrett BJ. Contrast dye-induced nephropathy. In: Fink, Abraham, Vincent and Kochanek Eds. Textbook of Critical Care. 5th Edition. Elsevier Science. Philadelphia 2005, pp1169-71.
- Barrett BJ, Parfrey PS. Radiocontrast nephropathy. In Molony and Craig Eds. Evidence-based nephrology. 2009
- Barrett BJ, Parfrey PS. Contrast Nephropathy. In Wilcox C Ed. Therapy in Nephrology and Hypertension. 3rd Edition. Saunders, Elsevier. Philadelphia 2008, pp 41-6.
- Parfrey P, Barrett B. Eds. Clinical Epidemiology. Practice and methods. Methods in Molecular Biology Series. Humana Press, 2009.
- Ravani P, Barrett B, Parfrey P. Modeling longitudinal data, I: Principles of multivariate analysis. In Parfrey PS, Barrett BJ Eds. Clinical Epidemiology. Methods in Molecular Biology Series. Humana Press 2009. pp39-60.
- Ravani P, Barrett B, Parfrey P. Modeling longitudinal data, II: Standard regression models and extensions. In Parfrey PS, Barrett BJ Eds. Clinical Epidemiology. Methods in Molecular Biology Series. Humana Press 2009. pp61-94.
- Curtis B, Barrett B, Parfrey P. The design of randomized controlled trials. In Parfrey PS, Barrett BJ Eds. Clinical Epidemiology. Methods in Molecular Biology Series. Humana Press 2009. pp95-112.
- Rigatto C, Barrett B. Biomarkers and surrogates. In Parfrey PS, Barrett BJ Eds. Clinical Epidemiology. Methods in Molecular Biology Series. Humana Press 2009. pp137-54.
- Shamseddin MK, Barrett BJ. Contrast nephropathy. In: Fink, Abraham, Vincent and Kochanek Eds. Textbook of Critical Care. 6th Edition. Elsevier Science. Philadelphia 2011, pp .
- Parfrey PS, Barrett BJ. Cardiovascular disease and chronic kidney disease .In: Chronic Renal Disease. Kimmel & Rosenberg Eds. Elsevier 2015, pp 181-198.
- Parfrey PS, Barrett BJ (Eds). Clinical Epidemiology – Practice and Methods. 2nd Ed. Humana Press 2015. (PubMed cites my chapter authorship of five chapters in the volume)
- Vavasour HM, Walsh M, Parfrey P, Barrett B. A study to determine the feasibility of a randomized controlled trial of a quick response team within the St. John's area. Presented to the Tripartite Liaison Committee of the St. John's Hospital Council, the St. John's Nursing Home Council and the St. John's Home Care Program, December 1992.
- Barrett B, McDonald J, Haire R, Parfrey P. Concurrent utilization review and inefficient bed utilization at the General Hospital. Presented to the General Hospital, February 1994.
- Barrett B, Kent G, Haire R, McDonald J, Parfrey P. Bed utilization at the general hospital. November 1994.
- Barrett BJ, Gault MH. A comparison of the potency of 1 Alpha with Calcitriol for prevention and treatment of renal bone disease. Submitted to Leo Laboratories Canada, January 1995.
- McDonald J, Barrett BJ, Gardiner E. Complex care in the community. Submitted to Provincial Dept. of Health, August 1995.
- Parfrey P, Barrett B, McDonald J, Doyle M, Hefferton D. The efficiency of utilization of acute hospital beds in Newfoundland and Labrador. A series of reports on each acute care institution were presented to the hospitals and the Provincial Department of Health between October 1995 and January 1996.
- McGrath G, Parfrey P, Barrett B, McDonald J, Doyle M, Hefferton D. The status of efficiency of acute care bed utilization in the Province and by region 1995. Submitted to the Provincial Department of Health, August 1996.
- Barrett B, and the Provincial Renal Advisory Committee. The need for hemodialysis services outside of St. John's and Corner Brook. Submitted to the Provincial Department of Health, January 1997.
- Barrett B, Colbourne A, Patel S. A study of the reliability and validity of the evaluation methods used in the clinical clerkship Internal Medicine rotations 1994-1996.
- Barrett BJ, Miller W, Mathews M. Perceptions of Primary Care: Gaps, barriers and facilitators of change. Submitted to Health Canada for Rural & Remote Health Innovations Initiative. December 2002.
- Brendan Barrett ,Debbie Gregory, Christine Way, Gloria Kent, Jacqueline McDonald, Angie Batstone, Michael Doyle, Bryan Curtis, Laurie Twells, Daria O’Reilly, Patrick S. Parfrey The Impact of Restructuring on Acute Care Hospitals in Newfoundland. Submitted to the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation March 2003.
- Framework for the development of a provincial kidney program. The Provincial Renal Advisory Committee. April 2003.
- B Barrett, J Butler, S Bornstein, M Doyle, S Gillam. The provision of dialysis services in rural and remote populations in Newfoundland and Labrador. A Contextualized HTA. Jan 2008.