Faculty A-Z

Shabnam Asghari
Epidemiologist MD PhD | Professor Primary Healthcare Research UnitFamily Medicine | Cross Appointed to Population Health & Applied Health Sciences
Medical Geography, Spatiotemporal Information Systems
Chronic Disease Epidemiology
Population Health
Primary Healthcare Research Methods
Post-doctoral Fellowship
Group de recherche PRIMUS, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sherbrooke, Quebec
PhD Epidemiology
School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
M.P.H/ Master of Science Public Health
School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
M.D/ Doctor of Medicine
Arak University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Graduate Student Candidates
Students interested in pursuing their M.Sc. or Ph.D. degree in Epidemiology or an interdisciplinary field of Medical Geography please send your letter of interest and detailed CV to sasghari@mun.ca
Grants and Funding
MED-6901 Medical Geography I I, Graduate Level, Discipline of Community Health and Humanity and Department of Geography
MED-6900 Medical Geography I, Graduate Level, Discipline of Community Health and Humanity and Department of Geography
MED-6270 Epidemiology 1: Introduction to Epidemiology, Graduate Level, Discipline of Community Health and Humanity
MED 6274: Chronic Disease Epidemiology, Graduate Level, Discipline of community Health and Humanity
In the Media
6for 6: A Research Skills Program for Rural and Remote Doctors
New Research Initiative
Graduate Students
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Samet S, Boroujerdi AS, Asghari S . Secure health statistical analysis methods. IADIS Int J on Comp Sci and Info Sys 2016;11(1):32-48.
Asghari S , Mahdavian M. Secondary analysis of electronic databases: potentials and limitations. Diabetologica Clinical and Experimental Diabetes and Metabolism June 2013 10. DOI1007/s00125-013-2979-9.
Aubrey K, Godwin M, Asghari S , Barter B, Cullen R, Lee S. Utility of CT and derivation and validation of a score to identify an emergent outcome in 2315 patients with suspected urinary tract stone. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine . 2013 Sep 1;15(5):261-9.
Parvin N, Nilfarjam M, Assarzadegan N, Asghari S . The effects of Lavandula angustifolia Mill infusion in the treatment of mild to moderate depression in patients using Citalopram in comparison to patients using only Citalopram: A comparison study. Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal. 2013 August; 15(8): 734-739.
Vanasse A, Orzanco M.G., Dagenais P, Ourada T, Courteau J, Asghari S , Chebana F, Martel B, Gosselin P. Secular trends of hip fractures in Québec, Canada. Osteoporos Int 5 , August 2011. DOI 10.1007/s00198-011-1749-0
Vanasse A,Orzanco M.G., Dagenais P, Ourada T, Courteau J, Asghari S , Chebana F, Martel B, Gosselin P. Secular trends of hip fractures in Québec, Canada. Osteoporos Int 5, August 2011. DOI 10.1007/s00198-011-1749-0
Dagenais P, Vanasse A, Courteau J, Orzanco Mg, Asghari S . Disparities between rural and urban areas for osteoporosis management in the province of Quebec following the Canadian 2002 guidelines publication. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice , March 11, 2010.
Feizzadeh A, Nedjat S, Asghari S , Keshtkar A, Heshmat R, Setayesh H, Majdzadeh R. Evidence-based approach to HIV/AIDS policy and research prioritization in Iran. East Mediterranean Health Journal , March, 2010, Volume 16 No.3.
Asghari S , Courteau J, Drouin C, Paquet M, Grégoire J.P., Carpentier A, Vanasse A. Adherence to vascular protection drugs in diabetic patients in Quebec: A population-based analysis, Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research, February 18, 2010 as doi:10.1177/1479164109360593
Barcellos De Souza J, Vanasse A, Cisse A, Asghari S , Dion D, Choiniere M, Marchand S. De la douleur chronique au Canada les femmes souffrent-elles plus que les hommes? Douleur et Analgesie , Vol. 22, No 3, November 2009.
Asghari S , Courteau J, Carpentier A, Vanasse A. Optimal strategy to identify incidence of diagnostic of diabetes using administrative data. BMC Medical Research Methodology , 2009, 9:62.
Asghari S , Malekafzali H, Holakoei K, Majdzadeh R, Soleimani F, Amirsalari S. Inequality in care system responsiveness to children with developmental disability. Journal of Social Welfare, 2008; 31; 101-107, article in Persian.
Asghari S , Malekafzali H, Holakoei K, Majdzadeh R, Soleimani F, Amirsalari S. Health service utilization by mentally handicapped children and factors affecting it. Scientific Journal of School of Public Health and Institute of Public Health Research , 2007; 5(1) 29-37, article in Persian.
Vanasse A , Ricketts T.C ., Courteau J , Orzanco M.G ., Randolph R , Asghari S . Long term regional migration patterns of physicians over the course of their active practice careers. Rural Remote Health, 2007 Oct-Dec; 7(4):812.
Nedjat S, Feizzadeh A, Asghari S , Keshtkar A, Heshmat R, Majdzadeh R. Priority Setting for HIV/AIDS Research and Intervention in Iran: The application of General Impact Fraction, Payesh: Journal of The Iranian Institute for Health Sciences Research , 2006, 6(1): 45-54, article in Persian.
Holakui Naini K, Etemadi A, Asghari S . A study on noise-induced hearing loss in agriculture and industry factory-Iran. Iranian Journal of Epidemiology, 2005, 1(1):59-64), article in Persian.
Keshtkar A , Asghari S , Nedjat S, Etemadi A, Heshmat R, Holakouie K. Hearing loss in workers of Golestan Factory and its determinants. Golestan university of medical science journal , 2005 1(1): 59-64, Article in Persian.
Nedjat S, Asghari S , Holakouie K. Barriers to Measles Rubella mass campaign immunization in 2003: Vaccine injection among medical students of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Payesh: Journal of The Iranian Institute for Health Sciences Research, . 2005, article in Persian.
Other Publications
Asghari S , Godwin M, Duke P, Aubrey K, Collins K, Eaton M, Pike A. Lipid profile of Newfoundlander. Report to Newfoundland and Labrador Center for Applied Health Research, June 2012.
Sinnott Drover A, Asghari S , Shorlin S, Foley M, Oake J. Perceived Influence of Electronic Medical Records on Family Medicine Resident Learning – A Primer for Clinical Teachers. Report to Office of Instructional Development, May 2012.
Vanasse A, Orzanco M.G., Dagenais P, Ourada T, Courteau J, Asghari S , Chebana F, Martel B, Gosselin P. Climat et fractures de la hanche: Un projet de recherche en géomatique et santé des populations. Report to institut national de santé publique du Québec , May 2011.
Books and monographs
Asghari S , Gouya M.M. Keep Children Safe (a guide to prevent childhood accidents), 2000, UNICEF, 2000, 48p.
Book Chapters
Sabetrohani H, Goshati F, Asghari S . Chapter 4-5, Review of Health Education concepts, 2005. Iran University of Medical Sciences, Iran, 2006.
Zamani S, Gouya M.M., Nasehi M, Pireh Y, Ashghari S . Chapter Technical Guide to Cholera Detection and Control 2000, Center for Disease Control, Ministry Of Health, Iran, 2000, Translation.