Faculty A-Z

Dawn Armstrong
Clinical Assistant Professor of Oncology (Medical Oncology) M.D., Memorial, FRCPCOncology
Dr. H. Bliss Murphy Cancer Centre 2054, Cancer Clinic 300 Prince Philip Drive, St. John’s, NL A1B 3V6
Dr. Dawn Armstrong is a Medical Oncologist with the Cancer Care Program in St. John’s, Newfoundland and a Clinical Associate Professor within the Discipline of Oncology at the Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University of Newfoundland. She is also Assistant Program Director for the Medical Oncology Training Program at Memorial University. She received her MD from Memorial University in 2009, and completed a residency in Internal Medicine at Memorial University in 2012. She then went on to complete her Medical Oncology training at the University of Alberta in 2014.
Dr. Armstrong is involved in the treatment of patients with Gastrointestinal, Neurological, Cutaneous, and Unknown Primary Malignancies. She has been an investigator in a number of clinical trials, and has a keen interest in social inequity and health outcomes. Dr. Armstrong enjoys teaching and mentoring Medical Students and Residents.
Kim, C., Ahmed, S., Armstrong, D. E., Baig, T., Cardoso, M., Ko, Y. J., ... & Ward, J. (2019). Prognostic factors associated with long term survival in chemotherapy-treated advanced pancreatic cancer: A Canadian multicenter analysis.
McGee, S. F., AlGhareeb, W., Ahmad, C. H., Armstrong, D., Babak, S., Berry, S., ... & Colwell, B. (2018). Eastern Canadian Colorectal Cancer Consensus Conference 2017. Current Oncology, 25(4), 262.
Cheung, W. Y., Zhang, H., Tang, P. A., Spratlin, J. L., Lee-Ying, R. M., Goodwin, R. A., ... & Kim, C. (2018). A real world multicenter study of first (1L) and second (2L) line treatment patterns and outcomes in advanced pancreatic cancer (APC).
Armstrong, D., Raissouni, S., Hiller, J. P., Mercer, J., Powell, E., MacLean, A., ... & Zhou, K. (2015). Predictors of Pathologic Complete Response After Neoadjuvant Treatment for Rectal Cancer: A Multicenter Study. Clinical colorectal cancer, 14(4), 291-295.
Kim, C. A., Spratlin, J. L., Armstrong, D. E., Ghosh, S., & Mulder, K. E. (2014). Efficacy and Safety of Single Agent or Combination Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Elderly Patients With Colon Cancer: A Canadian Cancer Institute Experience. Clinical colorectal cancer, 13(3), 199-206.
Armstrong, D. E., Spratlin, J. L., Kim, C., & Mulder, K. E. (2014, May). Adjuvant chemotherapy (AC) in elderly patients with stage II colon cancer: A single institute experience. In ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings (Vol. 32, No. 15_suppl, p. e20526).
Raissouni, S., Armstrong, D. E., Price Hiller, J. A., Mercer, J., Powell, E. D., MacLean, A., ... & Zhou, K. (2014, January). Predictors of treatment interruption/dose reduction of neoadjuvant chemotherapy for rectal cancer: A multicenter study. In ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings (Vol. 32, No. 3_suppl, p. 580).
Armstrong, D. E., Ali, H., Powell, E. D., Price Hiller, J. A., Tang, P., Bebb, D. G., ... & Easaw, J. C. (2012, May). Predictors of pathologic complete response (pCR) after neoadjuvant chemoradiation (Neo CRT) for rectal cancer: A multicenter population-based study. In ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings (Vol. 30, No. 15_suppl, p. e14073).