Counselling Services

Free short-term counselling is available for registered undergraduate and postgraduate learners through the Student Wellness and Counselling Centre (SWCC), located on the Memorial University St. John’s campus, or through the Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Association’s (NLMA) Physician and Family Assistance Program

Postgraduate learners can also access counselling through the Employee Family Assistance Program provided by Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services. 

For Memorial University undergraduate learners in New Brunswick

Mental health clinics:

Port City Counselling Services (506) 654-304

Gentle Path (506) 652-728

Family Plus (506) 634-829

Laura Gatien and Associates (506) 651-1239

KV Psychology (506) 847-779

Saint John Psychology Centre (506) 632-311

Fredericton Addiction and Mental Health Services
65 Brunswick Street
(506) 453-2132