
Check out our visual guides and process maps to help you navigate our Well-Being Resources

Well-Being is:

Responsive to learners' needs
Driven by learner input
Confidential and safe

The Office of Learner Well-Being & Success (LWS) assists and supports UGME and PGME learners to focus on their well-being, engage in healthy habits, and make lifestyle and mindset changes that can help maintain or develop a sense of equanimity.  Two Learner Well-Being Consultants assist learners in their pursuit of well-being.

The focus of our well-being program is to:

  • proactively enhance learner well-being through education and facilitation of well-being initiatives, and
  • support learners facing challenges that impact their academic and personal well-being, including referral to appropriate services and utilization of Memorial University and community supports and services.

Learner Well-Being & Success provides a confidential space where learners can feel safe discussing personal matters without fear of judgment or retribution. Our written privacy policy is designed to give learners a full understanding of the scope and limitations of our commitment to confidentiality.

UGME Learners contact our Learner Well-Being Consultant: lwsconsultant@mun.ca

PGME learners contact our Learner Well-Being Specialist: lwswellbeing@mun.ca


Counselling Services

Wellness Support Line

For Distressed Learners

Academic Counselling & Accommodations

On Campus