Interest Groups

The medical school at Memorial University boasts a very active Medical Students' Society and learner representation on most committees including Faculty Council. Learners are involved in a wide range of community activities and Learner-Led Interest Groups that enhance their education and contribute to individual well-being and community engagement. Learner-Led Interest Groups sanctioned within the Faculty of Medicine are required to meet certain guidelines.

The following lists the groups and community services led by learners in our Faculty:

About Us: A MUNMED Culture & Traditions Student Interest Group

A group of dedicated learners and educators passionate about acknowledging and celebrating the medical training traditions at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Our goal is to remind our community of medical learners and practitioners that we are part of a history that defines our past, shapes who we are today and who we are likely to become. Our goal is to create a sense of comfort and belonging and enable students, faculty and alumni to connect and provide a forum to showcase role models and celebrate the things and people that really matter in our collective life and pursue avenues for creating lasting memories for our Faculty of Medicine at Memorial University, in Newfoundland and Labrador and beyond.

Contact: Dr. Alex States          Faculty sponsors: Dr. Greg Radu, Dr. Teri Stuckless

Anesthesiology Interest Group

Practical skill sessions and low fidelity simulation.

Contact: Cassandra Collins ( & Katie Stone (

Arts in Medicine Interest Group (AMIG)

The Arts in Medicine Interest Group serves to promote the role of the arts and humanities in medicine.

Contacts: Michael Lee (

Association of Women Surgeons (AWS) MUN Chapter

The Association of Women Surgeons (AWS) MUN Chapter is an interest group for aspiring women surgeons, and those in support of women in surgery. The goal of the AWS is to 

  • ENGAGE current and future women surgeons to realize their professional and personal goals,
  • EMPOWER women to succeed,
  • EXCEL in those aspirations through mentorship, education and a networking community that promotes their contributions and achievements as learners, surgeons and leaders.

Our goal as a chapter is to provide you with networking and mentorship opportunities with surgeons and surgical residents at MUN, highlight women surgeon role models, and facilitate discussion related to professional development and challenges that women surgeon’s face. Although the AWS is primarily a support group for women in surgery, we welcome all genders to join us in our talks, events and skills development sessions.

Contacts: Shruthi Bandi ( & Pauneez Sadri (

Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery Interest Group

The mandate of the Cardiac, Thoracic, and Vascular Surgery Interest Group (CTVIG) is to increase students' understanding of the training paths and career opportunities of these three surgical specialties through educational forums and networking opportunities.

Contacts: Megan Clemens ( & Hillary Furlong (

Choosing Wisely Canada @ Memorial Interest Group
Choosing Wisely N.L., a branch of Choosing Wisely Canada, is a program to help clinicians and patients engage in conversations about unnecessary tests and treatments and make smart and effective choices to ensure high quality care.

Contacts: Dana Pormento (

Collected Works

Collected Works is an initiative that aims to provide an artistic refuge for medical students and faculty at Memorial University with the ultimate goal of fostering, promoting and applauding the diverse creativity of our communities. Submissions of short stories, poems, lyrics, photographs, crafts, paintings, and many other artistic undertakings are annually coalesced into what are some of the most special coffee-table books around!
Contact:  Natasha Vatcher (
Concussion U

Concussion-U is a group dedicated to medical education, awareness, community outreach and research on the topic of concussions.

Contact: Josheil Boparai (

Dermatology Interest Group (DIG)
The Dermatology Interest Group (DIG) works to increase students' medical knowledge of dermatology through educational forums, enhancing curriculums, and partnering with local dermatologists.
Contacts: Parsa Abdi ( & Kiha Kim (

Disability Studies in Medicine
The Disability Studies in Medicine Interest Group aims to provide medical learners with opportunities to become better allies to the disability community and to learn how to approach their future medical practice through an inclusive and anti-ableist lens.
Education opportunities organized by the group include topics such as the social model of disability, disability history and culture, universal design. and more. Education sessions are to be planned in consultation with individuals with disabilities as the group abides by the common phrase in disability studies and the disability community “nothing about us without us”.
The overarching goal of the group is to equip medical learners with the knowledge and awareness to provide inclusive, anti-ableist and barrier-free care to patients in the future.
Contact: Rebecca Greene ( & Nicoli Stiller (

Emergency Medicine Interest Group
A group for medical learners who are interested in the specialty of Emergency Medicine or Family Medicine+Emergency. EMIG holds lecture series, talks and skills nights. The aim is to stimulate interest in this field, as well as provide practical knowledge and skills to medical learners that may be beneficial in the practice of field medicine.

Contacts: Emily Parsons (

Exercise is Medicine Interest Group

Exercise is Medicine at MUN is a group that aims to provide opportunities for greater exercise education within the medical school, while also reaching out into the community to promote physical activity and healthy lifestyle behaviours among the general public. Furthermore, the group seeks to raise awareness regarding the importance of exercise as a tool for the prevention, treatment and management of chronic disease, in hopes of promoting regular exercise (and lifestyle) counselling behaviours from physicians in clinical interactions with their patients.
Contact: Ryan Murray, Maddy Stevens, & Claire Neilson

Family-Low Risk Obstetrics Interest Group

A group for medical learners interested in women’s health and maternal care from a family medicine perspective.  This group will focus on the holistic care family doctors provide for mom and baby, prenatal visits, postnatal care and include weekly shadowing at the prenatal clinic.  Information will also be provided via talks on post graduate training in low risk obstetrics and other related programs across Canada.
Contact: Susan Barry (

Family Medicine Interest Group (FMIG)

Family Medicine Interest Groups (FMIGs) are run by medical learners for medical learners . Our goal is to increase exposure of Family Medicine during undergraduate medical training. We offer a variety of learner activities to help increase awareness and understanding of the opportunities, roles and responsibilities within Family Medicine. 

Contacts: Jenna Manuel (

Federation of Medical Women of Canada 

Contact: Sami Fisher (

Gender and Sexuality Advocacy Interest Group

The Gender and Sexuality Advocacy Interest Group (GSAIG) aims to educate undergraduate medical students as well as other health care staff in health issues related to gender and sexuality diversity. We do this by organizing a variety of events, talks and providing online resources to medical students. These activities provide additional information about healthcare in the LGBTQQ2SIPPA+ community that is not covered by the medical school curriculum.

Contacts: Katie Oldford ( & Pauneez Sadri (

General Internal Medicine Interest Group (GIMIG)

Our group aims to introduce medical learners to internal medicine and establish communication with faculty and other students who share similar interests. GIMIG has a faculty advisor who provides guidance and lends continuity to the group. We organize events and arrange learning opportunities related to internal medicine and subspecialties.

Contacts: Grant Wolters (

Genetics in Medicine MUN MED Interest Group

The mandate of the group is to increase interest in genetics and highlight the role genetics plays in different medical disciplines. We aim to bring guest speakers to discuss the role and importance genetics plays in their work, how the field is evolving, and provide career guidance. Learners will be able to pick topics they wish to learn about, which will be taught from research papers discussed by other learners. Topics will vary but may include: gene editing technologies, direct-to-consumer genetic testing, pharmacogenomics / pharmacogenetics and ethical issues surrounding genetics. 

Contact: George Guirguis

Geriatric Medicine Interest Group

Canada's senior population is expected to grow by 68% in the next 20 years, making the demand for care of the elderly a growing field. A geriatrics interest group is extremely important in Newfoundland and Labrador, as we have an aging population, and most future physicians will work closely with the geriatric population at some point in their careers. Therefore it is important to stimulate interest and bring awareness to medical students. The Geriatrics interest group's primary goal is to improve undergraduate medical students' awareness and understanding of working with a geriatric population. To achieve this goal, the interest group will organize events about topics related to the geriatric population. Such topics include but are not limited to interdisciplinary care, polypharmacy, frailty, living with dementia, practicing with the care of the elderly program at MUN medicine and geriatric populations in other specialties. We will also use an evidence-based approach to critically appraise literature related to geriatric medicine and geriatric populations and invite healthcare professionals, patients, caregivers, academics and community partners to share information with the learners!

Contacts: Margaret Henley; Amber Critch

Global Health Interest Group

Increase awareness and provide global health learning opportunities in order to create a socially accountable community that promotes global engagement both locally and abroad. For more information, visit the website.
Contact: Katie Ryland (

Indigenous Health Interest Group (IHIG)

The Indigenous Health Interest Group aims to educate future physicians on Indigenous well-being, whether it be traditional methods of healing, or incorporating cultural beliefs into healthy lifestyles. Our interest group advocates for cultural awareness for medical learners in order to promote culturally sensitive practice and promote equitable care for Indigenous populations.

Jadyn Normore ( Kathleen Mason (

Medical Students against Poverty

The mandate of Medical Students Against Poverty is to empower medical students to learn about the effects of poverty on health and well-being, to advocate for policy and interventions geared towards poverty reduction, and to learn what direct interventions are available to clinicians when working with patients experiencing poverty.

Contact: Katie Oldford

Medical Students for Choice Interest Group
Medical Students for Choice works to ensure that all medical learners have access to abortion education and training. We do this through the following programs:  

Contact: Megan Wiseman (

MUN MED 3D Printing and Biomedical Engineering

Promoting medical and engineering innovation with 3D printing and other biomedical technologies, and enhancing interdisciplinary collaboration and research at Memorial University.

Shruthi Bandi ( Katie Stone (

MUN Med Palliative Care Interest Group

The MUN Medicine Palliative Care Interest Group is dedicated to providing learning opportunities for students interested in the field of palliative care. There will be a series of events that offer students access to knowledge and exposure in the field.

Contacts: Dawn Murphy ( Hannah Kenny (

MUN Medical Student Coalition

This Interest Group for Political Advocacy for Change aims to create a vital platform for medical students to engage with critical issues affecting their future profession in Newfoundland and Labrador. By facilitating collaboration with local organizations, the group will enable students to actively participate in identifying and addressing healthcare system challenges. Additionally, it will promote transparency around the difficulties faced by physicians in the province, fostering a well-informed and proactive student body that is prepared to advocate for positive change in healthcare. This initiative aligns with the values of medical education by promoting professional development, civic engagement, and healthcare advocacy.

Contacts: Tiffany Furneaux and Ellen Gabriel

MUN Medicine Adventure Sports Club

This club was formed to get students in the Faculty of Medicine at Memorial University involved in the outdoor community. As a club, we value the great outdoors, adventure, community, running, biking, skiing, snowshoeing, hiking, and much more.

Contact: Cass Smith (

MUN Medicine Psychiatry Interest Group (PsyG)

The MUN Medicine Psychiatry Interest Group (PsyG) is open to all medical students interested in learning more about opportunities within the discipline of Psychiatry. Our aim is to help students gain a deeper understanding of psychiatry through a variety of events including panel discussions with practicing psychiatrists and psychiatry residents.

Contacts: Jennifer Tucker ( Hannah Wadman-Scanlan (

MUN Social Prescribing Interest Group

Piloting social prescribing in one of Newfoundland and Labradors health regions was listed as an objective in the NL Health Accord. The MUN Social Prescribing Interest Group is dedicated to raising awareness around what social prescribing is and the role it can play in supporting the social determinants of health.

Hannah Wadman-Scanlan ( Hannah Sparkes (

MUN Obstetrics and Gynecology Interest Group (MUN OB/GYN)

The Obstetrics and Gynecology Interest Group Interest Group (OGIG) allows medical students at Memorial University to share issues related to women’s health and to promote opportunities to gain experience in the field of obstetrics and gynecology.

Contant: Jessica Canning (

Neurosurgery Interest Group

The Neurosurgery Interest Group is: a student-led initiative dedicated to expanding MUNMED student's interest and understanding of Neurosurgery as a potential career. We strive to create meaningful learning opportunities for those interested in Neurosurgery and provide a hub for students to discuss these interests with like-minded individuals.

Contact: Jasim Zhang (

Oncology Interest Group

The Oncology Interest Group is comprised of a group of medical students with an interest in Oncology. Through a series of presentations and events, we hope to provide several learning opportunities in the field of Oncology for those interested.

Contacts: Hubert Ajiboye (

Opioid Awareness and Support Team (OAST) Student Interest Group

The Opioid Awareness and Support Team (OAST) was formed in 2018 by a group of medical learners out of interest in increasing awareness, education and support in response to the Opioid Crisis in Newfoundland and Labrador. Currently, OAST consists of 10 medical learners. Our team has three principle working mandates moving forward: Opioid overdose awareness at MUN; Medical Education; and Community Engagement and Social Accountability. 

Contact: Hubert Ajiboye (

Instagram: @munoast

Orthopedic Surgery Interest Group

This group was created by and for medical learners with an interest in orthopedic surgery as a specialty. Our goal is to create a welcoming space for learners to learn more about the field of orthopedics by hosting a variety of interactive events and connecting medical learners with orthopedic surgeons. We aim to achieve our mission by working collaboratively with all members of the group.

Contact: Evan Mackenzie (

Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery Interest Group

This group was created to expose learners to the many opportunities and subspecialties within the field of Otolaryngology.

Contact: Kurtis Butt ( Alison Walsh (

Planetary Health Interest Group
Welcome to the MUN Planetary Health Interest Group (PHIG). We take action to improve human health through environmental protection. Our interest group educates medical learners about the linkages between planetary health and human health. Through advocating for change in our community, we are working to develop a healthier province through prospective environmental changes. This is a group where medical learners, residents and staff physicians can work together to make the necessary changes for our community moving forward.
Goals of the PHIG:
1)      To promote environmental protection and conservation for the betterment of human health.
2)      To provide medical learners with learning experiences and opportunities that foster awareness about environmental and human health linkages.
3)      To act as a resource for students who would like to engage with the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE).
Contacts: Patrick Dove (

PM&R Interest Group

This group is for all students, whether you're looking to pursue PM&R or are curious to learn more about this fascinating field.
Physiatry focuses on preventing, diagnosing, treating, and rehabilitating individuals who are living with functional impairments due to illness, injury, or other health conditions, with emphasis on the nervous and musculoskeletal systems. This specialty's area of expertise is the functioning of the whole patient. Physiatrists are experts in leading integrated, multidisciplinary care teams that focus on holistic recovery, addressing the physical, emotional, medical, vocational, and social needs of individuals.
Our objective is to foster a community for all students interested in learning about PM&R to share knowledge and explore this specialty.

Contact: Victoria Jackman ( Melanie LaPierre (

Pediatrics Special Interest Group (PSIG)

The Pediatrics Special Interest Group (PSIG) is organized by and for medical learners interested in the field of Pediatrics.  The aim of the PSIGN is to help connect medical learners with pediatricians and pediatric residents through a variety of events.  These include interactive sessions on various pediatrics related topics and event such as ‘Pediatric Resident Night” and “Trivia night”.  The PSIG also advocates for youth in the community in the form of fundraising for local charities such as the Ronald McDonald House.
Contacts: Kayla St. Croix (

PoCUS (Point of Care Ultrasound) Interest Group

Our mandate is to educate undergraduate medical students on the various uses of PoCUS and to give pre-clerkship students opportunities to become more comfortable and confident using ultrasound machines.

Contacts: Patrick Dove (

Radiology Interest Group (RIG)

At the Radiology Interest Group, we are dedicated to enhancing radiology education and promoting a deeper understanding of the invaluable roles radiologists play in healthcare. Our mission is to ignite the spark of interest in radiology among medical learners and provide them with the tools they need to explore this exciting career path.

Contact: Dana Pormento (

Rural Medicine Interest Group

A learner group that aims to increase the presence of medical learner leaders from rural backgrounds, or who have an interest in practicing rurally.

Contact: Dana Pormento (

Sexual Health Interest Group 

We aim to contribute to public education and advocacy surrounding reproductive, sexual, and pelvic health. We organize a service-learning experience in collaboration with Planned Parenthood, where members of the group deliver presentations to public schools.

Contact: Kayla St. Croix (

Student Interest Group in Neurology (SIGN)

The purpose of SIGN is to introduce medical students to the field of neurology by bringing them together with fellow students with similar interests through discussions by neurologists, patient presentations, seminars, journal clubs, learning materials, and arranged shadowings of neurologists in the workplace.

Contact: Tim Noble ( Lyndon Boone (

Surgery Interest Group

The Surgery Interest Group provides learners with talks and skills nights related to various surgical specialties. These including talks on interesting cases, how to match to a surgical specialty and maintaining work-life balance as a surgeon. Skills nights include learning suture techniques, hand ties and the opportunity to practice skills on 3D printed models. 

Contacts: Lesley MacMillan (

Vision and Ophthalmology Interest Group

The Vision and Ophthalmology Interest Group (VOIG) addresses the gap in medical education regarding vision care from a cross-disciplinary perspective. By hosting talks, skills nights, trivia sessions and a patient perspective series, VOIG aims to improve the understanding and confidence of medical learners in managing the various ophthalmic conditions they may be confronted within their careers. We also hope to instil the seeds of curiosity in medical learners regarding ophthalmology as a speciality interest.

Contacts: Dana Pormento (

Wellness Interest Group

The Wellness Interest group will be a peer-based group that will work in consultation with the Well-Being Committee to research, support, plan, implement activities that support the well-being of the undergraduate learners. We will base our activities on 5 tenets of wellness: physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual health.

Contacts: Kaya Dooley, Pauneez Sadri,  Mary Jane Butler