Preparing your Résumé (CV)
It is recommended that you prepare a CV early during medical school, adding content as you progress through the program.
The CaRMS application process is now online but you should take the time now to start preparing a well formatted, up-to-date résumé that can be given to the people from whom you will be requesting references.
Core Content
The following information should be included in a CV, in the order given:
- Personal Information
Name, address, telephone number, email (usually as a header)
- Education
In reverse chronological order, give the dates, degree/diploma received, name and location of the institutions, going back to undergraduate college.
- Academic Honors and Awards
In reverse chronological order, list the awards you have received throughout your education, highlighting your medical awards. Make a note of the reason for the award.
- Medically relevant Work experience
In reverse chronological order, list any relevant work experience, where it was undertaken and what it involved.
- Academic Appointments
You probably haven’t received any yet but this is where you would list them if you have any experience in teaching.
- Research
In reverse chronological order, indicate the title of the research, the principal investigator, where it was conducted & what your role was.
- Publications
Include all publications in which you have been an author; but only if the publication has been published. If an article has been accepted for publication but not yet printed, use the notation “(in press)” at the start of the citation for the article. Consult with your medical librarian for correct bibliographic citation rules, and follow the same rule, consistently through your CV.
- Presentations
In reverse chronological order, include all relevant presentations you’ve made (i.e. at medical conferences, specialty association meetings, etc.). List the title of the presentation, the audience, and any details that may be useful.
- Extracurricular Activities and Community Work
- Other Interests
NOTE:The Director of MedCAREERS will be happy to provide feedback to students graduating from MUN Faculty of Medicine. Simply send your CV as a Word document to one of our Directors and they will review it for you.