What is required to be submitted to the purchasing office to place an order so there is no delay in processing the order?
An internal FoM requisition must always be completed and submitted to the finance office along with a copy of the Quotation Summary log (QSL), if applicable. The QSL outlines; when a QSL is needed, the thresholds for purchase of goods or services and any supporting documentation which must accompany the QSL in terms of any necessary quotes needed from vendors, in relation to your purchase of a good or services. These completed documents can be submitted to the finance office at medpurchasing@mun.ca
- Quotation Summary Log - Please login to my.mun.ca select “Employee” tab, then you will see the “Strategic Procurement” channel. You will see a link for the Quotation Summary Log form.
If you do not know your MUN login ID or have problems logging in, please click on the Having Problems tab on the portal login page for assistance.
- Internal Requisition form (fillable) – can be obtained by requesting one from the purchasing clerk at medpurchasing@mun.ca
Internal requisition
When an electronic Internal Requisition is used to facilitate a purchase, once the PO is set up, the purchasing clerk will send/email the PO to the company (and copy the requestor and anyone identified by the requestor, in on the email) to facilitate the purchase. Once the requestor receives their goods, the requestor should send a reply email to the purchasing clerk indicating that all the goods have been received or outlining if some of the goods have not been received. For items which have not been received and are received later, please let the purchasing clerk know when they are received. Additionally, if you receive any packaging slips or invoices with your items, please forward them along to the purchasing clerk. Please note, these items are needed for receiving purposes to initialize payment on the PO and for audit backup.
How do I make a purchase for goods under $10,000.00 (total of order prior to taxes)?
- As per the QSL, you do not have to obtain quotes or submit the QSL but you must determine that you are obtaining the goods at a fair market price compared to other vendors selling similar products.
- Once you have established you are receiving the goods at Fair Market price, you must complete and submit an internal requisition and any backup for the purchase of the product to the purchasing clerk at medpurchasing@mun.ca
- Once received, the Finance Office will check to ensure that funds are available and that the purchase is eligible and budgeted under the proposed FOAPAL. This could take 2-3 business days depending on the volume of purchasing requests received.
- Once approved, the order is placed by the purchasing clerk.
How do I make a purchase for goods $10,000 - $133,800 (total amount of order before taxes)?
- As per the QSL, you will need to obtain 3 quotes (phone, written, email or online quote) or 1 quote with justification as to why only 1 quote is available.
- Additionally, you will need to complete an internal requisition.
- When preparing this requisition, ensure that you provide the FOAPAL to which the expenditure is to be charged.
- Obtain signature of individual in your unit/division/discipline that has authority to approve this request. Usually this is a manager or chair.
- Once completed, submit the internal requisition, any backup for purchase of the product and the QSL to the purchasing clerk at medpurchasing@mun.ca
- Once received the Finance Office will check to ensure that funds are available and that the purchase is eligible and budgeted under the proposed FOAPAL. This could take 2-3 business days depending on the volume of purchasing requests received.
- Once approved the order is placed, by the purchasing clerk.
How do I make a purchase for goods Over $133,800 (total amount of order before taxes)?
• Purchases over $133,800 needs either:
1. Tender/Open call for bids
• Specifications and a Justification for Open Call for Bids need to be forwarded to purchasing clerk at medpurchasing@mun.ca in the FoM Finance Office whom will then forward these to the central procurement office of Financial and Administrative Services for posting. This form can be requested from the purchasing clerk and any questions regarding the tendering process can be directed to purchasing clerk or MUN’s Tendering Clerk – (Paula Hynes - pdhynes@mun.ca).
• The tender is then posted for approximately 18 days or shorter if requested and approved by Tendering Clerk. To request a shorter posting time, you can send an email to the purchasing clerk at medpurchasing@mun.ca
• Once the tender is posted the vendors will send in their bids and there will be an opening of these bids at a date specified by the procurement office, once the purchasing clerk receives this information they will send it out to the individual whom requested the tender. Tenders are opened 10;30 a.m., on Thursdays at the procurement office in the Ingstad building. Bids are opened virtually using Webex, the procurement office will send the individual whom requested the tender the required information to attend this virtual opening. The individual requesting the tender can attend the tender opening but this is not mandatory.
• Once the bids are opened the procurement office will email the bids and a price analysis sheet to the individual whom initiated the Open Call to evaluate the bids based on the criteria in the tender.
• Once the bids are evaluated and the successful bidder determined, the individual will need to send the following back to the purchasing clerk.
o The completed evaluation sheet with the successful bidder identified.
o Completed internal requisition; Ensure the FOAPAL is included to which the expenditure is to be charged and that the requisition is signed by an individual authorized to approve this expenditure on this FOAPAL.
o The Finance Office will obtain the necessary approvals and these will be forwarded to the procurement office.
o The procurement office will then notify the successful bidder and inform the purchasing clerk that they can issue the P.O. At this time the purchasing clerk will place the order with the successful bidder and provide the requestor with the PO #.
2. Open call for bids exception (Formally a Form B)
• If there is only one sole source supplier of the good, then we do not have to go to tender and you have to complete an open call for bids exception form. This form can be found at:
Exception Form - Please login to my.mun.ca select “Employee” tab, then you will see the “Strategic Procurement” channel. You will see a link for the Exception Form. If you do not know your MUN login ID or have problems logging in, please click on the Having Problems tab on the portal login page for assistance
• When this form is completed it should be emailed back to the purchasing clerk at medpurchasing@mun.ca. The following must also accompany this form.
o A letter from the company indicating that they are the sole source provider of this product.
o Completed internal requisitions ----Ensure the FOAPAL is included to which the expenditure is to be charged and that the requisition is signed by an individual authorized to approve this expenditure on this FOAPAL.
• Upon receipt of this information the accounts are checked to ensure funds are available and that this is an eligible expense. Upon verification the form is signed off by the COO. This process could take five business days.
The purchasing clerk then forwards all documents to the procurement office of Financial and Administrative Service for final sign off and release of the PO to the vendor. The purchasing clerk will then send out the PO to the company and notify the requestor of the PO #.
If I am purchasing a service rather than a good what do I do?
- You will follow the same processes as a good.
How do I make a purchase for a membership?
- A completed membership form and internal requisition must be completed and sent to the Purchasing Clerk at medpurchasing@mun.ca for processing. The eligibility of membership form can be found at the link below. Please note as indicated on the form: personal memberships are not eligible to be paid with Memorial funds.
- This form must be accompanied by an internal requisition – see below on how to get an Internal Requisition.
- When preparing this requisition, ensure that you provide the FOAPAL to which the expenditure is to be charged.
- Obtain signature of individual in your unit/division/discipline that has authority to approve this request.
- Ensure the membership invoice is attached.
Internal Requisition form (fillable) –can be obtained by requesting one from the purchasing clerk at medpurchasing@mun.ca
- When this information is received the Finance Office verifies that funds are available and that this purchase is an eligible expenditure. Once verified this form has to be signed off by the COO and is then sent for payment. This process could take up to five business days.
Please note, if you are putting a membership on your own research pcard, you should have this membership preapproved prior to paying for this membership. To accomplish this you can email the completed membership application form to the purchasing office at medpurchasing@mun.ca. Once the purchasing clerk gets the necessary signatures/approvals, they will send it back to the pcard holder so that the membership can be purchased.
If someone wishes to pay for a membership themselves and seek reimbursement, they still need to send the request for membership preapproval to the purchasing clerk at medpurchasing@mun.ca. Once the membership form is approved it will be sent back to the requestor and they can purchase the membership. Once you pay for the membership, you may seek reimbursement for this membership by following the steps laid out under the reimbursement for expenditures portion of this document.
How do I purchase Ink or toner cartridges?
- If you are looking for ink/toner cartridges you can reach out to Sharon Maher in HSIMS at smaher@mun.ca with the details of the printer you are looking for toner/cartridge for and she will assis in securing the proper toner/cartridge.
How do I order paper?
1. Less than 10 cases
• There is a surcharge by the supplier if less than 10 cases of paper are ordered, therefore for convenience and to avoid additional charges, the Finance Office keeps a supply of paper on hand.
If you require a couple of cases of paper you can email an internal requisition to the purchasing clerk at medpurchasing@mun.ca to make arrangements to come by the finance office to pick up your paper. Please note, the finance office doesn't deliver the paper and the unit/division/discipline will have to come to the finance office with the appropriate resources to pick up the paper.
2. More than 10 cases of paper?
• There is a standing offer for paper with Grand and Toy. You will need to fill out Grand and Toy – Bond copy paper order form found at the link below:
Grand and Toy Form
• Please login to my.mun.ca select “Employee” tab, then you will see the “Strategic Procurement” channel. Click on "current contracts" and download the Grand and Toy Form document. If you do not know your MUN login ID or have problems logging in, please click on the Having Problems tab on the portal login page for assistance.
How do I place an IT Procurement order?
• All Orders to be placed through IT procurement go through HSIMS.
How do I apply for a P-Card?
• P-Cards are currently only issued to researchers for which it has been determined that a need exists for a P-Card. If you feel that you need a P-Card, you can contact the purchasing clerk at medpurchasing@mun.ca. Your request will be reviewed and if it is determined that a P-Card is needed, an application will be sent to you. Once this applications is completed it should be returned to the purchasing clerk, whom will obtain the approval of the FoM Manager of Finance and forward it to central procurement for approval. This process could take up to five business days.
• Upon approval, the application is sent to the credit card provider whom will issue a card to the procurement office of FAS, this could take up to 10 business days. Once the card is received, the procurement office of FAS will notify the requestor, to make arrangement to pick up the card and to supply documentation on how to activate the card and how to complete online reconciliations. Your user name and password will be emailed to you.
What is the process for P-card reconciliation?
• Every month, when there are purchases on the card, a reconciliation needs to be completed. The statement closes at end of day on the 25th of the month so cardholders should not print and submit before that date. You can however complete your reconciliation during the month as you don’t have to wait until the 25th or later to complete. The website to do this is:
• There is a video in the announcement section of the site (right hand side of screen) that gives instructions on how to complete your reconciliation.
• If you have any questions regarding the reconciliation process or what back up needs to be attached you may contact the purchasing clerk at medpurchasing@mun.ca
How do I make a purchase for catering on the p-card?
• Please note that any catering/food purchases need to follow the steps outlined in the catering/food section and that as per this section, no catering/food is to be purchased without prior approval to purchase.