Seat Allocation & Competition Pools
Seat Allocation & Competition Pools
There are 85 seats available each year, excluding the PEI pool, for which 750-800+ applications are received. Up to 78 of these seats are reserved for applicants who are residents of Newfoundland and Labrador. The remaining seats are held for applicants who are residents of Nunavut or Other Canadian Provinces.
Applicants applying to the PE pool must be residents of PEI; the 20 applicants that are ultimately accepted from this pool will be completing their studies at the university of Prince Edward Island in Charlottetown. Applicants in the PE pool are not able to complete their studies at Memorial University in St. John's.
A breakdown of the approximate number of applications and places is below:
Competition |
Approximate # of Applications Received |
Approximate # of Places Available |
250-275 |
78 |
10-15 |
3 |
< 5 |
1 |
unknown |
20 |
450+ |
6 |
*Due to the intense competition within this pool, applicants should be very competitive academically and well-rounded in extra-curricular activities with sufficient work experience and excellent references to be considered for an interview. Applicants with definitive links to Newfoundland and Labrador may also be considered in this pool.
An Admissions Committee and an Interview Committee are involved in the review of applications. The Admissions Committee has representatives from the clinical faculty, biomedical sciences faculty, university and medical school administration, medical students, medical association, rural regions, the Indigenous community, and the general public while the Interview Committee is composed of staff and faculty.
All identifying information is redacted from the applicant's file before the Admissions Committee's review.
Applicants are selected for acceptance on the basis of their qualifications after an extensive review by the Admissions Committee using input from the Interview Committee. Campaigning of committee members by applicants, family members, or affiliated parties is strictly prohibited; should such behavior be experienced by a member of either Committee, they will be required to remove themselves from review of these applicants.