
Memorial employs a holistic process to review applications. The Interview Committee reviews all aspects of the application taking into consideration challenges and hardships disclosed by the applicant as well as achievements and noteworthy successes.
Selection for interview is not based solely on academic performance and MCAT score, however, all applicants must demonstrate an academic ability to handle a high workload and be successful. Equally important is a competitive CASPer score, work experience, references, and volunteering and/or community involvement.

Applicants who are not invited for interview can seek feedback on their application until the end of the cycle, typically the end of June. Once a new cycle begins, requests for feedback on old applications are not provided and prospective re-applicants have the option for a general appointment.
To request an appointment, please email

Memorial University uses an 8-station MMI and a 30-minute Competencies Assessment, which is scored by three assessors. For environmental and equity reasons, interviews are virtual and will remain so for the foreseeable future. 

The format of Interviews for the 2024-2025 cycle is not yet decided, however, it will be comparable to the above. 

Applicants invited for interview are sent clear directions on how to check their video and sound in the days prior to the interview; such checks are tracked internally and can be verified when complete. If an applicant’s video or sound does not work due to failure to complete the appropriate checks as advised, their interview cannot be scored, and will be forfeited. As a result, their application will be closed.

If the technical difficulties are beyond the control of the applicant (loss of electricity, internet provider failure, etc.) the Admissions Office will evaluate these on a case-by-case basis and work with the applicant to provide a solution.