Indigenous Applicants
There are three seats reserved for applicants of Indigenous ancestry. Priority for these seats is given to Newfoundland and Labrador residents, however, any Indigenous applicant in Canada is encouraged to apply.
Indigenous applicants will first be considered within their provincial pool and, if not accepted in that competition, will be considered within the Indigenous Admissions Program competition.
Applicants will be required to meet the admissions requirements as outlined in the Application Preparation Page of our website.
Applicants will be required to identify themselves on the application for admission, and supply the following information to be eligible to compete in this program.
- Proof of ancestry (offically issued status card from a recognized Indigenous collective);
- A recent (within 12 months of the application deadline) Letter of Support, submitted by a Leader or Elder of your Indigenous community which includes how he or she has experience with and/or knowledge of your connection to your heritage and community. This letter is confidential and must be submitted directly to the online application system by your Indigenous community or organizational affiliation leader;
- Write a short essay about your experience as an Indigenous person that discusses what your Indigenous identity means to you - how do you expect that it will influence you in your program of study?