Personal Qualities
The Admissions Committee seeks in applicants the same humanistic qualities and attitudes that our medical school considers essential in a physician: integrity, respect for others’ choices and rights, compassion, empathy, personal insight, ability to communicate effectively, interpersonal skills, maturity, and motivation.
Work experience and extracurricular activities such as volunteer work, health-related activities, community involvement, sports activities, and any other activities/information are important categories for the Committees to evaluate, however, it is appreciated that not all applicants have equal opportunities. Rather, the Committees seek consistency of both work experience and extracurricular activities with a demonstrated altruistic commitment to be involved with and contributing to their community.
An applicant who feels disadvantaged socioeconomically, geographically, or for other reasons, and has less structured and consistent employment experiences and extracurricular activities as a result, can indicate such on their application. Applicants are encouraged to record all paid work experience and extracurricular activities of an altruistic nature.
Autobiographical information provided by the applicant is also noted by the Committees and is confidential. Applicants are encouraged to be honest and forthright in talking about themselves and their life experiences to assist Committee Members in evaluating your application.