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Procedure for Addressing Anonymous Disclosures of Learner Mistreatment in the Faculty of Medicine

Approval Date: 2021-12-06

Effective Date: 2021-12-06

Responsible Unit: Learner Well-Being and Success



The accreditation standards for Canadian undergraduate and postgraduate medical training programs indicate the need for effective mechanisms to be in place for reporting Learner Mistreatment and addressing instances of Learner Mistreatment that prevent fear of retaliation. It can be difficult for Learners to bring concerns of Mistreatment forward given the power differentials that exist in medicine and fear of reprisal. Accordingly, the Faculty of Medicine (FoM) has modified the already existing Memorial's Incident Management System (MIMS) to provide Learners with a secure, confidential online tool to disclose their concerns of Learner Mistreatment in the learning and work environment with the option to remain Anonymous.


To outline how Anonymous Disclosures of Learner mistreatment submitted via the MIMS Mistreatment Disclosure Form will be addressed and monitored in the FoM, as per the Policy for the Prevention and Resolution of Learner Mistreatment in the Faculty of Medicine and the Procedure for the Resolution of Incidents of Learner Mistreatment in the Faculty of Medicine.


The FoM at Memorial University (Memorial). Only Learners in the FoM may access and complete the MIMS Mistreatment Disclosure Form. Anonymous Disclosures of Learner Mistreatment may pertain to Learners, staff, and faculty members in the FoM, as well as Regional Health Authority employees and clinic staff members.


A.0 Learner completes and submits the MIMS Mistreatment Disclosure Form

B.0 The submitted Form is accessed by the Coordinator, Learner Well-Being and Success (or delegate).

B.1. Data collected through the Form will be accessible only by those who are designated FoM MIMS administrators. No other Memorial MIMS administrators will have access to the data obtained through the Form.

B.2. Use of MIMS to collect Learner Mistreatment data is governed by the provisions outlined in the MIMS Terms of Use and the MIMS Confidentiality Statement.

C.0 All submitted Forms will be reviewed within five (5) days of the form being submitted.

D.0 Anonymous Data

D.1. The nature of the Mistreatment concern will be reviewed by the Coordinator, Learner Well-Being and Success (or delegate) and a Director, Learner Well-Being and Success.

D.2. The Administrative Head (e.g. Discipline Chair; Associate Dean; Supervisor) of the subject of the Mistreatment concern will be notified of the disclosure, in writing, by the Associate Dean, Learner Well-Being and Success.

D.2.1. There may be a time lapse, not exceeding six (6) months, in bringing the concern forward to the Administrative Head to ensure the anonymity of the Learner.

D.3. Within five (5) days of receiving the Mistreatment concern, the Administrative Head will meet with the individual who is the subject of the concern to bring the Mistreatment concern to their attention and to discuss the disclosed behaviour.

D.4. Within thirty (30) days of receiving the Mistreatment concern, the Administrative Head will send a letter to the Associate Dean, Learner Well-Being and Success, indicating that the concern has been raised and discussed with the individual.

D.5. If the concerns of Learner Mistreatment are the same or similar to other concerns that have been received about the same individual or situation, the Associate Dean, Learner Well-Being and Success, may make further inquiries into the situation described, including informing the Associate Dean, UGME/PGME.

E.0 Privacy, Record Keeping and Retention of Data

E.1. All data will be handled and protected in accordance with this Procedure and the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015.

E.2. A non-identifying account of Mistreatment concerns and outcomes will be retained for identifying professional development needs among faculty, staff and learners as well as for statistical purposes. The Dean, Faculty of Medicine, will receive a summary report at least annually.

E.3. Retention of Mistreatment concerns and reports from the data collected by the Form fall under the Campus Security Reporting Classification and Retention Schedule. 

Related Links 

Policy for the Prevention and Resolution of Learner Mistreatment in the Faculty of Medicine 

Procedure for the Resolution of Incidents of Learner Mistreatment in the Faculty of Medicine

Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Policy

University-Wide Procedures for Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Concerns and Complaints

Policies using this procedure: