University Policy


Assessment, Promotion, Dismissal and Appeal Policy

Approval Date: 2024-03-19

Effective Date: 2024-03-19

Review Date: 2027-03-19


PGME Committee


Postgraduate Training Programs use a variety of methods to assess the knowledge, skills and attitudes of Learners throughout their Required Training Experiences. Assessment ensures strengths are acknowledged and weaknesses and/or deficiencies are identified in a program to ensure the successful acquisition of knowledge, skills, and attitudes of a competent physician at their Stage of Training. This enables the program to offer Learners the support necessary to adjust their learning strategies and successfully improve them.

The content of this document expands on the relevant University Regulations for Postgraduate Medical Training Programs at Memorial University (Memorial). Where the regulations reference “Rotation” and “Resident” the definitions herein will be deemed equivalent. Where University Regulations refer to either the Resident Assessment, Promotion, Dismissal and Appeal policy- Discipline of Family Medicine; Resident Assessment, Promotion, Dismissal and Appeal policy - Competence by Design; or the Resident Assessment, Promotion, Dismissal and Appeal policy, this Policy will apply.


To articulate the principles of Assessment, Promotion and Dismissal for Postgraduate Learners in training programs at Memorial.


Any Learner currently enrolled in a Postgraduate Training Program at Memorial University (Memorial).


Academic Advisor ( Faculty Advisor in Family Medicine) — A competency coach and advocate for Postgraduate Learners that is responsible for reviewing Postgraduate Learner progress throughout the academic year and monitoring their learning plans to facilitate the attainment of Competencies.

Academic Level — Indicates a postgraduate year of training or in Competency Based Medical Education (CBME), a stage of training. Also, see definition of Out-of-Phase.

Assessment — The wide variety of methods that are used by faculty to measure and document the academic readiness, training progress, and skill acquisition by Learner, throughout the Postgraduate Training Program.

Associate Dean, Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME) — The senior faculty officer, appointed by the Dean of Medicine, who is responsible for the overall conduct and supervision of PGME in the Faculty of Medicine or delegate as appointed from time to time.

Benchmark — A standard or point of reference provided for comparison purposes in order to define a Learner’s level of competence.

CanMEDS/CanMEDS-FM — A national, needs-based, outcome-oriented, competency framework initiative endorsed by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) and the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC).

Competence by Design — The Royal College’s multi-year transformational change initiative aimed at implementing a CBME approach to Postgraduate Training and specialty practice in Canada, which focuses on outcomes that are based on a framework of competence.

Competence Committee (Assessment, Evaluation and Promotions Committee in Family Medicine) — The committee responsible for reviewing the progress of all Postgraduate Learners in its program and providing recommendations to the Residency Program Committee (RPC). 

Competencies — Knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours, which will enable Learners to practice as independent medical practitioners upon successful completion of their training program.

Competency Based Medical Education (CBME) — An outcomes-based approach to the design, implementation and evaluation of education programs and to the Assessment of learners using an organized framework of Competencies. The goal of CBME is to ensure that all Learners achieve the desired patient-centered outcomes during their training.

Day — A weekday when the University is open for the transaction of administrative business.

Dismissal — A formal academic standing wherein a Learner is required to leave their Postgraduate Training program.

Educational Objectives — Describes learning outcomes and states the expectations of Learner’s performance at the successful completion of training.

Entrustable Professional Activity (EPA) — A task in the clinical setting that can be delegated to a Postgraduate Learner who has demonstrated sufficient competence. Typically, an Entrustable Professional Activity (EPA) integrates multiple Milestones.

Field Note — A tool used to facilitate and document regular Assessment and feedback of a Postgraduate Learners’ performance and to track a Postgraduate Learner’s progress to ensure all Competencies are being assessed and met. A Field Note can be generated by either a faculty member or the Postgraduate Learner.

Longitudinal Assessment Tool — An assessment tool that provides an overview of Learner performance over time and in multiple CanMEDS/CanMEDS-FM roles and may include the perspectives and input of one or more individuals, in one or more contexts, over the course of one or more training experience(s).

Milestone — An observable marker of a Learner's ability along a developmental continuum.

Modified Learning Plan (MLP) — An individualized learning opportunity intended to guide a Postgraduate Learner towards successful attainment of Educational Objectives and/or Competencies.

Out-of Phase — A start and end date of Postgraduate Training other than the defined date of July 1 to June 30th.

Postgraduate Learner (Resident) — A trainee registered in a Postgraduate Training program at Memorial accredited by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) or the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC).

Postgraduate Training Program — A period of training in a specific program of medicine with a set of Educational Objectives prescribed by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) or the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) leading to certification by one of these bodies.

Probation — A formal academic standing that identifies a Learner as being in difficulty to the extent that their ability to continue training is, or is likely to be, significantly compromised. 

Program Director — The faculty member assigned responsibility for the overall conduct of the Postgraduate Training Program.

Promotion — A formal academic standing indicating the Learner progresses along the applicable Stage of Training, to the next Academic Level in accordance with University Regulations.

Remediation — A formal program of individualized educational support, assessment, and monitoring designed to assist a Learner in correcting identified performance weaknesses and/or deficiencies, through an extended training period.

Required Training Experience (Rotation) — A pre-identified period of time in one (1) training program with a specified timeline that has a set of Educational Objectives and/or Competencies to be successfully completed. Referenced in the University Calendar as a Rotation.

Residency Program Committee (RPC) — A committee established to assist the Program Director in the planning, organization and supervision of the Postgraduate Training Program. Residency Training Committee (RTC) in Family Medicine.

Social Media — Web-based and mobile technologies that allow people to monitor, create, share, or alter text, audio, photos, or videos with others.

Stage of Training — In each Stage of Training, there are specific Milestones that a Learner will be expected to demonstrate. The duration (e.g., weeks, months) for each Stage is determined by each Postgraduate Training program. Postgraduate Training is organized into four (4) developmental stages for Learners in CBD programs, with its own set of markers for learning and Assessment. The stages are:

• Transition to Training program

• Foundations of Training program

• Core of Training program

• Transition to Practice

Also referenced throughout this policy as an Academic Level.

Summative Assessment — Formal written summary of a Learner’s performance against established expectations which is carried out at specific intervals during training.

Supervisor — The individual responsible for documenting their observation of a Postgraduate Learner’s performance.

Suspension — A formal academic standing which indicates the temporary removal of a Learner from the clinical activities of their Postgraduate Training Program.

Triple C Competency-Based Curriculum — A Family Medicine Postgraduate Training curriculum that provides the relevant learning contexts and strategies to enable Postgraduate Learners to achieve Competencies, while acquiring evidence to determine that a Postgraduate Learner is ready to begin practice in the specialty of Family Medicine.


1.0 Academic Level Educational Objectives and/or Competencies

1.1 The Residency Program Committee (RPC) is responsible for ensuring that Educational Objectives and/or Competencies are outlined and in place for each Required Training Experience.

1.2 Academic Level Educational Objectives and/or Competencies must be made known to a Learner, by the Program Director (or delegate), at the outset of the Required Training Experience.

1.3 Required Training Experience and Academic Level Educational Objectives and/or Competencies must be made known to Supervisor(s) by the Program Director (or delegate).

1.4 The Learner is expected to regularly review their own performance and progress.

1.4.1 A Learner’s completion of Educational Objectives and/or Competencies must be documented regularly by a Supervisor.

1.4.2 Learners and Supervisors share a responsibility to ensure that the assessed performance is documented when completing a particular Educational Objective and/or Competency, procedure, Milestone, Benchmark or EPA in a timely manner or in real time whenever possible.

1.4.3 Learners must seek out and pursue applicable Educational Objectives and/or Competencies. The Program Director (or delegate) is responsible for regular Assessment of a Learner’s progress.

1.4.4 Learners may advance to the next Required Training Experience if they successfully meet the Educational Objectives and/or Competencies.

2.0 Learner Assessment

2.1. Assessment methods used in Postgraduate Training Programs are program specific and in accordance with the appropriate discipline standards.

2.2. The level of performance a Learner is expected to achieve for the Postgraduate Training Program’s Educational Objectives and/or Competencies must be outlined by the program.

2.3. The format, methods and frequency of Assessment must be made known to a Learner at the onset of the Required Training Experience by the program. Any changes to the assessment plan must be brought to the Learner’s attention in writing.

2.4. A Learner should receive regular verbal feedback on their Required Training Experience performance from their Supervisor(s) on an informal basis; this feedback may be documented by a Learner or Supervisor(s).

2.5. If a weakness in a Learner’s performance is identified during the Required Training Experience, the Supervisor(s) must bring it to the attention of the Learner promptly and this feedback must be documented.

2.6. Learner Assessment, as described in Appendix A, must:

2.6.1. be based on the Educational Objectives and/or Competencies set out for that Required Training Experience and be supported by the applicable role as set out in the CanMEDS/CanMEDS-FM framework specific to the training program; and,

2.6.2. follow the format and method determined appropriate by the Residency Program Committee for the Educational Objectives and/or Competencies of the Required Training Experience.

2.7. Where appropriate, the Required Training Experience Supervisor may solicit Learner performance feedback from other members of the healthcare team who worked with the Learner during the Required Training Experience.

2.8. A Learner is responsible for notifying their Program Director, in a timely manner, of any circumstances which could impact their individual performance.

3.0 Professional Conduct

3.1 In line with the Faculty of Medicine’s Statement of Professional Attributes Learners must adhere to high personal standards of ethical and professional behaviour characterized by respect, honesty, integrity, compassion, empathy, responsibility and duty.

3.1.1 Learners must endeavor to display professional behaviour and adhere to the understanding that physicians are accountable to those served, to society, to their profession and to themselves. The attributes of professionalism form the basis of a social contract between a physician and society. This applies to all interactions with members of the public, in person and virtually, including the appropriate use of Social Media, whether in a private or public capacity.

3.2 Lapses in professionalism are failures to meet the accepted standards of the medical profession and may result in Remediation, Probation, Suspension, Dismissal and/or a sanction imposed by the university.

3.3 A lapse in professionalism may be addressed by the Learner’s university, Learner’s employer and/or the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Newfoundland and Labrador as per the process outlined in the Medical Act, 2011.

4.0 Incomplete Required Training Experiences

4.1 A Required Training Experience is considered incomplete if a Learner completes less than two-thirds of the expected time commitment for that Required Training Experience. For clarity, a learner cannot miss more than one-third of a Required Training Experience due to any combination of leaves (e.g., illness, conference, vacation, etc.).

4.2 The nature of the experience and the time requirement necessary to complete the Required Training Experience will be determined by the Program Director and Competence Committee, in consultation with the PGME office.

4.3 Notwithstanding 4.2, if the Learner is required to repeat the Required Training Experience in full, this may result in an extension of training as determined by the PGME office.

5.0 Return to Training

5.1 If a Learner is returning to their program after being on leave for an extended period, the Competence Committee is responsible for making a recommendation to the RPC regarding where the Learner will resume their training within the applicable Stage of Training and the conditions under which assessment may be necessary. Normally, extended leave would be any leave, with the exception of parental leave, that is greater than (12) twelve weeks.

5.2 A Learner who has been identified as requiring a Modified Learning Plan or Remediation prior to taking extended leave, will have a return plan developed by the Program Director and Competence Committee in consultation with the PGME office.

6.0 Learner Progress Review

6.1 During a Required Training Experience all Learners should receive informal performance feedback completed by their Supervisor at regular intervals. This will be determined by the program at the beginning of each required training experience with a minimum of at least every (12) twelve weeks for Longitudinal Required Training Experiences.

6.1.1 Where appropriate, the Supervisor may solicit Learner performance feedback from other members of the healthcare team who worked with the Learner during the Required Training Experiences.

6.2 Where weaknesses and/or deficiencies are identified these must be documented and brought forward to the Learner and the Program Director in a timely manner.

6.3 At the end of a Required Training Experience Summative Assessments must be conducted by the Supervisor (or delegate), preferably in person, and documented in a timely manner.

6.3.1 The Learner must be asked to provide their signature or electronic confirmation on the Summative Assessment to confirm that it has been received. This confirmation does not signify that the Learner agrees with the Summative Assessment. Failure of the Learner to sign the form does not invalidate the Summative Assessment.

6.3.2 The Learner has fourteen (14) days to consider the Summative Assessment and to provide their comments regarding this Summative Assessment.

6.4 At least twice during each Academic Level, the Academic Advisor (or Program Director) must meet, in person or virtually, with each Learner in the Postgraduate Training Program to review the Learner’s progress.

6.5 The Competence Committee:

(i.) Reviews all relevant documentation regarding the Learner’s performance;

(ii.)Decides whether the Learner met the necessary required training experience Milestones, Benchmarks, EPAs, Educational Objectives and/or Competencies;

(iii.) Makes a decision regarding a Learner’s performance during a clinical experience and will make recommendations for promotion, additional training, remediation or probation as required;

(iv.) Documents their review of the Learner’s performance and communicates this to the Learner, with recommendations for progress through the Stages of Training or recommendations for a modification of their training. Modifications include but are not limited to a Modified Learning Plan, Remediation or Probation; and

(v.) Reports to RPC on a regular basis.

6.6 In consultation with the Competence Committee, the RPC will make a final decision regarding a Learner’s progress.

6.6.1 The Learner must acknowledge receipt of the progress review; and

6.6.2 A Learner will only receive credit for the successful completion of a Required Training Experience.

6.7 If there is information that would impact the decision of the RPC it is the responsibility of the Learner to provide this information, in writing, to the RPC by means of their Academic Advisor or Program Director.

6.8 The Program Director (or delegate) must inform the Associate Dean, PGME, in writing, of any Learner who is in academic or non-academic difficulty.

7.0 Promotion

7.1 A Learner may be promoted to the next Academic Level if they have:

(i.) met the necessary Educational Objectives Competencies and/or EPA’s as applicable for all Required Training Experiences in the current Academic Level;

(ii.) completed the components of the Teaching Effectiveness Program, as applicable; and

(iii.) met additional criteria for Promotion as stipulated by their Postgraduate Training Program.

7.2 A Learner may not be promoted, if determined by the RPC, that they are not qualified for advancement to the next Academic Level.

7.3 All decisions by the RPC regarding a denied Promotion must be discussed with the Associate Dean, PGME.

7.4 A Learner who does not meet the criteria for Promotion will require appropriate modifications to their training.

8.0 Modified Learning Plan

8.1 A Learner may be required to complete a Modified Learning Plan when:

(i.) weaknesses and/or deficiencies in their performance have been identified that can be remedied by way of a Modified Learning Plan, on the recommendation of the Competence Committee; and/or

(ii.) concerns exist about their professional conduct that can be addressed during a regularly scheduled Required Training Experience.

8.2 Modified Learning Plans are designed by the RPC in conjunction with the Learner and Competence Committee as appropriate, and where necessary, in consultation with the PGME office.

8.2.1 After commencement of the Modified Learning Plan, changes may be made by the RPC in conjunction with the Competence Committee and the Learner, as appropriate. All changes will be documented .

8.3 The terms and conditions of a Modified Learning Plan shall be summarized in writing, and describe:

(i.) The learning experiences to be provided;

(ii.) The Competencies to be achieved;

(iii.) Timeframe for elements of the Modified Learning Plan including completion;

(iv.) The Assessment processes to be followed;

(v.) Consequences for failing to progress in the Modified Learning Plan; and

(vi.) The individual(s) responsible for determining success.

8.4 A Learner must acknowledge the terms and conditions of the Modified Learning Plan, in writing, and must meet the Educational Objectives and/or Competencies of a Modified Learning Plan.

8.5 Failure to participate in or progress with the Modified Learning Plan will result in Remediation.

8.6 Insufficient progress will result in the extension of the Modified Learning Plan and/or Remediation.

9.0 Remediation

9.1. A Learner will be required to complete a remedial program, as decided by RPC in consultation with the PGME Associate Dean, when:

(i.) A Learner fails to adequately meet the necessary Educational Objectives and/or Competencies of a given Required Training Experience;

(ii.) A Learner is failing to progress or demonstrates insufficient progress in their training despite the completion of a Modified Learning Plan(s);

(iii.) A Learner’s performance in several areas, or in one critical area, is below expectations and requires training beyond that which can be provided within a Modified Learning Plan;

(iv.) Significant concerns (as described in Appendix B) about the professional conduct of a Learner have been raised in areas that are deemed remediable.

9.2 The terms and conditions of a remedial program are developed by the Program Director in conjunction with the RPC, Competence Committee and the PGME office, and must be outlined in a written agreement. The terms and conditions shall describe:

(i.) The learning experiences to be provided;

(ii.) The Competencies to be achieved;

(iii.) The time requirement necessary to complete the remedial program.

a. Normally, the completion of a remedial program will result in an extension of training, unless otherwise decided at the discretion of the PGME Associate Dean (or delegate).

b. An extension of training will result in the Learner completing their training, Out-of-Phase, by an amount equivalent to that of the extension.

c. Additional time cannot be considered for a waiver of training as per the Waiver or Training policy.

(iv.) The timeframe for elements of the remedial program, including completion;

(v.) The Assessment program to be followed;

(vi.) Consequences for failing to progress in the remedial program;

(vii.) The individual(s) responsible for supervision of the remedial program.

a. Unless otherwise determined by the Program, a Learner should not complete a remedial program with the same Supervisor from the unsuccessful Required Training Experience.

b. A remedial program should normally be completed within a Memorial University Learning site.

9.3 The Learner must sign the written agreement to begin the remedial program.

9.4 Failure to participate in the remedial program will result in Suspension.

9.5 A Learner must meet all the necessary Educational Objectives and/or Competencies of the remedial program.

9.5.1 In the event of Remediation due to 9.1i, a Learner will repeat the unsuccessful Required Training Experience or complete a remedial program, in a similar specialty or subspecialty as the unsuccessful Required Training Experience.

9.6 Insufficient progress will result in the extension of the remedial program and/or Suspension.

9.7 A Learner’s performance must be assessed, at a minimum at or near the mid-point, and at the end of a remedial program.

9.7.1 The PGME office or the Postgraduate Training Program may request more frequent Assessments.

9.8 The Program Director, Competence Committee and RPC, in consultation with PGME Office, are responsible for:

9.8.1 Making the final decision of whether a Learner met the terms and conditions of a remedial program;

9.8.2 Determining if the Learner can continue in their Postgraduate Training Program; or if they require additional/extended Remediation or Probation.

9.9 Except in special circumstances as recommended by the Program Director and approved by the Associate Dean, PGME, no academic credit will be separately granted for the successful completion of a remedial program.

9.10 A Learner who meets the necessary Educational Objectives and/or Competencies of the remedial program may continue in their regular Postgraduate Training Program, Out-of-Phase, as resources and training opportunities dictate.

9.11 Leave will not be granted during Remediation, except in extenuating circumstances at the discretion of the PGME Office in consultation with the Program Director.

10.0 Probation

10.1 A Learner will be placed on Probation if they fail to meet:

a. the necessary Required Training Experience Educational Objectives and/or Competencies for two (2) separate Required Training Experiences within an Academic Level; or

b. the terms and conditions of a remedial program.

10.2 The completion of a Probationary period will result in an extension of training.

10.3 The terms and conditions of the Probationary period are developed by the Program Director in conjunction with the RPC, Competence Committee and the PGME office and must be outlined in writing. The terms and conditions shall describe:

(i.) The learning experiences to be provided;

(ii.) The Competencies to be achieved;

(iii.) Time frame for elements of the Probation, including completion;

(iv.) The Assessment processes to be followed;

(v.) Consequences for failing to progress in the Probationary period, having regard for the status of the Learner at the time of the Probation; and

(vi.) The individual(s) responsible for supervision of the remedial program.

10.4 The Learner must sign and comply with the written probationary plan to commence the Probationary period. At the end of the Probationary period, the RPC, in conjunction with the Competence Committee, are responsible for deciding if the Learner requires an extension to the probationary period, meets requirements and can continue in the Postgraduate Training Program or will be dismissed.

10.5 All decisions of the Postgraduate Training Program regarding Probation must be approved by the Associate Dean, PGME.

10.6 Successful completion of a Probationary period requires satisfactory Assessments on all aspects of the Probationary plan.

10.7 A Learner will not receive credit for successfully completing a Probationary period but will resume their Postgraduate Training program, Out-of-Phase, as resources and training opportunities allow.

10.8 Leave will not be granted during Probation, except in extenuating circumstances at the discretion of the PGME Office in consultation with the Program Director.

10.9 A Learner will be placed on Probation only once during their Postgraduate Training. A second probation decision will result in dismissal.

11.0 Suspension

11.1 A Learner may be suspended as an interim measure while a decision is being made on a course of action in the following circumstances:

11.1.1 There is reasonable concern of serious weaknesses and/or deficiencies (clinical or professional) in a Learner’s performance or other circumstances that may arise, such that their continued presence in their Postgraduate Training Program could pose a threat to:

a. Patients, colleagues, students, staff, and/or the Learner themselves;

b. Memorial University; and/or

c. Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services.

11.1.2 A Learner refuses to agree to a remedial program, or Probationary contract.

11.2 When a Learner is suspended, the following principles apply:

(i.) The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Newfoundland and Labrador (CPSNL) will be notified;

(ii.) NL Health Services will be notified, and will decide if payment and benefits will be suspended;

(iii.) The Registrar’s Office will be notified;

(iv.) A Learner cannot engage in any academic or clinical activities within the Faculty of Medicine; and

(v.) No academic credit can be acquired towards their Postgraduate Training Program.

11.3 The decision to suspend will be made by the Associate Dean, PGME.

11.4 Learners approved to return to their training are subject to an assessment to determine the Academic level to which the Learner will return, and any other conditions, as determined by the RPC, in consultation with the Associate Dean, PGME.

12.0 Dismissal

12.1 A Learner may be dismissed from their Postgraduate Training Program if they:

(i.) Fail to meet the terms and conditions of their Probationary plan;

(ii.) Are recommended for Probation for a second time during their Postgraduate Training Program; and/or

(iii.) Are deemed unfit for the practice of medicine, as determined by the PGME office; this can include but is not limited to concerns surrounding expected ethical and professional behaviour such as those found in Appendix B.

(iv.) Funding has been terminated for non-ministry funded positions.

(v.) Fail to sign a Return of Service Agreement, where the acceptance to the Postgraduate Training Program is conditional on signing a Return of Service Agreement with the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador.

12.2 Credit for completion of training to date, prior to suspension, within the current Academic Level may be granted at the discretion of the RPC.

12.3 The Associate Dean, PGME in consultation with the RPC reserves the right to dismiss a Learner from the Postgraduate Training Program at any time, with just cause. All Dismissal decisions must be approved by the Dean of Medicine.

12.4 The Associate Dean, PGME notifies the Learner of the Dismissal decision.

12.5 When a Learner is dismissed, the following will apply:

(i.) Educational licensure with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Newfoundland and Labrador (CPSNL) is terminated;

(ii.) Payment and benefits through NL Health Services is terminated; and,

(iii.) Registration in their Postgraduate Training Program at Memorial is terminated by the Registrar’s Office.

13.0 Appeals

13.1 The only grounds for appeal that will be considered are extenuating circumstances outside of the Learner’s control and procedural errors, including that:

(i.) Faculty of Medicine regulations and procedures were not followed;

(ii.) Relevant evidence was not taken into consideration when the decision was made; or

(iii.) The decision could not be supported by the evidence which was considered when it was made.

13.2 A Learner may appeal the following:

(i.) A Required Training Experience Summative Assessment indicating that the Learner did not meet the necessary Required Training Experience requirements;

(ii.) A decision by the RPC denying the Learner Promotion to the next Academic Level;

(iii.) A decision by the Program Director and RPC that the Learner did not meet the terms and conditions of a Remedial Program or Probation;

(iv.) A decision by the RPC to Dismiss the Learner from their Postgraduate Training Program.

13.3. Notwithstanding 13.2, Learners cannot appeal:

(i.) The decision that a Modified Learning Plan is required;

(ii.) The decision that remediation is required; and/or

(iii.) The decision that probation is required.

13.4 It is the responsibility of the Learner to make an appeal, as per the PGME Assessment, Promotion and Appeal Procedure.

13.5 As per the University Regulations:

13.5.1 The principles of natural justice shall be applied to the Appeals processes and decisions;

13.5.2 The academic, financial, or other consequences of an Appeal process rests with the Learner.

13.6 While an appeal is pending related to a remedial program or probation, the RPC will consult with PGME and will determine if the Learner will be suspended or whether alternative arrangements are required.

13.6.1 Whether credit will be granted for training experiences undertaken during this period is at the discretion of the RPC.

13.7 Where circumstances warrant, timelines in the appeal procedure may be extended at the discretion of the PGME Associate Dean.

14.0 Records, Reports and Retention

14.1 All information related to Postgraduate Learner assessment, promotion, dismissal or the appeal process will be handled in accordance with the University’s Information Management Policy, Privacy Policy, the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015, related University policies, and other applicable legislation.

Related Documents

Assessment Appeals Procedure

College of Physicians and Surgeons (CPSNL)

Conflict of Interest Policy

Information Management Policy  

Leave Management Policy (PGME)

Prevention and Resolution of Medical Learner Mistreatment in the Faculty of Medicine Policy

Privacy Policy

Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Policy

Appropriate Use of Social Media Guidelines

Statement of Professional Attributes for the Faculty of Medicine

Student Code of Conduct


For inquiries related to this policy:

For previous versions of this policy or additional information please contact or 


Postgraduate Medical Education Committee


Postgraduate Medical Education

Previous Versions:

There is at least one previous version of this policy. Contact the Policy Office to view earlier version(s)

Approval Date: 2019-07-11
Effective Date: 2019-07-11