University Policy


Undergraduate Medical Education Deferred Examination/Assessment Policy

Approval Date: 2021-08-24

Effective Date: 2021-08-24

Review Date: 2024-08-23


Undergraduate Medical Education Committee



The Faculty of Medicine provides learners with a range of educational experiences including lectures, clinical skills training, and assessments of learning and performance. It is the responsibility of learners to attend and to participate in all these scheduled curriculum activities to maximize their learning experience and to ensure that their performance can be adequately assessed. Learners unable to attend mandatory activities due to sickness or other valid reason are required to notify the Undergraduate Medical Education (UGME) office and the Phase Lead. 

Learners are responsible for the completion of all assessments and examinations. Learners may request permission to sit a deferred assessment. No request to complete the exam or assessment prior to the scheduled date for the class at large will be considered. The granting of deferred assessments will be at the discretion of the Phase Lead.


To outline a process for the deferral of examinations and assessments by undergraduate learners in the Faculty of Medicine.


Learners in the Undergraduate Medical Education program in the Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University. 


Deferred Examinations or Assessments — Examinations or assessments that have been rescheduled to a later date than originally scheduled for valid reasons.

Learner — Individual registered in the Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) program at Memorial University (Memorial).


1.0 General Provisions 

1.1 Deferred Examinations or Assessments will be considered (and supporting documentation may be required) for the following reasons: 

1.1.1 Family Death; 

1.1.2 Incapacitating Illness on the part of the learner; or, 

1.1.3 Representation of the university/medical school at a recognized function. 

1.2 In the event of exceptional and unforeseen circumstances, the Phase Lead may grant a deferral for reasons other than those listed above. These exceptions will however be considered on an individual basis. In these circumstances, the Phase Lead may refer the matter for discussion by the Phase Management Team at a regularly scheduled monthly meeting. 

1.3 Learners who avail of examination deferrals are strongly encouraged to speak with the Office of Learner Well-Being and Success to ensure that adequate supports are in place for the learner to succeed in the MD program. 

2.0 Timeframe for requesting deferral 

2.1 Where possible, the learner must make their request for a deferred examination or assessment prior to the originally scheduled date. Exceptions will only be made in the event of an emergency situation; in these instances, the request to defer the examination or assessment must be made as soon as possible and no later than two days after the original date of the examination or assessment.

3.0 Scheduling of Deferred Examinations or Assessments 

3.1 Learners will be notified of the examination/assessment deferral date as determined by the Phase Lead in consultation with UGME staff.

3.2 In the event that the examination or assessment is not completed at the end of the Phase, an interim grade of INC will be assigned. This grade will be replaced by the final grade that must be received by the Registrar within the time period allowable as specified by the Registrar.

Related Documents

Examination/Assessment Deferral Request Form


For inquiries related to this policy:

For further information regarding this policy, please contact the Policy Analyst at or the Policy Coordinator at


Undergraduate Medical Education Committee


Undergraduate Medical Education

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