Bailey, Robert, MMath (Hons.) (Leeds), PhD (London); associate professor, Mathematics
Interim Dean
AS 3025 | 709-637-7166 | robert.bailey@mun.ca
Destanee Hynes; decanal assistant
AS 3024 | 709-637-6215 | dsjhynes@mun.ca
Burton-Matthews, Jodeen; secretary
AS 3024 | 709-639-6549 | 709-637-4098 | jlburton@mun.ca
Undergraduate Programs
Polak, Anna, BASc (Waterloo), MASc (Waterloo), PEng; lecturer, Engineering One Coordinator
AS 317 | 709.637.6494 | apolak@mun.ca
Boyle, Sean, BSc (Brock), PhD (Laurentian); assistant professor, Environmental Science (Biology)
AS 215 | 709.637.2883 | spboyle@mun.ca
Cuss, Chad, PhD (Trent); assistant professor, Environmental Science (Chemistry)
AS 251 | 709.639.2500 | ccuss@mun.ca
Doody, Karen, BSc Hons (Dalhousie), PhD (McGill); assistant professor, Environmental Science (Chemistry)
AS 3010 | 709.637.7310 | u06kmd@mun.ca
Fraser, Erin, BSc (Toronto), MSc, PhD (Western Ontario); associate professor, Environmental Science (Biology)
Program Chair, General Science
AS 241 | 709.639.2554 | erinf@mun.ca
Galagedara, Lakshman, BSc (Hons.) (University of Peradeniya), MAgri (Obihiro), PhD (Guelph); professor, Environmental Science, Boreal Ecosystems and Agricultural Sciences (BEAS)
AS 3020 | 709.639.2545 | lgalagedara@mun.ca
Krishnapillai, Mano, BSc (University of Peradeniya), MPhil Agriculture (Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture), PhD (Manitoba); associate professor, Environmental Science (Earth Science)
AS 3018 | 709.637.6272 | n62mk@mun.ca
Liu, Chen, PhD (Florida); associate professor, Environmental Science (Chemistry)
AS 236 | 709.639.2550 | cl1466@mun.ca
Manful, Charles, PhD (Marquette); assistant professor, Environmental Science (Chemistry)
AS 255 | 709.639.2555 | cfmanful@mun.ca
Mitchell, Jeremy, BScH (Queen’s), MSc (Western), PhD (Simon Fraser); assistant professor, Environmental Science (Biology)
AS 215 | 709.639.6579 | jsmitchell@mun.ca
Ouellet-Dallaire, Camille, BSc (Lanval), MSc, PhD (McGill); assistant professor, Environmental Science, Environment & Sustainability
FC 2026 | 709.639.7598 | couelletdall@mun.ca
Shetranjiwalla-Merchant, Shegufa, Integrated MSc-PhD (Trent); assistant professor, Environmental Science (Chemistry)
AS 3016 | 709.639.2502 | sshetranjiwa@mun.ca
Sircom, Julie, BSc (Acadia), MSc, PhD (Dalhousie); associate professor, Environmental Science (Biology)
Program Chair, Environmental Science
AS 3015 | 709.639.6515 | jsircom@mun.ca
Smeaton, Christina, BSc (Memorial-Grenfell), MSc, PhD (Windsor), Post doctoral research (Waterloo); assistant professor, Environmental Science (Chemistry)
AS 226-C | 709.637.2549 | csmeaton@mun.ca
Sveshnikov, Dmitry, MSc (Moscow), PhD (Kiel); associate professor, Environmental Science (Biology)
AS 213 | 709.639.6528 | dsveshnikov@mun.ca
Unc, Adrian, BSc (Timisoara), MSc, PhD (Guelph), Postdoc (Ottawa); professor, Environmental Science, Boreal Ecosystems and Agricultural Sciences
FC 2020 | 709.637.7153 | aunc@mun.ca
Wallace, Cory, BSc (British Colombia), PhD (Wilfrid Laurier); assistant professor, Environmental Science
Boreal Ecosystems and Agricultural Sciences (BEAS)
AS 222 | 709.637.3014 | cwallace@mun.ca
Boateng, Kwabena, PhD (Alberta); assistant professor, Environment & Sustainability (Economics)
AS 393 | 709.637.6214 | kbboateng@mun.ca
Cheema, Mumtaz, BSc (Hons.), MSc, PhD (University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan), Postdoc (Iowa State); professor and interim AVP Research & Graduate Studies, Boreal Ecosystems and Agricultural Sciences, Environment & Sustainability
AS 244 | 709.639.6533 | macheema@mun.ca
Decker, Stephen, BA, MA (Memorial), PhD (British Columbia, Okanagan); associate professor, Environment & Sustainability
FC 2022 | 709.639.6578 | sdecker@mun.ca
Haghiri, Morteza, BSc, MSc (Tehran/Iran), PhD (Saskatchewan); professor, Environment & Sustainability (Economics)
AS 394 | 709.637.2190 | mhaghiri@mun.ca
Ouellet-Dallaire, Camille, BSc (Lanval), MSc, PhD (McGill); assistant professor, Environmental Science,
Program Chair, Environment & Sustainability
FC 2026 | 709.639.7598 | couelletdall@mun.ca
Scott, Robert, BSc (Western), MSc (Guelph), PhD (Clark); associate professor, Environment & Sustainability
Director, Bonne Bay Aquarium & Research Station
Graduate Officer, Applied Geomatics
AS 2023 | 709.639.2732 | robert.scott@mun.ca
Wittmer, Josie – BA (Carleton), MA, PhD (Guelph); Assistant Professor, Environment and Sustainability (Human Geography)
AS 387 | 709.639.6536 | jwittmer@mun.ca
Wu, Jianghua, BSc (Nanjing), MSc (Nanjing), GIS Graduate Certificate (Southern California), PhD (McGill); professor, Environment & Sustainability
AS 2022 | 709.639.2735 | jianghuaw@mun.ca
Faculty and staff who deliver the General Science program are drawn from across the School of Science and the Environment.
Fraser, Erin, BSc (Toronto), MSc, PhD (Western Ontario); associate professor, Environmental Science (Biology)
Program Chair, General Science
AS 241 | 709.639.2554 | erinf@mun.ca
Bailey, Robert, MMath (Hons.) (Leeds), PhD (London); associate professor, Mathematics
Interim Dean
AS 3025 | 709.637.7166 | robert.bailey@mun.ca
Gallant, Robert, PhD (Waterloo); associate professor,
Program Chair, Mathematics
AS 3028 | 709.639.2564 | h79rpg@mun.ca
Howell, Jared, BSc, MSc (Memorial), PhD (Victoria); associate professor, Mathematics
AS 3013 | 709.637.6284 | b99jajh@mun.ca
Izadi, Mohammadali, BSc (Yazd), MSc (Shahre Kord), PhD (Regina); teaching assistant professor, Mathematics
AS 314 | 709.639.2385 | mizadi@mun.ca
Lam, Nguyen, PhD (Wayne State); assistant professor, Mathematics
AS 226-B | 709.637.2176 | nlam@mun.ca
Milley, Rebecca, PhD (Dalhousie); associate professor,
AS 3011 | 709.639.2596 | f12rgk@mun.ca
Vasilyev, Yevgeniy, BS, MS (Novosibirsk State), PhD (Notre Dame); associate professor, Mathematics
AS 3016 | 709.637.7165 | yv2487@mun.ca
Vasilyeva, Olga, PhD (Ottawa); associate professor, Mathematics
AS 3014 | 709.639.2597 | ovasilyeva@mun.ca
Please see Mathematics and Physics for faculty listings.
Aleksejevs, Aleksandrs, BSc, MSc (Latvia), PhD (Manitoba); professor, Physics
AS 3027 | 709.639.2701 | aa6118@mun.ca
Barkanova, Svetlana, BSc, MSc (Latvia), PhD (Manitoba); professor, Physics
AS 3021 | 709.639.6554 | sbarkanova@mun.ca
Rouleau, Pierre, BSc (UQAM), PhD (Alberta); associate professor
Program Chair, Physics
FC 2023 | 709.637.6294 | r6pr@mun.ca
Graduate Programs
Foley, Paul, BA (Hons.) (First Class) (Memorial), MA (Dalhousie University), PhD (York University); associate professor, Environmental Policy Institute
Graduate Officer, Master of Arts in Environmental Policy
FC 2018 | 709.639.2771 | pfoley@mun.ca
Klinke, Andreas, MA (University of Stuttgart), PhD (Darmstadt University of Technology); professor
Director, Environmental Policy Institute
FC 2016 | 709.639.4307 | aklinke@mun.ca
Richards, Garrett, BSc, BA, MES (Saskatchewan), PhD (Victoria); associate professor, Environmental Policy Institute
FC 2024 | 709.639.6534 | alanr@mun.ca
Vodden, Kelly; professor, Environmental Policy Institute
Graduate Officer, Transdisciplinary Sustainability
FC 2025 | 709.639.2703 | kvodden@mun.ca
Core Faculty
Cheema, Mumtaz, BSc (Hons.), MSc, PhD (University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan), Postdoc (Iowa State University, Ames, US); professor, Environmental Science
Interim AVP Research & Graduate Studies Boreal Ecosystems and Agricultural Sciences (BEAS)
AS 244 | 709.639.6533 | macheema@mun.ca
Galagedara, Lakshman, BSc (Hons.) (Peradeniya), MAgri (Obihiro), PhD (Guelph); professor, Environmental Science
Boreal Ecosystems and Agricultural Sciences (BEAS)
AS 3020 | 709.639.2545 | lgalagedara@mun.ca
Unc, Adrian, BSc (Timisoara), MSc, PhD (Guelph), Postdoc (Ottawa); professor, Environmental Science
Boreal Ecosystems and Agricultural Sciences (BEAS)
FC 2020 | 709.637.7153 | aunc@mun.ca
Wallace, Cory, BSc (British Colombia), PhD (Wilfrid Laurier); assistant professor, Environmental Science
Boreal Ecosystems and Agricultural Sciences (BEAS)
AS 222 | 709.637.3014 | cwallace@mun.ca
Affiliated Faculty
Cuss, Chad, PhD (Trent); assistant professor, Environmental Science (Chemistry)
AS 251 | 709.639.2500 | ccuss@mun.ca
Fraser, Erin, BSc (Toronto), MSc, PhD (Western Ontario); associate professor, Environmental Science (Biology)
AS 241 | 709.639.2554 | erinf@mun.ca
Krishnapillai, Mano, BSc (Peradeniya), MPhil Agriculture (Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture), PhD (Manitoba); associate professor, Environmental Science (Earth Science)
AS 3018 | 709.637.6272 | n62mk@mun.ca
Ouellet-Dallaire, Camille, BSc (Lanval), MSc, PhD (McGill); assistant professor, Environmental Science, Environment & Sustainability
FC 2026 | 709.639.7598 | couelletdall@mun.ca
Scott, Robert, BSc (Western), MSc (Guelph), PhD (Clark); associate professor, Environment & Sustainability
Director, Bonne Bay Aquarium & Research Station
AS 2023 | 709.639.2732 | robert.scott@mun.ca
Shetranjiwalla-Merchant, Shegufa, Integrated MSc-PhD (Trent); assistant professor, Environmental Science (Chemistry)
AS 3016 | 709.639.2502 | sshetranjiwa@mun.ca
Sircom, Julie, BSc (Acadia), MSc (Dalhousie), PhD (Dalhousie); associate professor, Environmental Science (Biology)
AS 3015 | 709.639.6515 | jsircom@mun.ca
Smeaton, Christina, BSc (Memorial-Grenfell), MSc, PhD (Windsor), Postdoc (Waterloo); assistant professor, Environmental Science (Chemistry)
AS 226-C | 709.637.2549 | csmeaton@mun.ca
Sveshnikov, Dmitry, MSc (Moscow), PhD (Kiel); associate professor, Environmental Science (Biology)
AS 213 | 709.639.6528 | dsveshnikov@mun.ca
Wu, Jianghua, BSc (Nanjing), MSc (Nanjing), GIS Graduate Certificate (Southern California), PhD (McGill); professor, Environment & Sustainability
AS 2022 | 709.639.2735 | jianghuaw@mun.ca
Scott, Robert, BSc (Western), MSc (Guelph), PhD (Clark); associate professor, Environment & Sustainability
Director, Bonne Bay Aquarium & Research Station
Graduate Officer, Applied Geomatics
AS 2023 | 709.639.2732 | robert.scott@mun.ca
Vodden, Kelly; professor, Environmental Policy Institute
Graduate Officer, Transdisciplinary Sustainability
AS 388 | 709.639.2703 | kvodden@mun.ca
TRSU Affiliate Faculty
Affiliates at the School of Science and the Environment
Boateng, Kwabena Bediako
Cheema, Mumtaz Akhtar
Decker, Stephen E
Foley, Paul
Galagedara, Lakshman
Gallant, Robert
Haghiri, Morteza
Krishnapillai, Mano
Ouellet-Dallaire, Camille
Richards, Garrett
Sabau, Gabriela
Shetranjiwalla-Merchant, Shegufa
Vasilyeva, Olga
Vodden, Kelly
Affiliates at Other Schools of Grenfell Campus
Atkinson, Maggie
Beardsworth, Adam
Butler, Kelly Anne
Curtis, Gerard
Ganz, Shoshannah
Hengeveld, Robert
Hennessey, J Todd
Hurley, Erica
Jekanowski, Rachel
Newell, William
Okech, Roselyne
Ride, Peter
Shahidullah, A.K.M.
Wilson, D'Arcy
Affiliates at Other MUN Campuses
Carlos Bazan
Hawboldt, Kelly Anne
McGrath, Sean
Per Course Instructors
Andrews, Evan – Environmental Policy
Butt, Cheryl – Laboratory Instructor, Environmental Science (Biology)
AS 224 | 709.639.4310 | e37cjb@mun.ca
Davis, Tyson – Laboratory Instructor, Mathematics
AS 318 | 709.639.6523 | z26tcd@mun.ca
Dos Santos, Helen – Mathematics
Hayden, Victor – Laboratory Instructor, Physics
AS 316 | 709.639.4311 | g19vh@mun.ca
Rayner-Canham, Geoff – Professor Emeritus and Honorary Research Professor, Environmental Science (Chemistry)
Seifi Jegarkandi, Bahman – Physics
AS 311 | 709.639.4113 | bseifijegark@mun.ca
Skinner, Randy – Laboratory Instructor, Environment & Sustainability (Geography)
AS 308 | 709.639.2390 | s77rgs@mun.ca
Strangemore, Jennifer – Laboratory Instructor, Mathematics & Statistics
AS 313 | 709-637-6296 | jennifer.strangemore@mun.ca
Wheeler, Deborah – Environmental Science (Chemistry)
White, Judy – Environment and Sustainability
Ball, Sandra
Instructional Assistant, Environmental Science (Biology)
AS 219 | 709.639.2544 | slr586@mun.ca
Boland, Tom
Instructional Assistant, Environmental Science (Biology)
AS 223 | 709.639.2594 | tboland@mun.ca
Brown, Emily
Laboratory Instructor, Environmental Science (Biology)
AS 221 | 709.639.2505 | e4em@mun.ca
Butt, Cheryl
Laboratory Instructor, Environmental Science (Biology)
AS 224 | 709.639.4310 | e37cjb@mun.ca
Caines, Allysia
Science Laboratory Supervisor
AS 309 | 709.639.4312 | d36acp@mun.ca
Caines, Scott
Science Technician, Environmental Science (Biology)
AS 226-A | 709.639.2523 | p37scc@mun.ca
On Leave for the Winter 2025 Semester
Davis, Tyson Charles
Laboratory Instructor, Mathematics
AS 318 | 709.639.6523 | z26tcd@mun.ca
Day, Steven
Laboratory Instructor, Physics
AS 312 | 709.639.2397 | n27srd@mun.ca
Furey, Timothy
Science Technician, Environmental Science (Chemistry)
AS 248 | 709.639.4330| w54tjf@mun.ca
Furlong, Brandon
Laboratory Instructor, Environmental Science (Chemistry)
AS 240 | 709.639.6478 | bjf657@mun.ca
Hayden, Victor
Laboratory Instructor, Physics
AS 316 | 709.639.4311 | g19vh@mun.ca
Parsons, Bobbie-Ann
Instructional Assistant, Environmental Science (Chemistry)
AS 252 | 709.639.2595 | b6bal@mun.ca
Pear, Jane
Instructional Assistant, Environmental Science (Chemistry)
AS 250 | 709.639.4114 | g16jdb@mun.ca
Pennell, Kaitlyn
Science Technician, Environmental Science (Biology)
AS 226-A | 709.639.2523 | kbpennell@mun.ca
Perry, Andrew
Instructional Assistant, Environmental Science (Biology)
AS 209 | 709.637.2186 | aperry@mun.ca
Pridham, Diane
Environmental Policy and School of Science and the Environment Administrative Assistant
FC 2017A | 709.639.2591 | dpridham@mun.ca
Ravencroft, Ophelia
Research Assistant, Future Ocean and Coastal Infrastructures - Ocean Frontier Institute
Rodrigues, Silvana
Laboratory Instructor, Environmental Science (Chemistry)
AS 246 | 709.639.6488 | srp112@mun.ca
Rolls, Wyn
Laboratory Instructor, Environmental Science (Chemistry)
AS 247 | 709.639.2387 | k7war@mun.ca
Skinner, Randy
Laboratory Instructor, Environment & Sustainability
AS 308 | 709.639.2390 | s77rgs@mun.ca
Strangemore, Jennifer
Laboratory Instructor, Mathematics & Statistics
AS 313 | 709-637-6296 | jennifer.strangemore@mun.ca
Sveshnikova, Natalia
Research Lab Coordinator, Boreal Ecosystems Research Initiative
FC 1014 | 709.639.4899 | nsveshnikova@mun.ca
Thompson-Graham, Sheridan
Knowledge Mobilization Coordinator, Future Ocean and Coastal Infrastructures - Ocean Frontier Institute
Walsh, Dara
Laboratory Instructor, Environmental Science (Biology)
AS 218 | 709.637.2194 | p33dlw@mun.ca
Young, Jodi
Science Technician, Environmental Science (Biology)
AS 226-A | 709.639.2523 | joyoung@mun.ca
Yuan, Tao
Research Lab Coordinator, Boreal Ecosystems Research Initiative
FC 1014 | 709.639.4896 | tyuan@mun.ca
Professor Emeritus and Honorary Research Professors
Gunther, Georg
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics
Kachanoski, Gary
Honorary Research Professor, Boreal Ecosystems and Agricultural Sciences
Rayner-Canham, Geoff
Professor Emeritus and Honorary Research Professor, Environmental Science (Chemistry)
Sabau, Gabriela
Honorary Research Professor, Environment and Sustainability (Economics)
Warkentin, Ian,
Professor Emeritus, Environmental Science
Adjunct Professors
Abbey, Lord
Boreal Ecosystems and Agricultural Sciences
Andrews, Evan
Environmental Policy Institute
Arsenault, Andre
Bowden, Joseph
General Science
Brehaut, Lucas
Davydychev, Andrei
Eddy, Brian
English, Marcia
Boreal Ecosystems and Agricultural Sciences
Hall, Heather
Environmental Policy Institute
Hudson, Amy
Environmental Policy Institute
Katanda, Yeukai
Boreal Ecosystems and Agricultural Sciences
Lowery, Brennan
Environmental Policy Institute
Moise, Eric
General Science
Nadeem, Muhammad
Boreal Ecosystems and Agricultural Sciences
Ngatched, Telex
Paul, Siddhartho
Boreal Ecosystems and Agricultural Sciences
Perez, Mary
Environmental Policy Institute
Pham, Nicole
General Science
Rathmann, Joachim
Transdisciplinary Sustainability
Van Lier, Olivier
General Science
Van Zyll De Jong, Michael
Environmental Policy Institute
Whitaker, Darroch
Environmental Science
White, Judy
General Science