Important IT updates
What’s new for September 2024
Students: email is discontinued; email is now your primary email. Please send any messages you want shared with the Grenfell community to for distribution.
Please use the @Memorial wifi, rather than the guest wifi, for laptops and cell phones on campus.
The following printers have been identified for dedicated student use only:
- GRN-02-XR-AS3031 – 3rd Floor Airport Lounge, Arts & Science Extension
- GRN-03-XR-LibraryLC208 – Library
- GRN-01-XR-AS364 – Hallway outside of Multilanguage lab, 3rd Floor Arts & Science Building
- GRN-04-XR-Nursing3rdFloorAlcove – 3rd Floor Monaghan Hall, Western Regional School of Nursing
- GRN-05-XR-NursingLibraryLab – Western Regional School of Nursing
Printing from lab computers
All student-accessible printers are installed on all lab computers. When printing from a lab computer, select the printer in the list that’s closest to the computer.
Color Printing
Students will need to submit any color printing requests to
- Attach the document to be printed
- Include print specifications - number of copies, paper size, and paper type (normal, card stock)
- Please allow 24-48 hours for the print jobs to be completed.
Data Storage
Data storage is now available using your Google drive (Google workspace). If you need something from the old P-Drive, please contact the ITS Helpdesk immediately. MS Office: Students can download MS Office for free from
Ferriss Hodgett Library
Most library services are functional.
Contact information for faculty and staff
The easiest way to find the contact information for a specific faculty or staff member is through the directory.
Campus Emergency Notification
To ensure you receive campus emergency notifications, please download MUNSafe as that will be the main notification tool in the event of an emergency.
Booking systems
Many services relied on my.grenfell for booking appointments. Departments have found alternative programs and systems to book appointments. Please see below for booking instructions:
- Appointments with Counselling and Psychological Services and Health Services can be made by calling 709 637 7919 or emailing your name and phone number to:
- Academic advising
- Career services: Email Thomas Young
Faculty/Staff: What’s new for September 2024
Classrooms and Labs
- Office products are installed on the local workstations, and can be accessed when you log in. No additional authentication is needed.
- To access your OneDrive, open a browser, go to and click Sign In. Provide your MUN credentials and, once logged in, click My Files. Bring your phone to the classroom as you may be prompted for 2-Factor authentication with the authenticator app. If you do not have the authenticator app, please contact the Grenfell IT service desk. email is discontinued; email is now your primary email. Please send any messages you want shared with the Grenfell community to for distribution.
Classrooms are ready for use. Please log in with your @mun credentials.
Please use the @Memorial wifi, rather than the guest wifi, for laptops and cell phones on campus. The log-in is the same username and password as your workstation.
Printing on campus
Faculty/staff printing
All other printers not listed for student printing (above) have been deemed dedicated for faculty and staff use. To add a printer to your profile, please follow the steps below.
Adding a printer
To add a printer to your computer profile (if a printer has not already been), please perform the following steps:
- Open File Explorer on your taskbar (the file folder icon), and in the address bar, type \\memprntsrv02
- Press Enter, and a window will appear that contains each printer. Grenfell Campus printers are prefaced with GRN.
- The location of each printer is defined at the end of each printer name. Double-click the printer that is applicable to you, and the installation will complete.
Contact information for faculty and staff
The easiest way to find the contact information for a specific faculty or staff member is through the directory.
Meeting rooms
Meeting rooms are bookable through your admin person. AS 2034 and AS 2036 still use a sign-up sheet located outside the boardrooms.
An interim solution for voicemail for critical campus numbers is being developed until a broader solution can be explored.
Campus Emergency Notification
To ensure you receive campus emergency notifications, please download MUNSafe as that will be the main notification tool in the event of an emergency.
P-Drive retrieval
It’s critical that any information that’s stored on the old P-Drive be retrieved. There is a risk that the back-up on the temporary network is not secure, and the network needs to be disabled as soon as possible. ITS is also working to get Teams and Sharepoint data, so reach out if you need that data.
The IT Oversight group has set October 31, 2024, as the deadline to retrieve all data. This includes P-drive, shared drives, Teams, and Sharepoint data. If you haven’t yet retrieved your data, contact ITS immediately.