Julie Pitcher Giles, BA, MBA (Memorial University), PhD (University of Leicester)

Assistant Professor, Program Chair, Business Administration

Email: jpitchergiles@mun.ca

Phone: 709.639.2571

Office: AS 2012

Research interests & expertise

My core research interests relate to strategy and socially responsible engagement of businesses, particularly among small businesses, and often in the context of rural communities. While large organizations and businesses frequently dedicate significant resources to strategic and socially responsible action, small business operators often express feelings that they lack the resources, competence and confidence to formally act with strategic and socially responsible intent. Most interesting to me is that many small businesses are often so deeply embedded and engaged in their communities, that every action they take is both strategic and responsible, but from a unique perspective that may not be driven by "the bottom line". Exploring the nature, benefits, and costs of this type of business engagement is of great interest to me.

Case writing is another scholarly activity that I have a particular interest in, as it provides opportunities to engage directly with both businesses and colleagues to examine practical and pressing business challenges, and to explore potential solutions that are grounded in contemporary research. My case research often targets small local businesses and their strategy-related challenges.

Reflecting on university teaching and learning, and curriculum development, specifically as they relate to the online learning environment, are further areas of research curiosity that bridge my teaching and research interests.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any research interests in common and would like to discuss a research collaboration.


Sample scholarly contributions



I have a love of teaching and learning, both in-person and online, at undergraduate and graduate levels, and I care greatly for my students and enjoy challenging and being challenged as we consider how we may apply what we explore inside the classroom in our own personal and professional lives.

I typically teach in the areas of organizational theory, strategic planning, implementation and management, and social responsibility; occasionally I step outside these areas into organizational behaviour and leadership.

Currently, I am examining how best to incorporate the strengths of in-person and of virtual learning environments to support more engaging experiences in both contexts. I also have a keen interest in curriculum development, from building and revising standalone courses to reviewing and exploring new undergraduate and graduate-level university programming.


Student supervision

I often supervise undergraduate students through the Memorial University Undergraduate Career Experience (MUCEP) program, and have also enjoyed graduate student supervision with students in both the Master of Arts in Environmental Policy (MAEP) and Master of Applied Literary Arts (MALA) programs who are investigating research questions that cross into my field of interest in strategy, small business community engagement, and business social responsibility.